The CustomPC Media Benchmarking Suite

Up the blk to 102 might be your memory timing not going you a good score. Its only a bench mark at the end of the day

ive give up now best i can do with out poping my chip lol

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NOT the system in my sig:-

not really a thread revival..... just thought i'd ask a question of the other i5 and gigabyte users of this l'il ole thread....

any idea's why in bios i can set the multiplyer to 21 x but if i save and restart it ALWAYS defaults back to 20 x

bios is f12 i think and google has not been my friend with this question
I know its resurrecting the thread, but at stock I got 1951 and now at 4.5Ghz I got 2500!

nothing wrong with resurrecting a good thread!nice score but have a look at the league table from the OP here

you might wanna get tweaking to see if you can get anymore out of your rig ;)

but nice score to start you off :p
Yay this is back!!!

Thekwango said:
not really a thread revival..... just thought i'd ask a question of the other i5 and gigabyte users of this l'il ole thread....

any idea's why in bios i can set the multiplyer to 21 x but if i save and restart it ALWAYS defaults back to 20 x

bios is f12 i think and google has not been my friend with this question

I have to turn turbo on and speedstep off for it to save on my P55 UD5.
I will have a look afterwork.
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Image editing: 2139 points.
Video encoding: 3584 points.
Multitasking testing: 1738 points.
Overall score: 2487 points.

couldnt get it to post to leaderboard though
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Turbo? Is it ramp up to 21 under load?

Yay this is back!!!

I have to turn turbo on and speedstep off for it to save on my P55 UD5.
I will have a look afterwork.

never even thought that the 21 multiplier might be 'reserved' for turbo! i'm getting that feeling that i may have to start having another play about in the bios to see if i can get it to stick at 21-cause i'm almost certain i could squeeze a bit more outta my cpu

suicide run anyone?? :p
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