The Division 2 - March 2019

With TD1 being in the winter and snow of New York, TD2 being in the more green and wet Washington, if they do a TD3 they should set it in the desert of Nevada, Las Vegas or something

+1 to that!

Could do something like spec ops the line, epic game level design right there!
I thought TD2 would be too open from the initial footage they released which put me off somewhat. Nope, loved the closed beta. More of the same, which is perfectly fine by me.
I had light showers, heavy showers and varying degrees of mist/fog.
I had fog and a heavy storm, i thought the sfx were brilliant.
So has anyone got any idea what the season pass is going to really offer apart from playing some content (up to) 7 days early? There is talk about extra activities but will they be worth the extra £30?

I have a feeling that it will be that the season pass gives us access to the new specialisations without purchasing them, I think it maybe a system like R6 Siege, as they have mentioned that the first three are only the start. Would make the cost of the season pass more worthwhile if they offer those specialisations for free to the owners. (But of course nothing has been announced!).
I must say, i played the Division 2 beta completely blind not having any experience of the first one. I was quite impressed.

Then i played the first one lastnight and thought is this DLC for the second one? The only differences i can see are that its set in a different location and when you shoot elites in D2 the armour falls off? also the aiming reticule is a different shape :confused:

I understand majority of people will be happy of more of the same, and thats fine but a £100 ultimate edition just doesn't sit right with me for how little this iteration variates from the first.
Name same as me, I own but never played the first game, its also the first game of this genre that has kept me playing for a long long time.

So it seems people who played the first feel burnt out by the first game and not enough has changed to play the second, but brand new players like it.
I understand majority of people will be happy of more of the same, and thats fine but a £100 ultimate edition just doesn't sit right with me for how little this iteration variates from the first.

Then surely the answer is to not buy the £100 version, just buy the standard edition instead. Is its similarity to the first game any different to the similarity of Bioshock 2 to Bioshock 1, or Borderlands 2 to Borderlands 1, or Total Warhammer 2 to Total Warhammer 1, or Vermintide 2 to Vermintide 1, or Company of Heroes 2 to Company of Heroes 1 or on and on.

Yes its very similar to the first game but then again, in all likelihood, its going to be because its a sequel. I put hundreds of hours into Borderlands 1 but I didnt feel agrieved that Borderlands 2 was similar and I enjoyed it and stuck hundreds of hours into that too. I did the same with the Bioshocks, I did the same with the Total Warhammers.

Sometimes I feel for devs, make few changes in a sequel and a portion of the playerbase complains that there isnt enough differences, make many changes in a sequel and a portion of the playerbase complains that it isnt a "insert series name here" game anymore. Got to be tough for them to find the right balance to please everyone.

You played Div2, it impressed you and , presumably, you enjoyed it. That is all that would matter to me when weighing up a form of entertainment (be it location, tv show, film, book or video game) am I impressed, do I enjoy it, yes = buy , no = dont buy.
Name same as me, I own but never played the first game, its also the first game of this genre that has kept me playing for a long long time.

So it seems people who played the first feel burnt out by the first game and not enough has changed to play the second, but brand new players like it.

2400ish hours in TD1 and probably will spend more in TD2 :D No burnt out here
I couldnt stop playing Beta tbh and cant wait for full release.
2400ish hours in TD1 and probably will spend more in TD2 :D No burnt out here
I couldnt stop playing Beta tbh and cant wait for full release.

Same here, I shall enjoy it despite its similarities to the first game, just as much as I enjoyed John Wick 1 and 2 despite theirs :D
Division 1 is just a much better game all round. Div2 beta is a 6/10 at best for me after sinking more and more hours into it. I'm not even sure it's worthy of a purchase now, it's just another copy and paste yawnfest.....gaming going down the drain of late.

Back to SIM racing
Division 1 is just a much better game all round. Div2 beta is a 6/10 at best for me after sinking more and more hours into it. I'm not even sure it's worthy of a purchase now, it's just another copy and paste yawnfest.....gaming going down the drain of late.

Back to SIM racing

I didn't get a chance to play it as the download was too huge and I've not been well, but this is pretty much the vibe I've been getting.

It's gone from a possible day one purchase to a wait for sales from me
Division 1 is just a much better game all round. Div2 beta is a 6/10 at best for me after sinking more and more hours into it. I'm not even sure it's worthy of a purchase now, it's just another copy and paste yawnfest.....gaming going down the drain of late.

Back to SIM racing

Bit ironic don't you think? Calling this a copy and paste job yet you enjoy driving round and round in circles on same tracks. :D:D
I enjoyed the beta , so I’ve downloaded TD1 to give that a go and so far I think from what I’ve played of them both they are very similar but the 2nd is just a bit tighter gameplay wise and I find the menus and stuff a lot easier to navigate even though they are very similar , can see myself sinking quite a few hours into 2 when it comes out
I put thousands of hours into TD1, played all content etc but stopped playing when destiny 2 came out. TD2 feels decent, seems to be a fair amount to do but its frustrating seeing all the same bugs that were fixed in TD1 being built right back into TD2.

Spent most of the time in the beta doing PVP in the DZ, so if I buy TD2, will be casually playing story and DZ PVP - not too fussed about end game until all the bugs are dealt with.

Open beta has been confirmed however without a date, and they also stated open beta will see bug fixes so fingers crossed its a better experience.
Bit ironic don't you think? Calling this a copy and paste job yet you enjoy driving round and round in circles on same tracks. :D:D

You'd hope for a second game to improve in areas over the first not go the opposite way. At first I quite enjoyed it but that Was more because of playing with friends. When you break it down very little has actually improved, ie sfx worse, world isn't as atmospheric, the gunplay feels more like a generic shooter than a skill based one unlike Div1, AI seems just as stupid, cover and movement is a direct copy same clunky animations in and around cover. I could go on and on to be fair.

And the cost is a flipping &#@! take.
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