Anyone wanna run thru Falcon Lost? the people i normally play with have all quitmy Uplay is SidDeards73
Add me for some PVE / PVP
Went to add you for some incursions as I want to run them this weekend for more different green drops - I am aiming for a full set of each gear now, but your uplay ID doesn't appear?
have they cut down the hackers, last time I played, they were everywhere
Massively cut down yeah! Havent seen one in ages nor been affected by any.
If someone called me a cheater I'd just laugh.....
I laugh, even when Stark and V4NT0M claim im cheating haha!

Had good fun this evening. Ranked up in the DZ, got my first ever teal drop in the DZ - tacticians gloves which will help towards my full gear set for all gear set dream.
Will be on tomorrow again.