The Death of Free Speech? Roy Chubby Brown Gig Cancelled

So you agree that they haven’t cancelled him.

Also Sheffield City Trust is a charity not a council. The council has supported the decision to cancel the show.

The statement that the council have cancelled him is simply not true.

Who funds the trust...

Ah, back in the good old days when Morrissey wasn't a fascist.
Some people think that we're on the edge of totalitarian rule, and then there are people like you who think that it's pathetic to suggest such a thing. Some perspective and context is all I'm really asking for :)

In this case, I think it’s pathetic for suggesting that the cancellation of a Roy Chubby Brown concert is in any way indicative of a totalitarian state yes. :cry::D
It’s still a charity and the charity made the decision to cancel the show. As someone else said, if he only sold 300 tickets was it even the charity who decided to cancel?

I'll ask again, who funds the trust?
In this case, I think it’s pathetic for suggesting that the cancellation of a Roy Chubby Brown concert is in any way indicative of a totalitarian state yes. :cry::D

Well you're talking as if totalitarianism is a binary thing, which it's not*. People don't become supportive of brutal regimes overnight from a position of complete freedom. If you recognise that then I guess you just see today's society as freer than I do, which you're entitled to do of course. To be clear, I don't think it's time for revolution or anything just because this event got cancelled, but I do welcome people raising concerns over freedom of speech regularly because it's so important and I do think that there is too much control these days, which if allowed to escalate could easily lead us to a bad place.

EDIT: *I suppose you could say totalitarianism is binary. Perhaps authoritarianism would be a better term to use, and once you reach a high state of authoritarianism you have totalitarianism.
Doesn't surprise me, even something pretty tame only fools and horses is getting edited, censored and warning messages put at the start of episodes. This dozy cow done a review of an episode and was "moritifed".

Starting series one, episode one with 'jokes' at the expense of black people immediately sets the sinister tone for yet another racist and sexist show.

Grandad's inability to pronounce a black man's name is unkind and frankly boring. The fact it turns out to be another black man they are talking about is even more so.

Make all the excuses you want, but three white men saying such things is completely uncomfortable and unnecessary.
I answered the question.

Using your logic, Case King has cancelled me because I can’t swear on the forum.

No case King are still allowing you to use the forum, they're just restricting your use of language. RCB had been presented from speaking full stop.
Additionally case King are a private company. Not a publicly funded foundation.
Comedy is subjective so what one person finds funny and another doesn't has no place, really, in this debate. He is of the old school, I never liked him when many of my friends did, but to my first point.

I don't think he should have been banned. His audiences are made up of men and women so his sexist 'comedy' was not the domain of the few as his sales show. We have a new generation of self important edgy comics, like each generation but they just chose different topics and pitch it as "we are getting at those people who really mean what we joke about". Yea, pull the other one. What next, cancel Gervais, Carr and Boyle for their fixation on pedophilia, disabled and other such like. Nah, they have a more modern following and that would cause a backlash, let's pick on the dying breed to make a point.

I see no valid reason for banning him.
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