* The Comic Book and Graphic Novel thread *

Not sure how to word this so bare with me...

How often do you guys read the same comic/chapter? I find it hard to take in everything on my first read through, obviously a big part of reading comics/graphic novels is the art work so I find I need to give most issues at least 2 read throughs otherwise when it comes to the next one I've totally forgotten what happened previously and even then I dont feel I've given the art work enough attention :/

The above is why I've created a bit of a backlog for myself with the new52's just so I can do 2 or 3 in one go so the story is fresh in my mind when I move onto the next issue

Something's i like to recap the previous issue, like Fables, and other's like PunisherMAX i don't feel a need to as it's pretty fresh in my mind, and the writing isn't as dense. It all depends on the title.

Art work side, you have 1 end of the spectrum in X-force and Strange Talent of Luther Strode where the artist really puts a flow in to the art where it more plays out like a well choreographed scene, others like Dillon who's minimalistic (In regards to most artists) style is offset by his ability to capture facial expression's so well and add a somewhat 'comical' twist on brutality.

This...agree 100%...a true adult mutant title!

Ha, glad at least 1 person here is reading it, Remender is doing god-level writing, he already has up to issue 29 scripted and apparently 2 years worth of story in his head. Each time the artist has changed as well I've sat and been like'but i enjoyed the last guy so much' yet, Remender is even picking the best in the business of drawing. Massively impressive title, I'd love to get into detail, but that would spoil it for others who should be rushing to buy this title :)
I finished reading Scott Snyder's pre-new 52 Detective Comics batman run HC 'The Black Mirror' last night.

Wow. I highly urge you to check it out.

You don't need to know the background arc to Dick Grayson 'being' Batman (or rather, that's all you need to know on the matter, and possibly a tiny bit of background on his (Dick's) origin story coming into the book).

It's a brilliant read set in a couple of pretty distinct parts that do somewhat come together by the end of it. If you like Batman tales as taught crime novels then this is definitely for you.

Hardly any of the rouges gallery of batvillains make an appearance but that helps it really, the one that does is handled superbly by Snyder as we see him react to the new 'batman'.

What really makes the book for me though is the art. Particularly the work of David Baron (colorist) is just beyond criticism. The way he casts shadows in eerie red shades really helps set a tone of menace and malice that just wouldn't exist otherwise - the way the colors seem inverted at times also casts the shadow of the metaphorical black mirror across every page.

Francavilla and Jock also shine in sharp lines. The way they draw Dick is so good it makes me sad that DC have chosen to seemingly drop his characterisation back a decade for the New 52.

Snyder's work on Batman and Swamp Thing in the New 52 is exceptional as well. I'm very tempted to go looking for more of his work.
I stopped reading comics around 2003 when the local comic book store shut down and went over to trades instead. Last few years I got back into them again and i the last year gone digital with Comixology as I just don't have the space for any more long boxes.

Currently on the pull/reading list for monthlies/weeklies are:

2000AD Prog
2000AD Megazine
Strip Magazine
Action Comics (New 52)
All Star Western (New 52)
Animal Man (New 52)
Aquaman (New 52)
Avenging Spiderman
Batgirl (New 52)
Batman (New 52)
Batman and Robin (New 52)
Batman: The Dark Knight (New 52)
Batwoman (New 52) (Huge fan of Rob Williams III work)
Carnage USA
Catwoman (New 52)
Detective Comics (New 52)
Fantastic Four
Fatale (Ed Brubaker creator owned work)
Flash (New 52)
Green Lantern (New 52) (Waiting on last trade from last run Green Lantern War: Aftermath)
Green Lantern Corps (New 52)
Grifter (New 52)
Incredible Hulk (New run Vol 3 I think it is)
Red Hulk (Was known as just Hulk)
Justice League (New 52)
Kirby Genesis
Nightwing (New 52)
Red Lanterns (New 52)
The Savage Hawkman (New 52)
Space Man (Brian Azzarello creator owned work)
Suicide Squad (New 52)
Supergirl (New 52)
Superman (New 52)
Swamp Thing (New 52)
Ultimate Spiderman
Ultimate X-Men
Wonder Woman (New 52)


Amazing Spiderman
Invincible Iron-Man
The Walking Dead
The Traveller
Soldier Zero
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (if and when they produce more)


Black Lagoon
20th Century Boys
One Piece

I think thats all I read on a monthly/regular/when ever they are released schedule. A lot of the monthly comics I read them a month or two behind to take advantage of the Comixology drop in price by $1 an issue on DC. I will be dropping quite a few within the next issue once the first arc makes it clear as to where they are heading etc.

I think the Manga, 2000AD's, Strip Magazine and the trades are the only physical books I buy comic based.

Other than that, only other regular books I pick up are a few small press titles such as Trenchfoot, Suger Glider, ZarJaz etc.

Don't think I could begin to list half the titles on the book shelves. Slowly running out of space on them. Need to store or sell some of the older titles I don't read or haven't read in years.
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Just seen IGN award Snyder's pre new52 Detective Comics arc has won their comic of the year award, anyone know if this has been released as a graphic novel yet?

Not sure I like the sound of the story though, Dick Grayson being Batman :/
Just seen IGN award Snyder's pre new52 Detective Comics arc has won their comic of the year award, anyone know if this has been released as a graphic novel yet?

Not sure I like the sound of the story though, Dick Grayson being Batman :/

The majority of the new 52 trades are due around March from memory, a few of them in the last week of Feb. All getting hard cover releases apart from Batgirl from memory for some reason so I gather sales aren't to good for Batgirl.

The one with Dick Grayson as Batman, is the last arc I think from the "old" Detective Comics. New 52 Batman is back to Bruce. Won't spoil anything else as the first arc is decent.
Y the last man was absolutely brilliant, most emotional I've ever felt at a comic.

Absolutely the same, was gripped more than i thought, really brilliant read that i coudnt put down. I really think i could be an amazing showtime/hbo/fx tv mini/series.


Then the Buffy and Angel runs
..what's the quality like with these?

Caught some buffy re-runs on sy-fy and remembered the ending and how the comics continue the story afaik, but i dont want to ruin some brilliant work by the Buffy/Angel tv crew with sub-par writing from the comic books, thx.



The Walking Dead
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I made the mistake of wondering into a comic story and seeing all the DC New 52 titles on displayed. Had to buy loads! Mainly the Batman family and the X-Men regenesis series.

Probably going to stop buying most of them one the current story arc finished. The cumulative cost too much and lots I’ve yet to read. Probably stick to GN in future. Much rather read a story arc in one go.
I made the mistake of wondering into a comic story and seeing all the DC New 52 titles on displayed. Had to buy loads! Many the Batman family and the X-Men regenesis series.

I tried to dabble with X-Men when the Schism arc was going on but found them pretty boring, surprising seeing as a kid/teenager the X-Men were my favourite characters given the success of the cartoon and the films. In terms of comics I'm very much a DC man (although again I have been getting the new fortnightly Marvel graphic novels the latest of which was the X-Men)

EDIT: Thinking about it I think my problem with X-Men these days is that too much has gone on that I'm not up to speed with, I mean where's Jean Grey? Where's Professor X? Both dead is the impression I got from reading a few issues of the Schism arc.
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