What will likely happen in the near future is that any country that isn't developed will fall into decline or at best stay at the same level as they are unable to meet energy demands. Only the developed countries that have the means to dominate the resource market thru economic or military means will be able to move ahead. For example countries like Brazil, India, and China, may be moving ahead rapidly for the moment, but in the not to distant future they will likely fall behind. Sure China may seem imposing with their vast military, but they have very little ability to project force beyond their borders.
As countries decline, populations will shrink, and energy needs shrink with it. As long as we don't totally destroy ourselves the developed nations will continue to prosper, as the less developed get left behind. Fair it is not, but when push comes to shove the West will win out.
In keeping with the theme of this thread to me Solar/Wind/Tidal are nice but they are just niches. Unless radical methods are suddenly developed these energy sources will just remain on the fringe. Fossil fuels and Nuclear are the only viable alternatives. Perhaps one day when the dream of cheap, boundless, energy comes true in the form of Fusion or even something startrekky like Matter/Anti-matter becomes available then the balance will shift back to fairness for all. Until then thou the developed will continue forward, and the less developed will fall to the wayside.