Sponge????????? Chamois??????????
Sponge on gritty floor
Just get a wash mitt and drying towel and don't put them on the floor, you might as well use a handful of stone to wash the car going from this photo.
And what's wrong with a chamois? That's pretty standard for washing a car.
Not in this thread it isn't, although the previous response was somewhat harsh.
Both a sponge and chamois have nowhere for the dirt to go, so essentially you end up dragging any dirt particles (no matter how small) over the paint, causing swirl marks.
Both wash mitts and drying towels have deep pile, which in theory allows the dirt to be (re)moved without being dragged.
Don't be so quick to judge. I sprayed the jetwasher over the sponge each time before it touched the car. And what's wrong with a chamois? That's pretty standard for drying a car.
Not in this thread it isn't, although the previous response was somewhat harsh.
Both a sponge and chamois have nowhere for the dirt to go, so essentially you end up dragging any dirt particles (no matter how small) over the paint, causing swirl marks.
Both wash mitts and drying towels have deep pile, which in theory allows the dirt to be (re)moved without being dragged.
Pressure Wash
Sponge / mitt + shampoo
Pressure Wash
Right, so I did all that except the sponge/mitt + shampoo. Well actually, I did use the sponge in places to try and get rid of hardened bird droppings with little success and the jetwasher at very close range did a better job, albeit at the risk of the paint.
But yeah, I pretty much missed step 3. What's TFR?
Trafic film remover, some people use it instead of snow foam.