The Division 2 - March 2019

You're fine. I've seen 80 level shd players do fine in Legendaries and seen 1xxx players do awful. It's always good having someone with foam pin them down. I usually always bring the shock trap into Legendaries.
Gunner Spec is good, I run it with my SMG and AR builds so I never run out of ammo. As so many randoms I've ran with were running full directives with pisterelo. A few kills with the Police Magnum and I'd have ammo in my guns in 30 seconds.

Plus the special rips through most bosses like crazy.
Was running the Bank HQ mission on Heroic and the Chatterbox blueprint dropped. I've never suffered from OCD before, but I do now.

You got that from your first crafting? Very, very nice. God roll. That thing shreds plus it's great in Capitol Legendary when indoors. It shows you the amount of threats nearby.

Just a shame the gun is so damn ugly. Looks like a paint gun. Or it fell into green goo.
Had another go last night and unlocked crafting. I think I rushed through the very start of the game so I also returned to the White House area and had a proper look around. I'll do the same with the other areas before progressing the main story any further. I haven't done any control points yet (I tried one by accident when I first played but it didn't go well at all and I'm abit nervous about trying another) but I have managed to clear a couple of question marks on the map.

I'm still enjoying it overall but it is quite overwhelming and I hope the constant searching and looting doesn't start to feel like a grind.
I'm still enjoying it overall but it is quite overwhelming and I hope the constant searching and looting doesn't start to feel like a grind.

The gun play is really good when you get into it and that’s what keeps me coming back, more than the looting/farming for gear. That bits just a bonus when you’ve found a setup you enjoy using I think. Different story when it comes to raids and legendary bits, but I’m a ways off being able to do that yet.
The gun play is really good when you get into it and that’s what keeps me coming back, more than the looting/farming for gear. That bits just a bonus when you’ve found a setup you enjoy using I think. Different story when it comes to raids and legendary bits, but I’m a ways off being able to do that yet.

I've heard that gun play gets better past a certain point so I'm holding out for that, at least. Hopefully once I get there I can lay off the bin-dipping (searching & looting) a bit. :)
Had another go last night and unlocked crafting. I think I rushed through the very start of the game so I also returned to the White House area and had a proper look around. I'll do the same with the other areas before progressing the main story any further. I haven't done any control points yet (I tried one by accident when I first played but it didn't go well at all and I'm abit nervous about trying another) but I have managed to clear a couple of question marks on the map.

I'm still enjoying it overall but it is quite overwhelming and I hope the constant searching and looting doesn't start to feel like a grind.

It gets better once you get better stuff. Then you'll be tearing through level 4 control points like no tomorrow. Saying that, the hardest thing about control points and the open world, there are no patterns. No spawn points to master. Anything can be random and catch you out. Heck even a full team with level 4 control points can be extremely chaotic with the best of players.

I remember farming a level 4 control point with people after some missions from matchmaking and after 6 - 8 runs the 5 rogues came rushing out the door. That was fun, hilarious and it got real since they'll throw their toys out to you. :D

I've heard that gun play gets better past a certain point so I'm holding out for that, at least. Hopefully once I get there I can lay off the bin-dipping (searching & looting) a bit. :)

It does. Even after 600 hours with all red builds I still don't get bored with the game. It's getting the final smaller rolls and pieces that is getting my stuff to perfection which is becoming the hardest. Still chasing those 3 god roll backpacks. Walker and Harris, Providence and Alraldi with Vigilance.

Sometimes I can go weeks if not a month without any upgrades now. My sniper build which hits hard hasn't seen an upgrade in two months. The Assault Rifle builds which hits hard as well hasn't seen an upgrade in a month now but helping others still makes it fun.

Plus Skyscraper from what I've watched is going to be hella fun. It feels just like Die Hard.
Thanks VF, that makes sense.

I've just answered my first call for help (blind leading the blind? :) ). It was a blast. I was transported to another player's White House and 3 of us headed off (I had no idea where to at the time, I was following the others). We came across and cleared a load of enemy en route to the east, and then on to a control point (Demolition site?) which we also cleared. I also did a thing on my own which turned out to be a bounty, which was nice.

There was a bit of bin-dipping but it was heavily outweighed by the other stuff so that was ok. That was easily the most fun I've had so far in the game (and I'm lvl5 now too).

Edit: I'll need to learn how to communicate with other members of the party. Being silent all the way through felt a bit awks. :)
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I remember farming a level 4 control point with people after some missions from matchmaking and after 6 - 8 runs the 5 rogues came rushing out the door. That was fun, hilarious and it got real since they'll throw their toys out to you. :D
I had this as well, was doing a CP and then after it was cleared 5 rouges came out of no where and all hell let loose.

When they started using their abilities too you start getting it from all angles, managed to down them all in the end and loot was everywhere lol

@Yadda if you need a hand doing anything feel free to add people.

EED209 is my username
I'm pretty sure I know what used to cause my game to crash, and why it's no longer crashing now (so far, touch wood etc etc).

In a nutshell, it was my system RAM overclock/timings.

Some months ago when I first started playing and experienced frequent crashing, I was running my overclocked RAM at tighter timings than I am currently. To test the theory, I tightened them up again yesterday and lo and behold the game crashed again within 30 mins of playing. I slackened them back off again and played for a good while without a problem.

It's still too early to tell for sure but it looks promising so it might be something others might want to consider if they're having similar issues.
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