*** The Car Cleaning Thread ***

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this will be a stupid question but why is it so bad for it to rain when you've washed your car... i see people say damn i washed my car today and now its gonna rain. is it that rain water is dirty or something? cos its not like it leaves dirty streaks is it? unless i've not been watching closely enough..
this will be a stupid question but why is it so bad for it to rain when you've washed your car... i see people say damn i washed my car today and now its gonna rain. is it that rain water is dirty or something? cos its not like it leaves dirty streaks is it? unless i've not been watching closely enough..

It means the second you go out all your hard work is undone and your car gets covered in wet muddy crud.

It's nice to be able to admire your handywork for a few days.
[TW]Fox;14711598 said:
It means the second you go out all your hard work is undone and your car gets covered in wet muddy crud.

It's nice to be able to admire your handywork for a few days.

oh ok, thought as much... it's a shame it rains every other bleedin' day in this country then :(
A quick clean was needed this evening:




Running out of tyre dressing = wheel fail

Damn sun for showing me swirly paint, i think damn good polish is on the cards for the weekend
this will be a stupid question but why is it so bad for it to rain when you've washed your car... i see people say damn i washed my car today and now its gonna rain. is it that rain water is dirty or something? cos its not like it leaves dirty streaks is it? unless i've not been watching closely enough..

Well yes rain usually is full of dirt. Try running a black car for a bit and you'll see. That's before you even get to the baked on water spots that nothing short of a machine polish will remove. Yeah, I hate rain on the car.
Well today saw another challenge and it was a fair one , The car looked like it had been cleaned with a brillo pad by the previous owner as they all do , So the new owner got in contact and we went from there .

Only 1 before picture and its not great im affraid

Products used where , In order

Snowfoamed with ph netuarl snowfoam

Washed with Megs hyperwash

Clayed with orange clay

Washed with Megs hyperwash

All over with Megs 80 on rotary on cutting pad

All over with Megs 83 on rotary on cutting pad

Sealed with Britemax all weather sealent

Waxed with Dodo juice Blue velvet hard wax


Smartwax tyre shine

And I give you the results




The owner works next door to the resturant in the last picture and is rated as one of the best fish returants in the area and I had the pleaure of being treated to lunch and dinner there

Lunch was a lobster/fish soup where I was asked in the morning if the lobster was ok and I tried to run away and said ok :lol: and dinner was a squid and chicken curry I think :dunno: But that was nice aswell :lol:
Gave the Rover a T-cut and polish last week - seems the "Mexico brown" colour suffers from water marks really badly (common issue on the forum) so seemed worth taking it back and giving it some good protection. Actually the right colour now, previously being a rather unattractive faded brown. Did the tires, rubber, wheels and glass too. Didn't polish the brightwork (stainless, not chrome!) as it didn't really need it.

Big car, felt like it took ages.....only weighs 1400kg though. Not too shabby!




Interior no longer full of dead bugs either. Nice!


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Detailed the Boxster yesterday (took about 7 hours in total)

* Took each wheel off, washed , dried, polished with Autoglym Super Resin and waxed with Collinite wax. Dressed tyres afterwards
* Scrubbed each wheel arch till you could eat your dinner off them (well, maybe not quite that clean, but they're pretty good)
* Clay barred the windows
* Renovo'd the roof
* Washed the whole car, dried it, clay barred it, washed again, dried again.
* Machine polished the car with my Porter Cable and SSR 2.5 to ensure that the whole car was swirl free
* 2 coats of Autoglym Super Resin polish all round
* Sealed it all up with a coat of Collinite all round.
* Polished the windows with Autoglym glass cleaner
* Hoovered and cleaned the interior.

Today, dropped the roof, put shades on and went into town to meet the gf for lunch.

Came back to car and some idiot has managed to put 2 stone chips in the door. How on earth they've managed it I can't figure out, I was parked miles away from anything.

Some people are just so careless, grrrrr.....:mad:

Time to phone Ding Master
Struggling to find the motivation to do my car at the mo. Everytime I do, I find some new fine scratch or chip which makes me cry myself to sleep.

As for interiors, I just use a wet towel / cloth to get a nice matte finish. Never, ever use any products on the dash as they pretty much all contain silicone which will react badly with UV rays over time.

i never realised SRP had fillers in it

that makes sense.

I find this somewhat distrurbing. By its very name and nature you should know it is all filler.

I'll give you a hint. Super RESIN Polish

Did you see which bit gave it away?? ;)
Got a bit of spare time today thought I ought to clean the car after plenty of Motorways just in time to mess it all up again for next Sat.

Problem is I don't have a hosepipe here. Is chucking a bucket of water over it going to properly rinse it or should I drive to a jetwash to rinse the car? :p I'd prefer the lazy option..
I used to just use buckets before we even had a hose. Just because you have a bucket doesn't mean you can't "spill" it out over the car in sections
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