The Division. Are we interested?

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Challenge mode

Myself, F34R, Momo and Progen got to wave 9 tonight on it before getting destroyed but we did figure out the proper pit tactic and a good combination of talents/perks per person to have inc survival link etc.

Knowing all this, I am confident we can run it and complete it, not even with the full group we were tonight.

Anyone up for it tomorrow?

Also, decided to ditch the change my gear. I had four strikers and two sentrys call, but now I am running 3 strikers and 3 sentrys call which is quite good. I am aiming for 4 sentrys call now so I can swap and change between strikers and that. Just need 100 more PC and then I can buy the blueprint

Will be online tomorrow day and night as I am off work. Turned it off early tonight for a change
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15.. and dark zone rank 17. Named boss was outside the dz btw, if that matters.

wth.. was shooting enemies in dz, suddenly went rogue, never shot the guy before, never threw a grenade it.. grrr
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Im doing worse with better gear than before..

should be digitalx1990 if its the same as uplay. not raging gotta try not to rage.

Heading to grindhouse.

White jacket, white beanie hat.

Are you baconbaps.. he was circling me at the top of the chairs.
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OK raging inside a ton. lost two high ends due to freakin lag. way far back from an enemy, oh you got hit, really you did, and dead.

Dark souls levels of rage has been reached. I swear without this rogue tosh i'd be enjoying it a ton more.
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That was impressive, would hate to be his enemy in the DZ :)

I know right!?! Absolutely amazing.

Decided to head back on after all.

Got myself a sentrys call blueprint and crafted one - not bad for an initial roll so right now I have equipped:


Sentrys Call:

Which is giving me 257k dps, 87k stamina, 17k electronics.

If I switch the strikers kneepads out to sentrys, the above stays the same aside from electronics which goes down to 14k.

Not bad, will play around with it more tomorrow and test the four sentrys call bonus talent but I will need to roll another mask to try and get it closer to the max armour and stamina levels.

I felt inspired by the video I posted to at least try FL on HM solo....first time I got to wave 5 using the pulse and smart cover then shotgunners killed me. Second time I got to wave 8, but this time I used smart cover and the overdose health thing - shotgunners again.

digitalx - I forgot to add you before I went on sorry. Will catch you soon no doubt though but try and get a group going for the DZ. Even two people.
Missions for the day:

Hard: Hudson Refugee Camp, Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint
Challenge: Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint

Probably my favourite combination of missions for easy PC...throw Madison or PA in there and they are the easier of the hard missions. I'm also confident to do Lincoln on Challenging having completed it a few times (if any of you are about when I'm on, I'll give you a ping).

Combat: 1 Named Enemy Eliminated
Crafting: 10 Standard Items Deconstructed
Dark Zone: 10 Cleaners Eliminated

Pretty easy side-missions as well. DZ one can be completed in DZ 1 and there's always plenty to deconstruct, as everything that drops is pretty useless. * I did 4 missions earlier (Warrengate, Lexi, Hudson and PA) and got 3 weapon mods and a performance mod. Pretty demoralising going through Warrengate and getting a useless weapon mod as the HE drop.* If 1.2 doesn't fix the drops as they are promising to do, Season Pass or not, I don't think I could continue.

Edit: Digitalx - friend request sent.

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I felt inspired by the video I posted to at least try FL on HM solo....first time I got to wave 5 using the pulse and smart cover then shotgunners killed me. Second time I got to wave 8, but this time I used smart cover and the overdose health thing - shotgunners again.

Switch to incendiary ammo for those waves... Stops the shotgunners in their tracks so you can shoot them easier.
Challenge mode

Myself, F34R, Momo and Progen got to wave 9 tonight on it before getting destroyed but we did figure out the proper pit tactic and a good combination of talents/perks per person to have inc survival link etc.

Knowing all this, I am confident we can run it and complete it, not even with the full group we were tonight.

Anyone up for it tomorrow?

Also, decided to ditch the change my gear. I had four strikers and two sentrys call, but now I am running 3 strikers and 3 sentrys call which is quite good. I am aiming for 4 sentrys call now so I can swap and change between strikers and that. Just need 100 more PC and then I can buy the blueprint

Will be online tomorrow day and night as I am off work. Turned it off early tonight for a change

Redwing, you available?
I have done FL CM 3 times, all with Mario(when he was celkis) and a couple of other guys from OCUK.
Got my first Green item, Nomad mask.
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