The Division 2 - March 2019

I'm pretty sure I know what used to cause my game to crash, and why it's no longer crashing now (so far, touch wood etc etc).

In a nutshell, it was my system RAM overclock/timings.

Some months ago when I first started playing and experienced frequent crashing, I was running my overclocked RAM at tighter timings than I am currently. To test the theory, I tightened them up again yesterday and lo and behold the game crashed again within 30 mins of playing. I slackened them back off again and played for a good while without a problem.

It's still too early to tell for sure but it looks promising so it might be something others might want to consider if they're having similar issues.
This maybe why I have never had any issues.

My I7 9700K is at stock and my ram just has the XMP enabled to get the full 3200mhz from it.

Same goes for my 2070S, this is also at stock.

Seen earlier posts where OC of ram\CPU has caused crashing with this game or just faulty ram sticks
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I have the random ID: 4101 crashes and my system is basically the same as yours, different CPU (Ryzen 5 here) but it's stock, RAM has the profile enabled to get 3200MHz and my 2070 is stock.
I have the random ID: 4101 crashes and my system is basically the same as yours, different CPU (Ryzen 5 here) but it's stock, RAM has the profile enabled to get 3200MHz and my 2070 is stock.
What GPU Drivers and W10 version are you using?

I am using W10 Build 1909 and Nvidia drviers 445.87
I have crashes 65% of the sessions I play, sometimes disconnects most are the game freezes and I have to use task manager to kill it and reload the game. This is by far the most unreliable game I have ever played, would think they would have sorted it by now.
using newest W10+drivers, everything stock.
What GPU Drivers and W10 version are you using?

I am using W10 Build 1909 and Nvidia drviers 445.87

W10 Build: 2004 with the latest 452.06 drivers.

But the ID: 4101 bug has been present since day one and seems to happen no matter what combination of Windows and drivers people are using.
It could be good for farming targeted loot, get plenty of drops, however we know what theyre like for nerfing loot after release, & it could also get boring quite quickly I suspect, only cleared up to 84ish myself.
Summit looks like another let down with most people saying "will get boring very quick". It seems like they are just mugging us off with below average content until Division 3 is announced.
Summit looks like another let down with most people saying "will get boring very quick". It seems like they are just mugging us off with below average content until Division 3 is announced.

yeah. I like the concept but the execution needs a bunch of work. It feels very much like the first draft of a book or something. They really need to put a lot more thought and work into it to make it something people will want to replay. My opinion, it could be done.

- make it so that, if you want, you can start a fresh character, softcore OR hardcore, in Summit (level 1, basic gear, clean inventory), so that the Summit journey mirrors the levelling up you do in the game, from level 1 to geared up level 40.

- you get 1 random skill at the start, and pick up other random skills at set intervals, so it might take you a little while to get your usual skills.

- random drops and random enemies, including named enemies, not just every 10 floors

- crafting stations at regular intervals so you can craft stuff

- npc vendors so you can buy stuff as you progress.

- each month or so you could have a community event - A race to the Summit - where groups (separate softcore & hardcore) would race to the top.

But, they'd need to sort out the skyscraper visuals so it looks like a skyscraper. Right now, everything looks kind of similar. You could have a few floors of a basement garage at the start, then a shopping mall (like the 1 in D1 for example), then offices, then appartments, then penthouses etc.... as you go up, something like that. Oh, and WINDOWS ffs. How can you have a skyscraper without windows and views?? The inside of the skyscraper needs to look as good as the open world and mission environments.

It could become a substitute for Survival, if they're not going to do Survival.
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The Legendary run with randoms last night.

Youtube seems to have an issue with it running Neutral lighting. It crushes the shadow detail once uploaded. Shadow detail restores on Youtube when it's disabled.
Summit looks like another let down with most people saying "will get boring very quick". It seems like they are just mugging us off with below average content until Division 3 is announced.
I'd like the chance to find out, 'services unavailable' every time I've tried to play.
Does Summit actually exist? :rolleyes::D
Just in the process of downloading this, haven't played since first one but what's it like for single players? is it a nightmare to get things out?
What are some standard builds or decent weapons to aim for?

Not played in agesss and completely lost haha

What's your style of play? So many guns are viable now.

Some of my favourites are:
Famas or named - Burnout.
Military G36
Tactical MK16
SIG 556

The Vector class SMGs.

M1A obviously for rifles. I'm not keen on Baker's Dozen due to its talent.
M16A2 is a hard hitter as well, which has burst fire.

SVDs are great marksman rifles for spamming plus they hit very hard.
M44 and White Death are my go to.

I've grown really fond of Police Magnum for sidearms with fast hands.

Just in the process of downloading this, haven't played since first one but what's it like for single players? is it a nightmare to get things out?

It's really good for solo play. I did all the story on my own as well as Warlords. I will say, don't rush the story. That part is the best experience. Try out every weapon/gear, don't get attached to anything until end game because you'll be deconstructing/selling on your journey as you level up.

End game is where you'll have to team up. A lot of end game can still be done solo but where it shines is, you get better loot in a full team of 4 versus solo. Only Legendaries and raids requires teams. Legendaries can still be done solo but they requires a lot of practice and exceptionally great builds.
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