The Division 2 - March 2019

I'm looking forward to getting stuck into this next week, I'd replayed D1 over the course of a week or two and hit endgame, enjoyed that for a few more hours then jumped into the D2 open Beta.

I then played that for a couple of hours, just enough to confirm that I was happy to place a pre-order. Since then I've not been back to D1 and have started getting the itch to play again, so timing wise this release is pretty good for me.

It also helps that in between all of that I'd had a crack at Anthem and experienced what a train wreck it is, I honestly had more fun in the D2 Beta than I did with Anthem.
where is that info as im not seeing it on there? aslo be a 2gb update going live which fixes audio loss issues that plagued the beta.

"XBOX ONE AND PC: If you purchased the game on disc, begin by installing the game. You will then be prompted to download and install Title Update 1; expect a 48-52 GB download, depending on your region and preferred language. Whether you installed the game from a disc or bought it digitally, the final HDD install size, including the patch, will be 48-52 GB."
I actually enjoyed the division, the first time round anyway for around a couple of weeks.

Played through the campaign, ran the end game missions a couple of times etc.

Even with its dlcs and changes though there wasnt enough going on to warrent extended play.

However greenman have it for just over £40 and ubi are giving a free game along with it on pc, so i think its worth it if it gives me another couple of weeks.
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