The Division. Are we interested?

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Tried to login again still banned ! No one has access to my client but me , My rainbow six still works great , no emails or warnings or anything ? I really have no ideas why I am getting a Mike Error , please contact support your account is banned ? I was doing the king exploit when the game was released with about a million other people so cant see them banning me for that ? I've not tried any cheats out as I only played raids and didnt even do DZ so have no idea whats going on , sent a message to customer support to see wtf is up.
2 hours I believe.

Just had a proper good laugh on FL Hard with Jedi, Boomerang and Splufzz :D 3rd time lucky and man did we make that hard work lol :D

I think the key chests and chests spawn every 30mins. Div Tech is 2 hours but I'm 80% certain the other chests are quicker - though I've never really paid attention.
Tried to login again still banned ! No one has access to my client but me , My rainbow six still works great , no emails or warnings or anything ? I really have no ideas why I am getting a Mike Error , please contact support your account is banned ? I was doing the king exploit when the game was released with about a million other people so cant see them banning me for that ? I've not tried any cheats out as I only played raids and didnt even do DZ so have no idea whats going on , sent a message to customer support to see wtf is up.

That really sucks. Loads did the Bullet king exploit (I didn't) as well as others like PA (I did it about 6 times) and FL. Hope you get it sorted :)
Tried to login again still banned ! No one has access to my client but me , My rainbow six still works great , no emails or warnings or anything ? I really have no ideas why I am getting a Mike Error , please contact support your account is banned ? I was doing the king exploit when the game was released with about a million other people so cant see them banning me for that ? I've not tried any cheats out as I only played raids and didnt even do DZ so have no idea whats going on , sent a message to customer support to see wtf is up.

Strange why they banned your account, wonder what for. Especially if you have not used separate programs to cheat and your account has not been accessed by anyone else.

They do say from now on though that they will treat exploiters as they do cheaters that use external programs which I think is a little unfair as it's their code that's broken. Getting banned for using external programs to cheat I have no issues with and it's needed.

Exploiting that far back I am sure that would not be the banning issue as many others as have I exploited other parts of the game without issues since that one. Could have been banned by mistake when the mass bans have been happening.

I did use cheat engine (never used against other players) only for four or so days before they temporarily banned me for 14 days (expires on the 17th thankfully), so that was my own fault. If I try to login I get the Mike error saying my account has been banned even though it's only temporary.

Hope you find out what they banned you for.
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I think punishment for exploiting was from only fairly recently onward. They had to clarify some wording in the code of conduct for legal reasons? (Same legal reasons they can't permaban for first offence)
Had some good fun with commando and some others in the DZ and a failed attempt at FL Challenge. If any of you fancy giving it a proper go sometime let me know, or anyone else for that matter.
I'm done with this game. Killed someone with an explosive bullet and a DPS of 330k and was then accused of cheating. Sore losers seem to dominate the DZ. IG = SaiperX in case it was someone on here.
I'm done with this game. Killed someone with an explosive bullet and a DPS of 330k and was then accused of cheating. Sore losers seem to dominate the DZ. IG = SaiperX in case it was someone on here.

Did you come here to brag about your DPS or what? Why would you quit the game just because some random accused you of cheating? :confused:
Did you come here to brag about your DPS or what? Why would you quit the game just because some random accused you of cheating? :confused:

Eh? No I just casually mentioned it in the hope that the person who gave me grief might read it and realise their mistake. I'm not in the habit of bragging about anything, least not something related to a game. Call it the straw that broke the camels back.
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