The Crew

Recently got a beta key for this. I'm in two minds whether to bother. I've watch a bit on twitch and something tells me those cars are not nice to drive. Look like they're on rails.
I used to really like TDU2 so gave this a bash, seemed alright but only had half an hour.

Now I can't get into the game because of a proxy error apparently :/

I also have to alt tab and manually close the game as there doesn't seem to be an exit game option :/
I enjoy it just for the driving with friends, the story was meh but the racing and such seems ok. The map is great though, varied, diverse and great fun to explore.

I think it'll be good personally, it just needs more cars.

*Edit* To the guy above me, the beta closed at 1pm today and that's why you're getting the proxy error. I don't know if there will be any more betas before release or not.
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