The Division 2 - March 2019

I haven't gone back to The Summit since initially playing it. Sorry, but it isn't a sky scraper, just a bunch of repetitious rooms and the moment I saw it repeated once I knew they'd rinse and repeat - and they did.
I must agree, I am having the same issue.

Looks like we're not alone.

Looks like it has to be done duo. 3 and 4 players cause too many ads.

The Tombs will be interesting.
"I agree that this part of Tombs is annoying. Using the jammer pulse is really helpful as it wipes all of the decoys and makes Parnell easier to spot. Once spotted put as much damage on him as possible - throw grenades in his hide, sticky bomb him, or firestarter clouds. Once the turrets come up jam those too and take them out quick. Jammer makes this area much easier to manage and therefor quicker to complete."
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Looks like we're not alone.

Looks like it has to be done duo. 3 and 4 players cause too many ads.

The Tombs will be interesting.
"I agree that this part of Tombs is annoying. Using the jammer pulse is really helpful as it wipes all of the decoys and makes Parnell easier to spot. Once spotted put as much damage on him as possible - throw grenades in his hide, sticky bomb him, or firestarter clouds. Once the turrets come up jam those too and take them out quick. Jammer makes this area much easier to manage and therefor quicker to complete."
If your up for it can join up and give it ago?

either way ill complete the league in week 2 lol
Sure, I'll be on in an hour. I want to complete it before week two starts. Need to grind Riker elites for that challenge as well. The bleed one is the easiest but longest.

I'm trying to remember good areas in New York to grind Rikers and their elites.
Lmao, I saw another post with an identical bug earlier. I couldn't stop laughing!

Forward to 32secs.

LOL! When he gets behind the sofa. I don't want to say what he's doing but it sure looks like it, then the way he runs off as the camera pans to the left.

I can only imagine the laughter that happened, more so from the encounters I've had with others.
I thought I read somewhere that the 60% cap on CHC had been either removed or raised slightly. Am I imaging things here, because my CHC seems to have capped out at 60%?
It's always been 60%, take something off to see where you lose and by how much.

Unless you're running Coyote's, you can take off more CHC for more CHD parts from the guns for the 25% the mask gives so it don't take you over the 60% cap. I like to leave mine between 40 - 45% when using it.
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I was running a God rolled Grudge SMG, so had Sokolov mask on for the extra 10% SMG damage which gave me 60% CHC.


Swapping the Grudge for a poorly rolled Police Mk17 (will go hunting for a God/decent rolled rifle) CHC is still at 60%. Seeing as how I don't need the 10% SMG damage anymore, dropping the Sokolov mask for Coyotes drops the CHC to 56.9% and the CHD up to 138%. I reckon that will suffice for now, I'll just bump it back up to 60% as and when I find mods with better stats.

LOL! When he gets behind the sofa. I don't want to say what he's doing but it sure looks like it, then the way he runs off as the camera pans to the left.

I can only imagine the laughter that happened, more so from the encounters I've had with others.
Lol I never saw it that way until now! /o\
My Providence luck continues too. For the first time since about May, my main DPS build has actually had progress. First was that holster I posted about 10 odd posts back, and then this dropped out of a random open world crate whilst on the way to that New Venice CP. I rolled the Talent to Vigilence and slapped a 12% Crit DMG gear mod on that sucker.

Sadly I'm down to 55% CHC, but 154% CHD.

Also picked up the Backfire SMG exotic on the season track reward earlier. Need to read up on how I can utilise that because its talent is something wicked.

Also picked up the Backfire SMG exotic on the season track reward earlier. Need to read up on how I can utilise that because its talent is something wicked.

It's got great damage, not as good as my Vector's and SIG MPX but the self bleeding screen is very off putting. The self damage with perfect glass cannon ain't too bad. I was running about like crazy with it doing a Control Point 4 with people in New York. It really mowed them down. It's just the screen going red is horrid with the limp on running.

I doubt I'll be using it. Dark Winter shreds through 3 bar named elites with one clip.
For gods sake, I take some time out at the end of the last manhunt t0 play other games (and hoping TU11 would be worth the wait), I come back (today) and cannot continue, the manhunt intro for the next season just plays over and over keeps repeating :(
I thought I read somewhere that the 60% cap on CHC had been either removed or raised slightly. Am I imaging things here, because my CHC seems to have capped out at 60%?
as far as i'm aware 60% is the Cap.

In the stats section it states that the cap is 60% (unless this has changed in the TU11 update)
Picked up warlords the other day and it is a damn sight better than the main game..... Even without the snow in the first game, New York city just suits this type of game so much better.

They really should have focussed on the first game, unlocked more areas, added more content/missions etc. as lets be honest, div 2 isn't really that much different, graphics and how it plays are pretty much the same.
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