The Division. Are we interested?

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im up for any missions/farming...

im in dz just now with my 158gs gear for farming...80% increased xp...get 305 per kill....


got over 300 hours...3 sentry...3 strikers...hard incursion np....only tried challenging once...
Sometimes the best weapon on paper isn't the 'best' weapon. I have a BM AK that did 30k more damage modded than my ACR. I preferred the ACR because it was far more stable and more accurate because of it. I could hit more with it than the AK..

Indeed. The ak (while generally a good DPS AR) kicks horribly up in a wonky diagonal. Much prefer the mp5, kicks straight up so a slow drag back on the mouse keeps it centered.

Im nearly properly done with this.

Lagged for about 2-3 seconds and couldn't do a thing, just everything froze on screen. Died to an elite, died to another place etc, really getting to me now..

In the dz? Try turning off VoIP
Got three setups now which do me fine is most circumstances:

PVE Build:
So for this one I am running the four strikers as for missions like Lexington I can almost keep the buff going at around 75%-100% which means my aug will do around 22k dmg base, which equates to over 500k DPS when the buff is at that level
4 strikers and 2 sentrys call

This one is more balanced but I don't really have a place for it yet. Hard mode incursions suits this I think as the electronics is quite good for recharging ultimates, shocks or any equipped skill. 4 strikers doesn't work for situations like this as the buff cant be kept high enough.
3 strikers and 3 sentrys call

PVP build:
This one is the new addition which I am quite fond of already. Against other players it seems to do well as long as I mark them at least once. For bosses - well Stark said I was RPM hacking :P lol! As I downed a boss really quick where as in reality, I just headshotted him 3/4 times which took him down - it was a level 30 boss.

I also think this could be a good one for CM Incursion, as the electronics is high enough to keep smart cover up under explosions, and ultimates will refresh within waves. However I am yet to try this on CM FL.

Finally, I think the above screenshots say a lot about what to focus on in this game. Gearscore doesn't mean much to m; DPS, even though it is relevant, doesn't mean much when it comes to facing off against rogues.

My last screenshot has the lowest DPS, but the highest effective damage in PVP situations - literally doesn't come close to the 4 strikers setup and what is funny, all three builds aren't too far off each other in terms of "on paper" stats, but the difference it makes is unreal.

I still have some work to do though, got a lot of these pieces I can roll a second time to get more of each respective area which I think, based on general calculations, could bring me to 93/94k of stamina with an already maxxed armour cap. :)

I also have nomad gear, tacticians gear which I haven't done anything with yet and probably wont. I reckon they will sit in my stash until I need parts or money then off they will go.
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Skyfall - how can I get there!! lol

I seem to be stuck at the same DPS/Health for the last week or two.
Ranking up in DZ (48 now), but every single drop I get (level 168?) nothing improves my overall score. Completed Falcon once and no improvement.

Once hit level 50, hoping some of the DZ bluprints (that require level 50) will improve my DPS/health etc.

Keep running falcon lost and craft the green bps from the boo, it can be a bit frustrating when you get high level drops and they have rubbish stats but if you stick at it and craft the right stuff you should be able to improve, you're not going to get anything really out of the DZ.

If you get greens with good stats even if they are not the set you want you should keep them to mix and match later on. Also really recommend going for sentries call as primary, the buff is really good.
Im in the mood for incursions tomorrow and don't mind people who haven't done it before to join.

Skyfall/Stark - want to join also?

Got three setups now which do me fine is most circumstances:

PVE Build:
So for this one I am running the four strikers as for missions like Lexington I can almost keep the buff going at around 75%-100% which means my aug will do around 22k dmg base, which equates to over 500k DPS when the buff is at that level
4 strikers and 2 sentrys call

This one is more balanced but I don't really have a place for it yet. Hard mode incursions suits this I think as the electronics is quite good for recharging ultimates, shocks or any equipped skill. 4 strikers doesn't work for situations like this as the buff cant be kept high enough.
3 strikers and 3 sentrys call

PVP build:
This one is the new addition which I am quite fond of already. Against other players it seems to do well as long as I mark them at least once. For bosses - well Stark said I was RPM hacking :P lol! As I downed a boss really quick where as in reality, I just headshotted him 3/4 times which took him down - it was a level 30 boss.

I also think this could be a good one for CM Incursion, as the electronics is high enough to keep smart cover up under explosions, and ultimates will refresh within waves. However I am yet to try this on CM FL.

Finally, I think the above screenshots say a lot about what to focus on in this game. Gearscore doesn't mean much to m; DPS, even though it is relevant, doesn't mean much when it comes to facing off against rogues.

My last screenshot has the lowest DPS, but the highest effective damage in PVP situations - literally doesn't come close to the 4 strikers setup and what is funny, all three builds aren't too far off each other in terms of "on paper" stats, but the difference it makes is unreal.

I still have some work to do though, got a lot of these pieces I can roll a second time to get more of each respective area which I think, based on general calculations, could bring me to 93/94k of stamina with an already maxxed armour cap. :)

I also have nomad gear, tacticians gear which I haven't done anything with yet and probably wont. I reckon they will sit in my stash until I need parts or money then off they will go.

Very nice guys!! Would you mind elaborating which gs your gear pieces are, bonuses, gear talents and which mods? Gamble; I'm referring to your third depicted built here.
I've only just picked up this game, but reading some of the stuff on here it seems rather deep and one that requires lots of man hours and grinding to succeed. Am I wrong?
I've only just picked up this game, but reading some of the stuff on here it seems rather deep and one that requires lots of man hours and grinding to succeed. Am I wrong?

Depends what your comparing it to, it does require you to grind quite a bit to get access to gear vendors and what not. but compared to a hardcore mmo like wow its nothing
Completing the map with missions and side missions (getting to level 30) is reasonably quick and an awful lot of fun! Then you enter DZ and start to rank up else where. None of it so far has been a 'grind' though :)
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