The Division 2 - March 2019

Not sure where is best to buy but if you have Ubiclub points you can get 20% off on the uplay store for 100 credits.

On another note open beta runs 1-4th March.

And best of all, you get 92 points for preordering, so the moment you get your 20% off you get almost all of your 100 points back :)
Can you use two promo codes for this? I have 200 and could get 2 x 20% off promo codes.

One thing I also noticed it stated on their site that these codes cannot be used to ore order or ore purchase things so surely Div 2 fulls under this unless it does not include the uk?
Can you use two promo codes for this? I have 200 and could get 2 x 20% off promo codes.

One thing I also noticed it stated on their site that these codes cannot be used to ore order or ore purchase things so surely Div 2 fulls under this unless it does not include the uk?

You can only use 100 points per title. Not sure why it says that about preorders, I've preordered many titles on Uplay and used the 100 points for the 20% on them. Last title I did it with was Assassins Creed Odyssey, so was recently.

EDIT : Just read about it and it seems that on the US Uplay you cant use the 100pt 20% for preorders, tough luck for the yanks. Here in the UK you can use it :)
You can only use 100 points per title. Not sure why it says that about preorders, I've preordered many titles on Uplay and used the 100 points for the 20% on them. Last title I did it with was Assassins Creed Odyssey, so was recently.

EDIT : Just read about it and it seems that on the US Uplay you cant use the 100pt 20% for preorders, tough luck for the yanks. Here in the UK you can use it :)
Thanks for confirming, can get the game cheaper off key sites for 34.99 but still undecided if im going to buy it yet. Will give it another try on the 1st of march when the open beta starts and see how it goes
Division 1 is just a much better game all round. Div2 beta is a 6/10 at best for me after sinking more and more hours into it. I'm not even sure it's worthy of a purchase now, it's just another copy and paste yawnfest.....gaming going down the drain of late.

Back to SIM racing

Cant win over all gamers- they change it to much-bad,they change not enough-bad.
This game cant be to much different since its same universe and barely few months after NY events.
Copy/paste? Now this is totally not true,while mechanics same'ish,many aspects of game totally changed and in a good way-no more cheap chicken dance (slower movement-everybody equal,requires skill more than gear now),gun play is probably better than CoD :D Not even touching free world-all small details,etc is crazy in TD2.
Division first of all advertised as a cover based looter/shooter,DT1 didnt manage this at all,it was 99% "Rambo" game,TD2 from what people saw and experienced in Beta is proper cover based-good luck going Rambo in TD2.
TD1 tubers already crying because they cant do what they did in TD1,one of examples is Marco-he dont know how to play TD2,he plays it like its TD1 and thats why he gets upset,he wants shooter with some RPG.
I was expecting TD1 to be what is TD2,Massive clearly listened and learned-not from y'tubers thank god.
Sure,bugs will exist,its massive (see what i did here :D ) game with lots of behind the scene things going on,hell,beta was 42gb alone.
Im quite sure those few bugs will be ironed out,nade,drone etc will be corrected.

Personally i cant wait till 12th March.
Then surely the answer is to not buy the £100 version, just buy the standard edition instead. Is its similarity to the first game any different to the similarity of Bioshock 2 to Bioshock 1, or Borderlands 2 to Borderlands 1, or Total Warhammer 2 to Total Warhammer 1, or Vermintide 2 to Vermintide 1, or Company of Heroes 2 to Company of Heroes 1 or on and on.

Yes its very similar to the first game but then again, in all likelihood, its going to be because its a sequel. I put hundreds of hours into Borderlands 1 but I didnt feel agrieved that Borderlands 2 was similar and I enjoyed it and stuck hundreds of hours into that too. I did the same with the Bioshocks, I did the same with the Total Warhammers.

Sometimes I feel for devs, make few changes in a sequel and a portion of the playerbase complains that there isnt enough differences, make many changes in a sequel and a portion of the playerbase complains that it isnt a "insert series name here" game anymore. Got to be tough for them to find the right balance to please everyone.

You played Div2, it impressed you and , presumably, you enjoyed it. That is all that would matter to me when weighing up a form of entertainment (be it location, tv show, film, book or video game) am I impressed, do I enjoy it, yes = buy , no = dont buy.

Yeah exactly this.

I really don't understand the mentality of some people, if you don't want to experience a similar game then don't buy a sodding sequel, look for another game in the same genre.

I do find it funny that there are some whinging about the atmosphere not being the same/as good as TD1 but then complaining about it being a copy and paste, I mean come on, make your mind up you can't have it both ways.
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TD2 sorta feels, in terms of content alone in the early levels as well as features what TD1 probably should have had on launch. Rich open world with a fair amount of relevant activities, settlements, bounties, hostile takeovers, public executions etc whilst having quite refined skill unlocks, skill mods, loadouts, gear sets/named sets from the start to introduce people to builds before end game and so on. Perk trees still aren't a thing properly, and the old perk system I thought was probably better as it provided interesting perk/buff management.

Its weird, I don't know how to feel about TD2. In some respects it felt TD1 was rushed therefore lacked features and now they have their **** together for TD2 in terms of content and features but that doesn't excuse or explain how they have managed to build bugs into the second game that were once fixed in td1. Baffling.

I'm glad there is an open beta however but this will be the final game no doubt, there is no way they will be able to fix things from open beta to launch including console approval and I doubt they will push the launch back or split the release dates.
TD2 sorta feels, in terms of content alone in the early levels as well as features what TD1 probably should have had on launch. Rich open world with a fair amount of relevant activities, settlements, bounties, hostile takeovers, public executions etc whilst having quite refined skill unlocks, skill mods, loadouts, gear sets/named sets from the start to introduce people to builds before end game and so on. Perk trees still aren't a thing properly, and the old perk system I thought was probably better as it provided interesting perk/buff management.

Its weird, I don't know how to feel about TD2. In some respects it felt TD1 was rushed therefore lacked features and now they have their **** together for TD2 in terms of content and features but that doesn't excuse or explain how they have managed to build bugs into the second game that were once fixed in td1. Baffling.

I'm glad there is an open beta however but this will be the final game no doubt, there is no way they will be able to fix things from open beta to launch including console approval and I doubt they will push the launch back or split the release dates.

No developer gets things right the first time, they band together a bunch of ideas and hope it works. The idea of a sequel (in theory) is that you learn from what was good and what was bad from the first instance. Anything that was good, you keep or change very little, anything that was not so good, is then open for complete changes. Those complaining about the world as an example, have mostly praised how good the world was in TD1. I can imagine there would be a lot of complaints if either a) they kept the New York map and maybe just made the snow vanish, or b) had a new city but still with snow, i think it's great that there's a new city and a different weather season, and i hope that they can still have weather effects just like the snow storms that existed in New York.
The idea of a sequel (in theory) is that you learn from what was good and what was bad from the first instance. Anything that was good, you keep or change very little, anything that was not so good, is then open for complete changes.

Someone needs to tell the movie industry that :D
Those who preordered,might want to check your email,i got nice little surprise from Ubi - they gave me free game,had to choose from Wildlands,Watch Dogs 2,Primal,i picked WD2.
Email was in promotions in gmail.
Those who preordered,might want to check your email,i got nice little surprise from Ubi - they gave me free game,had to choose from Wildlands,Watch Dogs 2,Primal,i picked WD2.
Email was in promotions in gmail.

I was about to post this :)
i chose far cry primal as i already had wildlands.
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^ I suspect the games are not playable until 15th to discourage pre-ordering The Division 2 to get a free game and then cancelling the pre-order. Already have Wildlands and Watch_Dogs 2 so went with Primal by default.
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