You don't need MP at all so solo is perfectly viable. I've been playing since March (just before lockdown hit) and I don't have the time nor patience for MP anymore as I've been gaming for a long time now. I've solo'd most of the content myself and frequently play with PR. on this forum whenever I can - we just do Control Points and Missions mostly. 80% of my game time is literally solo though and I play on Heroic with 2x directives for better XP gain. I am SHD (level) 1250 or something like that.Just in the process of downloading this, haven't played since first one but what's it like for single players? is it a nightmare to get things out?
The loot is a mess in this game and has been for some time. To get the absolute best loot as mentioned you want to do missions with the hardest difficulty (legendary) with 4 players to pump up the chances of getting a good drop. For Time vs Rewards this game is terrible but don't let that deter you. The environmental design and gunplay is amongst the best I've experienced and there are a lot of ways to play the game that you will no doubt discover. You can still get very good loot on Challenging difficulty, which is an excellent mix of hard enough enemies, mixed in with easier ones. Challenging is the second to last difficulty level (Heroic is top) you can set the map on.
Start off on Story/Normal mode and just take things easy. Money just builds up in the game so don't worry about running out. It goes without saying that you shouldn't get attached to your gun as you'll always find a better one. Only buy stuff from vendors if you're desperate.