* The Comic Book and Graphic Novel thread *

8 Mar 2011
So comic books, relevant today? I certainly think so. I've always been a huge fan of the medium and as mentioned elsewhere ive recently got more into it thanks to DC and their New 52 relaunch.

I'm currently reading:

Batman (AMAZING)
JLA Dark
Swamp Thing (AMAZING)
Animal Man (AMAZING)
Aquaman (AMAZING considering)
The Flash
Suicide Squad
Green Lantern (AMAZING)
As well as a few interesting one offs, Spaceman by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso.

I'm currently also reading Grant Morrison's Supergods book about superheros, their origins and what they say about us. It's a great morning train read. If you've any interest in superheros or comic books, or writing, you should pick it up.

I love how comic books and graphic novels, the best ones anyway, seem to come alive to the reader and you can really feel connected to the creators and the subject matters and charaters in a way that even the best novels struggle to match. My all time favorite books / series are: Preacher (ennis), Transmetropolitan (ellis) and Watchmen (moore).

How bout you fellow forum goers? You frequent your local comic book emporium? Do you like the medium or not and if not what gets you down on it? :D
As much as I love comics, i'm starting to think i may cancel all my current subscriptions, I just don't seem to ever get round to reading them, currently get the boys, invincible, the walking dead, chew, infinite and haunt, i'm sure there's others as well but can't remember off the top of my head.
Good idea to have a general thread. I don't read comics as such (don't mind digital but I just don't like reading physical comics, don't ask me why I own so many...) I usually wait for hardcovers if possible or TPBs if not, just a nicer way to read them.

I'm currently reading:

Morning Glory - BRILLIANT
Locke & key
Fables (I'm getting the deluxe hardcovers)
American Vampires
Then the Buffy and Angel runs

Got Absolute Sandman 5 for Christmas which has neatly finished my collection (until they find enough content for 6!)

Also working my way through the Hellboy library editions, Ex Machina, Walking Dead, Northlanders and a few other bits and pieces!!
I've read a load of Batman GN's, R.I.P was awful but will try to get into all these again.

I've bought and need to read From Hell (Alan Moore), Neonomicon, the Courtyard and Superman Last Son.

Oh and I bought a horror manga called Uzumaki Part 1, which I've read and really enjoyed.
Defining Story Arcs for me e.g. from my experience, these are some of the books I will recommend time and time again to people:

"E is for Exinction" (Grant Morrisson/Frank Quitely) - New X-Men
"Hush" (Jim Lee/Jeph Loeb) - Batman
"Rebirth" (Geoff Johns/Ethan Van Sciver) - Green Lantern
"Welcome Back Frank" (Garth Ennis/Steve Dillon) - Punisher (also issues 1 to 60 of the follow-on series written by Ennis)

There are many many more, but this is just an initial selection.
Currently reading:

Various Marvel titles
Forgotten Realms (read them as a kid and managed to track down reprints)
I've been reading a lot of Will Eisner's stuff recently. Excellent and without a doubt my favouite graphic author - A Contract with God is beautiful :)
I've got all of the Walking Dead and Marvel Zombies comics, starting to see a theme here, would love to see a Marvel Zombies film though
Reading too much to list out right, but i'll go through the best;

Animal Man - 52 Reboot by Jeph Lemire, brilliant, try Sweet Tooth another Lemire original under Vertigo

Batman - 52 reboot by Scott Snyder, very intriguing story about the Court of the Owls.

Batman & Robin - Tomasi & Gleason, best DC comic currently running, pick it up from the reboot, or go back and read the ark they written/drew beforehand.

Crossed - ridiculous brutality set in motion by Garth Ennis.

Daredevil - Mark Waid, never been big into Daredevil, but find the reboot surprisingly great.

Fantastic Four/FF - Hickman, amazing writer (Modern day Alan Moore), nuff said.

Irredeemable - What if Superman snapped and decided to go rampaging across the world, for me plays out like Dragonball Z, power levels going up and up and up each issue as somebody pounds on somebody else, for them to look defeated, but to raise themselves above. a good read.

