keep going what volts is that at?
Table has been updated, some nice scores. What was your clockspeed on that last run cjgardens?
Table has been updated, some nice scores. What was your clockspeed on that last run cjgardens?
I know its resurrecting the thread, but at stock I got 1951 and now at 4.5Ghz I got 2500!
Thekwango said:not really a thread revival..... just thought i'd ask a question of the other i5 and gigabyte users of this l'il ole thread....
any idea's why in bios i can set the multiplyer to 21 x but if i save and restart it ALWAYS defaults back to 20 x
bios is f12 i think and google has not been my friend with this question
Turbo? Is it ramp up to 21 under load?
Yay this is back!!!
I have to turn turbo on and speedstep off for it to save on my P55 UD5.
I will have a look afterwork.