The Division. Are we interested?

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Applies to all Ubi games but I'm not making a new thread and this one specifically mentions TD. I knew there was a playtest group but I guess to prevent leaks, judge UI, behaviour etc that tests can only be carried at their studio.

Maybe useful for someone who is local.

Signed up. I actually went for an interview there back in my game design days, when they were Reflections Games. Didn't get the job though. Mind you, it was QA testing Driver 3, so probably a lucky escape.:D
Hey Fear, cheers again for letting me tag along in the DZ again.

hope you don't mind me joining your groups if there is spaces free? just that I don't have anyone else to join apart from randoms and they cant be trusted lol

went from rank 37 to 41 :D

If they let me join them m8 they'll let anyone join :D ;) :p
Sorry, I was going to be leaving soon anyway so just ragequit when the rogues got me that last time.

I'll pop it on before I play tonight.

Yeah I figured as much. They got me shortly after. Nearly got one of them but suddenly there came more of their team and did me in. Lost about 20K XP that night. I have been wondering that with all of our builds, no matter which, they usually get us rather quickly even with Survivor popped...why is that...?

Massive thanks for that! Have you considered swapping the two Tactician's for 2 Strikers with Power Level 32 electronic mods? Just an idea that came to mind.

Hey Fear, cheers again for letting me tag along in the DZ again.

hope you don't mind me joining your groups if there is spaces free? just that I don't have anyone else to join apart from randoms and they cant be trusted lol

went from rank 37 to 41 :D

Of course not! You're always welcome man! And nice levelling up there :D

If they let me join them m8 they'll let anyone join :D ;) :p

I'd rather play with a blind hamster than with you :p Joking mate!
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I wouldn't mind doing CM FL at the weekend, I just don't really have the time or patience by the time everyone is on during the week.

Don't mind some DZ or HM FL on a weeknight though.


Thanks Obama!

I guess the plan is to make it work well for snipers, hence the missed shot thing would make more sense with sentries. Though in that case they should buff the damage in line with strikers.

They should rebalance strikers too, make the miss penalty less harsh and increase the per second tickdown rate.

Maybe just bin the nomad set altogether.

Oh and maybe make them not look like ****, especially the masks.

Sorry, I was going to be leaving soon anyway so just ragequit when the rogues got me that last time.

Same here, last night was the last night I will be trying CM on a weeknight.

Should be on tonight by around 9pm at the latest I think :)

Also...that sucks about the sentrys :(
Finally beat FL on Challenge mode last night with 3 randoms, surprising easy when you have a decent group.

Plus, picked up 2 green Nomad pieces from DZ.

The gods were shining on me yesterday :D
Finally beat FL on Challenge mode last night with 3 randoms, surprising easy when you have a decent group.

Plus, picked up 2 green Nomad pieces from DZ.

The gods were shining on me yesterday :D

Dang I'm sick with envy :D Add me to Uplay if you like (same as forum name). Nomad drops = the gods having a laugh at your expense :p

Going to make it rank 91 today :D
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Went rogue the other night on purpose for the first time, usually we try to keep to ourselfs and just farm but had a shoot on sight policy last night. Guy came round the corner and got wasted, 2 minutes later we're all dead with this guy sat over the top of us :D Explosive bullets and a 204 M1A, he destroyed us xD

Its good fun but I'm really bad at the PVP :D
I will be on tonight, hunting rogues, going rogue and maybe a little farming. If you want to team up and don't mind the risk\reward of going rogue them add me:) Uplay name is Prattler.
I will be on tonight, hunting rogues, going rogue and maybe a little farming. If you want to team up and don't mind the risk\reward of going rogue them add me:) Uplay name is Prattler.

Your on my FL so will def try and group up at some point, I've been running around with General-hawk, blueknight & commando a bit as well which have been good.

Think I'm trying CM FL again tonight with a few mates, will we finally beat it :D probably not lol :(
Finally completed Falcon (just on Hard)....drops were all crap :(
DZ rank will finally be 50 tonight....hoping I can purchase some decent blueprints in the DZ with level 50.....otherwise I'm out of ideas..
I will be on tonight, hunting rogues, going rogue and maybe a little farming. If you want to team up and don't mind the risk\reward of going rogue them add me:) Uplay name is Prattler.

Keep a slot for me Pratts!!! I have 60K DZ Funds to get the 204 M1A so will need to go rogue.... Wont be on till around 2100 tho.... I promise to try and keep the vocals down :o
Where do I go from here?

Im guessing its DZ for me now, although Ive only been in solo so far so haven't seen or done much.
I take it the kit available in the DZ will be better? The DZ guy in my BOO doesn't seem to have any improvement on what I have already.
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