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Anyone wanna run thru Falcon Lost? the people i normally play with have all quit :( my Uplay is SidDeards73

Add me for some PVE / PVP

Went to add you for some incursions as I want to run them this weekend for more different green drops - I am aiming for a full set of each gear now, but your uplay ID doesn't appear?

have they cut down the hackers, last time I played, they were everywhere

Massively cut down yeah! Havent seen one in ages nor been affected by any.

If someone called me a cheater I'd just laugh.....

I laugh, even when Stark and V4NT0M claim im cheating haha! :P RPM hacks bro ftw!

Had good fun this evening. Ranked up in the DZ, got my first ever teal drop in the DZ - tacticians gloves which will help towards my full gear set for all gear set dream.

Will be on tomorrow again.
Thanks to all I've played with tonight and aided me in getting to DZ rank 93; awesome!

You collecting Nomad too Gamble? Might be worth it if they change the talents/bonuses on it in due time (IF). I'd rather see it disappear entirely and have them change a few bits on the upcoming Juggernaut set.

Anyway, trying to do the same as you; full Sentry's, Strikers and Tactician's (& Juggernaut) at least and mix them about. Can't wait to get my new builds done; need more blueprints (hopefully come weekend) and proper 214/240 drops.

SiDeards73, add me on Uplay as well and when Falcon has reset come weekend I'm up for it as well. Maybe you and I, Gamble, can help the man out plus a fourth?
Thanks to all I've played with tonight and aided me in getting to DZ rank 93; awesome!

You collecting Nomad too Gamble? Might be worth it if they change the talents/bonuses on it in due time (IF). I'd rather see it disappear entirely and have them change a few bits on the upcoming Juggernaut set.

Anyway, trying to do the same as you; full Sentry's, Strikers and Tactician's (& Juggernaut) at least and mix them about. Can't wait to get my new builds done; need more blueprints (hopefully come weekend) and proper 214/240 drops.

SiDeards73, add me on Uplay as well and when Falcon has reset come weekend I'm up for it as well. Maybe you and I, Gamble, can help the man out plus a fourth?

I'm available
Your name sounds familier, was it Wake5 and commando47 that you killed?

Not me, were you talking to the guy I quoted?

I'll run an incursion or two this weekend, should be around a bit. Might come try it with an electronics build.
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Went to add you for some incursions as I want to run them this weekend for more different green drops - I am aiming for a full set of each gear now, but your uplay ID doesn't appear?

Massively cut down yeah! Havent seen one in ages nor been affected by any.

I laugh, even when Stark and V4NT0M claim im cheating haha! :P RPM hacks bro ftw!

Had good fun this evening. Ranked up in the DZ, got my first ever teal drop in the DZ - tacticians gloves which will help towards my full gear set for all gear set dream.

Will be on tomorrow again.

odd maybe it has to all be lower case then sideards73
Thanks to all I've played with tonight and aided me in getting to DZ rank 93; awesome!

You collecting Nomad too Gamble? Might be worth it if they change the talents/bonuses on it in due time (IF). I'd rather see it disappear entirely and have them change a few bits on the upcoming Juggernaut set.

Anyway, trying to do the same as you; full Sentry's, Strikers and Tactician's (& Juggernaut) at least and mix them about. Can't wait to get my new builds done; need more blueprints (hopefully come weekend) and proper 214/240 drops.

SiDeards73, add me on Uplay as well and when Falcon has reset come weekend I'm up for it as well. Maybe you and I, Gamble, can help the man out plus a fourth?

No nomads, got rid of it all already as its a bit crap.

And yes the new gear!!! That will be interesting :)
I'm available

Awesome. :)

Will be on tonight and do t mind running a few things. Daily cm's, incursion etc.
I am happy to run Falcon lost (hard only) quite a few times. I need to get 3 charachters beefed up and would be nice to not have to keep swapping gear between them :)
I am happy to run Falcon lost (hard only) quite a few times. I need to get 3 charachters beefed up and would be nice to not have to keep swapping gear between them :)

I'll do a few runs would be nice to try and get some odd bit of kit that I am missing.
I am happy to run Falcon lost (hard only) quite a few times. I need to get 3 charachters beefed up and would be nice to not have to keep swapping gear between them :)

What level is your latest alt, just got mine to lvl30 before the server went down.
Been a bit of a struggle getting a decent smg, had my Vector(purple) from 21>28. I would have settled for an AF, but did'nt see one of them.
Will start using some of the gear from my stash and spares from my other alts.
Want to get into the DZ some time this afternoon, when I've finished the game.
DZ levels for all 4 characters are, 66-37-20-5.

Any help guys, with any of this alts will be appreciated.:D
no game updates this week in the maintenance.

no 1.2 date being announced today either.

SoTG at 10:30am if anyone interested.
no game updates this week in the maintenance.

no 1.2 date being announced today either.

SoTG at 10:30am if anyone interested.

If you are going to watch it, can you provide a breakdown of items covered in here? At work so wont able to see it.

Hope 1.2 eta gets announced.
If you are going to watch it, can you provide a breakdown of items covered in here? At work so wont able to see it.

Hope 1.2 eta gets announced.

yeah sure, i'll try and do some bullet points :)

i guess we could read into the lack of hotfixes this week as a sign that 1.2 is close?
What level is your latest alt, just got mine to lvl30 before the server went down.
Been a bit of a struggle getting a decent smg, had my Vector(purple) from 21>28. I would have settled for an AF, but did'nt see one of them.
Will start using some of the gear from my stash and spares from my other alts.
Want to get into the DZ some time this afternoon, when I've finished the game.
DZ levels for all 4 characters are, 66-37-20-5.

Any help guys, with any of this alts will be appreciated.:D

I hit 30 yesterday around 3pm. I have pretty much done all the side missions as well but not too fussed as I have the BoO fully unlocked. My 3 chars are DZ 82, 46 and 25 and I will be getting a 4th started on Monday. A bit gutted really as I wanted some 214 gloves (strikers or Sentry) and doing Incursions with 3 chars gave me 3 214 Striker vests, which is ok I guess but gloves gloves gloves is all I need :D

Still, I am enjoying the game and the only grind I am feeling is getting mats. Previously I didn't mind doing the whole map opening all the crafting boxes but now it just isn't worth it and lucky to get enough to craft one HE item :( I hope they look at this again for 1.2.
I hit 30 yesterday around 3pm. I have pretty much done all the side missions as well but not too fussed as I have the BoO fully unlocked. My 3 chars are DZ 82, 46 and 25 and I will be getting a 4th started on Monday. A bit gutted really as I wanted some 214 gloves (strikers or Sentry) and doing Incursions with 3 chars gave me 3 214 Striker vests, which is ok I guess but gloves gloves gloves is all I need :D

Still, I am enjoying the game and the only grind I am feeling is getting mats. Previously I didn't mind doing the whole map opening all the crafting boxes but now it just isn't worth it and lucky to get enough to craft one HE item :( I hope they look at this again for 1.2.

Takes a bit longer leveling up on your own(my choice), plus logging in and out between alts, crafting and re-calibrating gear.
The material side is a bit naff now, had no option but to run around collecting mats with all 4 alts.
Need to start and do the dailies, not done any in a couple of days.
Will try at some point later today/night, to get my last alt leveled up a bit more in the DZ, then need to concentrate on getting my DZ66 alt up to 75.
Lots to do. :D
Should be on about 1-2pm, if anyone is about.
Because idleman hasn't spent to long playing this game :D, someone I play with was telling me his American friend had 3600 hours on the game and at the time I worked out how long the game had been release and it worked out at more like 1800 hours if he had played 24/7 since launch lmao.
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