I understand majority of people will be happy of more of the same, and thats fine but a £100 ultimate edition just doesn't sit right with me for how little this iteration variates from the first.
Then surely the answer is to not buy the £100 version, just buy the standard edition instead. Is its similarity to the first game any different to the similarity of Bioshock 2 to Bioshock 1, or Borderlands 2 to Borderlands 1, or Total Warhammer 2 to Total Warhammer 1, or Vermintide 2 to Vermintide 1, or Company of Heroes 2 to Company of Heroes 1 or on and on.
Yes its very similar to the first game but then again, in all likelihood, its going to be because its a sequel. I put hundreds of hours into Borderlands 1 but I didnt feel agrieved that Borderlands 2 was similar and I enjoyed it and stuck hundreds of hours into that too. I did the same with the Bioshocks, I did the same with the Total Warhammers.
Sometimes I feel for devs, make few changes in a sequel and a portion of the playerbase complains that there isnt enough differences, make many changes in a sequel and a portion of the playerbase complains that it isnt a "insert series name here" game anymore. Got to be tough for them to find the right balance to please everyone.
You played Div2, it impressed you and , presumably, you enjoyed it. That is all that would matter to me when weighing up a form of entertainment (be it location, tv show, film, book or video game) am I impressed, do I enjoy it, yes = buy , no = dont buy.