PunisherMAX - Jason Aaron and Dillon continue on what Garth Ennis started when he was teamed up with Dillon for Punisher. Fleshing out the story, and defining the character for the foreseeable future

The Bionic Man - Kevin Smith written comic, good fun, intriguing.

The Activity - if you like covert CIA type stories and teams, this'll be right up your alley, two issues in, really enjoyed both.

The Boys - Garth Ennis' twist on the super hero world, amazing, must read.

The Flash - never read much of the flash before, it was so heavily entwined in it's past stories, with Zoom and the rogues, I felt a little lost when it came to iterations and generations. reboot, jumped on, beautiful art and great writing.

The Strange Talent of Luther Strode - Hands down, best original concept comic in production right now. Writing is fascinating, the artist is even better, stunning artwork.

The Walking Dead - everybody knows this one...

The Ultimates - Hickman again, artwork is quite special

Ultimate Spider-Man - really enjoying being at the ground floor of a new ark with a change in identity.

Uncanny X-Force - best Marvel title, and contender for the best written comic going. Just finished Dark Angel Saga which along with the build up of the previous arks, is pretty much THE best mainstream comic i've read. 19 issues of perfect art, perfect writing, that is redefining how a Super-team should be written, if you're not reading this, your comic store isn't suggesting the right titles.

Not sure if anybody will read this, or take in the advice, but if you do, I hope you enjoy these title as much as I do, Suggesting it to random people on the internet is the best I can do, as I have no hope of getting my friends in RL to pick up a comic unless it's about UFC, Cars or Football :P
I have got the first one of Activity but haven't read it yet. I've also had by eye on The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, is there a collection out yet?

Another one that might be worth looking into is Whisper, it's by half of the team that did Girls which is pretty damn good.
I have got the first one of Activity but haven't read it yet. I've also had by eye on The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, is there a collection out yet?

Another one that might be worth looking into is Whisper, it's by half of the team that did Girls which is pretty damn good.

No collection of 'Strode' yet. Issue 4 was in my collection this week. But you want to read it, especially if you like the Lunar Bros writing. Similar thing, ordinary people, in a weird/extraordinary event.

Read Whispers an hour ago, intriguing, typical Joshua Lunar, didn't know he could draw as well. Did you read The Sword?
No I haven't read The Sword it's on my list. Unfortunately the list seems to be growing faster than I can read stuff!!

Ha, The Sword was even better than Girls, I haven't read their first one, Ultra, yet though, as I like to spread, what I know is the good stuff, out :P

I found myself like that last year, I cut down, took out a lot of rubbish, but I'll admit, recently it's starting to grow again, there's some seriously talented writers putting work out currently.
Not sure how to word this so bare with me...

How often do you guys read the same comic/chapter? I find it hard to take in everything on my first read through, obviously a big part of reading comics/graphic novels is the art work so I find I need to give most issues at least 2 read throughs otherwise when it comes to the next one I've totally forgotten what happened previously and even then I dont feel I've given the art work enough attention :/

The above is why I've created a bit of a backlog for myself with the new52's just so I can do 2 or 3 in one go so the story is fresh in my mind when I move onto the next issue
It depends on the book, 100 Bullets in particular I found I had to reread it quite a bit, it was very easy to get confused between the characters.
I definitely find that re-reading a few weeks or months down the line adds a fresh perspective or things I've missed. I find it bit like listening to a piece of music multiple times I guess, and hearing all the different 'voices' come through.
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I have read Aliens Omnibus volume 1 which i thought was very good had some awesome art in it too. I have to read X-23 The Killing Dream, Kick Ass, Aliens - More Than Human.

Uncanny X-Force - best Marvel title, and contender for the best written comic going. Just finished Dark Angel Saga which along with the build up of the previous arks, is pretty much THE best mainstream comic i've read. 19 issues of perfect art, perfect writing, that is redefining how a Super-team should be written, if you're not reading this, your comic store isn't suggesting the right titles.

This...agree 100%...a true adult mutant title!
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