This isn't quite how it works though is it and its a really ****** argument. Seems to be the common retort now when someone claims that freedom of speech is being curtailed.
Most of these places aren't cancelling things because they want to, they are doing it because they feel they have to or they will face a massive backlash and fundamentally lose more business.
They took the booking knowing full well who he was and they will have checked what he does. They then cancelled it because people (who have no interest in RCB apart from their perpetual state of being offended) pressured them into doing it.
The venue cancelled it because these powerful minorities deal in cancelling people. If the venue let RCB perform then these people will attack the venue. They will then go after anyone else using the venue because you are also clearly scum who endorse RCB and his comedy by using a venue they have deemed "problematic". This is how it works and why its so dangerous. Its guilt by association. Its the idea that if you are not with them then you are against them and if you use a venue that they have blacklisted then you are against them quite clearly.
This is where the problem lies. People aren't exercising their own right to free speech, they are being browbeaten into parroting the woke agenda. If I tell you that you will lose half your salary if you play football at the weekend and then you stop playing football at the weekend, was that free choice or was that external pressure "encouraging" you to do something you didn't want to do? I mean, they didn't force you. You could have kept playing football.
I don't find RCB funny at all but I have no issue if people want to go and see him. If people can't see that danger of pressuring people into adopting their world view under the threat of losing their livelihoods then my mind boggles. You don't have to agree with people to let them speak their mind.