Comedy is subjective so what one person finds funny and another doesn't has no place, really, in this debate. He is of the old school, I never liked him when many of my friends did, but to my first point.
I don't think he should have been banned. His audiences are made up of men and women so his sexist 'comedy' was not the domain of the few as his sales show. We have a new generation of self important edgy comics, like each generation but they just chose different topics and pitch it as "we are getting at those people who really mean what we joke about". Yea, pull the other one. What next, cancel Gervais, Carr and Boyle for their fixation on pedophilia, disabled and other such like. Nah, they have a more modern following and that would cause a backlash, let's pick on the dying breed to make a point.
I see no valid reason for banning him.