2nd clan full guys, 49/50 with mustypie's invite for last slot.
But if anyone drops out I will add those on pending.
Thanks mate, will accept it tonight when i get home. Did Imginy's come though ok?
2nd clan full guys, 49/50 with mustypie's invite for last slot.
But if anyone drops out I will add those on pending.
Picked up the M60 and what a weapon that is.
Finding it hard to use sniper rifles just because you seem to get rushed by a ton of people!
What key if any to hold your breath before taking a shot with the sniper rifle which I have also acquired?yeah, works well with an m700 sniper rifle.
not convinced by the changes they made to using the 12x scope with sniper rifles though - zoom resets after each shot. Easier to use it with a scope which doesn't zoom.
If its anything like TD1 you will eventually end up with all of them anyway and can just select whichever you want at any given time
Do trinkets have any use a part from selling?
Also I'm not getting many parts from dismantlement items now. It looks like I'm full up of the common components. There is a colour coding of components in my inventory, does this correspond to the rarity colour of weapon/apparel?
Is there any way to check which weapons a crafted mod will fit before pushing the button?
I just crafted a muzzle flash thingy and it turns out it will only fit on an SRS!?!?
Yes, many of the wandering npcs will ask you for stuff, a rope or a screwdriver etc and will give you something in return
Never noticed anyone asking. I'll have to keep a better eye out. Any reason to do the escort missions? I did one but didn't get a reward... that I saw.