The Division 2 - March 2019

I notice that they still haven't addressed the random 'instakills' from crappy enemies. Just been doing the easiest levels on the Skyscraper and was breezing through it with my 1.6M armour True Patriot build, and then it happened - out of nowhere a dot in the distance hit me for all my armour and 99% of my health.

It was the gold sniper dogs that are really thirsty for me. They start spamming their shots since I only have 682k armour and 329k health.
UbiSoft/Massive never fail to impress with their sheer ineptitude when it comes to broken and bug riddled updates. It's like they don't even bother to test **** before they release it.

The problem for me is they rarely go back and fix that stuff - quite a few of the issues people are talking about were also bugs in TD1 - that in the same breath they denied were a problem in TD1 and at the same time used as a justification for moving development focus to TD2 as it was "better use" of time to spend it on a game that wouldn't have these issues :s

As someone who has spent a **** load of time doing game development you can test your code to ridiculous levels and still do silly things like leaving a single line uncommented that produces very odd effects LOL that someone else discovers. As someone who prides myself on fixing these kind of things I have nothing but contempt for most game developers even if that is sometimes the nature of the publisher's approach to project management.
From what I can ascertain, this is simply the buggiest TU we've had in ages. Longstanding bugs in the PTS should be resolved but it seems that Massive just copy the code over to the servers and just carry on as normal, bugs an all. So progression now is a absolute mess for the manhunt until a definate update arrives to address it. That's just the start...
Liberty Island is annoying as hell! That room that shoots out random skills takes forever to do

Story or generally?
I ran it last night for MH and just camp the middle and shoot then when they land.

It's part of the League runs. I'm not looking forward to that. I'll likely have to use my smg build to rip through them fast.

Lots of bugs in this update, is the ammo amount supposed to be cut in half at random? Still had a lot of fun last night, got to floor 81 in a random group.

You hit one of the floors with ammo directives. I was cut from 1000 ammo down to 530. So I whipped out the D50 or Police Magnum.
It's part of the League runs. I'm not looking forward to that. I'll likely have to use my smg build to rip through them fast.

My bro and I ran it, the MH is only on hard so it's not too bad. We did it in 15 mins I think.
Just camp in the middle for that room but it's easier with 2 and scaling isn't OP.
It's part of the League runs. I'm not looking forward to that. I'll likely have to use my smg build to rip through them fast.

You hit one of the floors with ammo directives. I was cut from 1000 ammo down to 530. So I whipped out the D50 or Police Magnum.
Using D50, does that give ammo?
Omgs, after accidentally sacrificing my 3x god rolled Providence Holster ages ago whilst I had to craft an exotic holster which required a holster donation (if that makes any sense) I come across this beauty via the Celebration Hotel CP in New Yoik!

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