The CustomPC Media Benchmarking Suite

2500k 4.3gb

Welcome to The Custom PC Benchmarks Suite.

Benchmarks started.

Image editing started.
Image editing finished.
H.264 video encoding started.

Copying video file.
Finished copying video file.

H.264 video encoding finished.
MultiTasking testing started.
Disabling Aero Glass.
Re-enabling Aero Glass.
MultiTasking testing finished.


Image editing: 1919 points.
Video encoding: 3350 points.
Multitasking testing: 1645 points.
Overall score: 2305 points.

Benchmarks finished.
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Grr, ran it again at 4.6Ghz and got 2524 but closed it accidentally before I could get a screenshot.

Next run, 4.8Ghz ....
Nice but isnt that 1 point going to bug you just a little?


Had another run of this bench, Not the weather for water cooled benching!

but this is Sandybridge: 3275 points

Could really do with a better chip 56 multi +


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2600k @ 4.5ghz, 16gb Vengeance, dual GTX580's, achieved 2637 with a clock of 4.6ghz but didn't get a SS, I'll try some more later in the week.

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2600k @ 4.5ghz, 16gb Vengeance, dual GTX580's, achieved 2637 with a clock of 4.6ghz but didn't get a SS, I'll try some more later in the week.

Damn that 2600k is quick. My 2500k running at 4.8Ghz got less than that. How much do you think the raid'd SSDs helped compared to the HT of the 2600K?
Don't think ssd makes any difference

HT does not work either it only uses one core take a look at the chart on page one.

I think this program just uses cpu speed and ram speed and timings
Right - decided 12 cores is a waste as @ 5GHz under full load, none are sweating beyond 9% usage.

Tonight I'm gonna look at disabling some cores, lowering the Vcore and smacking up the speed.

Basically running my 990X as a dual core....should be good for S&G's :D
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