The Division. Are we interested?

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Let's try to keep this in proportion. He cheated at a computer game, and it's not even a competitive e-sport - the wrst that could have happened was a few people got ****ed off and walked away from their PCs.

You'd think he ran over a granny in the street the way some people are reacting :p
Any of you guys completing the Challenge mode Incursion want to let me tag along for a run for tips/help?

The group I play with have been trying all week to finish it and we're really struggling with it. Made wave 15 once, usually die on wave 4 or 8. Been playing in the Pit :confused:

I've got two setups 240/80/16 64% Sentrys or 100/75/35 63% tac setup.
Let's try to keep this in proportion. He cheated at a computer game, and it's not even a competitive e-sport - the wrst that could have happened was a few people got ****ed off and walked away from their PCs.

You'd think he ran over a granny in the street the way some people are reacting :p

I applaud you sir :D
Lots of us did Falcon glitch,some were playing with ~200GS after days when Falcon was released,not sure how they can talk about someone who got pi55ed by cheaters in DZ.

Better talk about what new stuff vendors will have after tonights reset ;)
204GS MP5 anyone? :D


It's pretty obvious when someone is RPM hacking or teleporting and I can guarantee that radeon barely used it, he would have died a lot less lol

If I was hacking for my own personal gain against all players I would have certainly died a lot less :), but I don't like to play MP games that way. No fun when you can guarantee you won't lose walking around the DZ like terminator one shooting everything.

As for the cheat engine program I have had it installed for many years, around 10yrs so if I wanted to hack any MP in that time I could have but I don't, only SP games if I feel like fiddling around apart from this one occasion in the division.

Apart from this ban, I have never been banned temporarily or permanently from any other game since PC gaming around 2003.
So its Monday you are back on Radeon?

Up for some HM incursions tonight and DZ farming/rogueing XD

If im correct Rad said he will be on 17th
I should get my lappy on mon/tues as well :p

Just read Ubis financial results,apparently Divisions has 9.5mln registered players,most active spending at least 4h daily in game,players who turned on Division 4 weeks ago,91% of them still playing
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So its Monday you are back on Radeon?

Up for some HM incursions tonight and DZ farming/rogueing XD

Tuesday I should hopefully be back so not long now. Can't wait to get back into it again. No idea what time the ban could be lifted Tuesday but hopefully won't have to wait too long.

Not going to worry about upgrading gear sets now that 1.2 should make them easier to get.

Level 34 enemies in that 200 DZ bracket make me worried, taking on the pit solo will now be really hard. Should certainly make the DZ more fun in a group though.
I'm around this afternoon if anyone wants to do daily missions or DZ?

Do I have you on Uplay? If not add me, same as forum username.

make your GS low using stash transfer to alt, go into lower bracket DZ and farm the DZ5 and 6 as they'll be empty.

You realise the brackets will be full with people doing that right...?

Great to have you back soon Radeon!
The rewards for being in the 200+ bracket do seem much greater than in the one below, hopefully 240 pieces will be available to buy from vendors following the patch?
Any chance of a text summary of the video for those of us at work? :p

Sorry dude, forgot some people have to work. :p:D

Here's the gist.

Create alt and play until you have access to your stash.

With the alt you want to level up in the DZ, you need to get your GS to 160 or lower. Put in a low end sniper and pistol. Also try and ensure you have some decent bonus XP on some of your gear.
Then you need to empty your B/pack and DZ stash, put everything into your stash. Then have your new alt remove it all, so as any high level gear cannot be detected and you will then be able to go into the DZ, overpowered but in the under GS160 server.
Once you've watch the vid, you'll get a better picture.

Just got my new alt to Manhatten, so will give this a shot and see if it works.
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i think people are just a little butthurt about the double standards? "OMGZ PERMABAN ALL THE CHEATERS! except my friends, who hardly ever cheated.."

personally im not fussed :)

You realise the brackets will be full with people doing that right...?

yup. lets make a youtube video about how to get to quiet parts of the game.. DERP.
Sorry dude, forgot some people have to work. :p:D

Here's the gist.

Create alt and play until you have access to your stash.

With the alt you want to level up in the DZ, you need to get your GS to 160 or lower. Put in a low end sniper and pistol. Also try and ensure you have some decent bonus XP on some of your gear.
Then you need to empty your B/pack and DZ stash, put everything into your stash. Then have your new alt remove it all, so as any high level gear cannot be detected and you will then be able to go into the DZ, overpowered but in the under GS160 server.
Once you've watch the vid, you'll get a better picture.

Just got my new alt to Manhatten, so will give this a shot and see if it works.

Cheers, although like Neil says, wonder if they will be quiet much longer lol

I'm not fussed about cheaters, have consistently said that I haven't met many, even though I've played 125 hours or so.
The rewards for being in the 200+ bracket do seem much greater than in the one below, hopefully 240 pieces will be available to buy from vendors following the patch?

If only... I'd prefer that every gear set piece has a blueprint and prebuilt version that are available from vendors. I do not like being forced playing incursions over and over again for a random chance to maybe get it.

I also hope for some sort of DZ funds increase / mission rewards so you can buy more than two blueprints. After having bought two last week and having farmed daily I just might be able to buy another two tomorrow. That's not right in a RNG environment, I feel.


It's pretty obvious when someone is RPM hacking or teleporting and I can guarantee that radeon barely used it, he would have died a lot less lol

Hacking is hacking I don't care if he didn't decide to use a particular one as he probably thought there would be less chance to get detected.

Let's try to keep this in proportion. He cheated at a computer game, and it's not even a competitive e-sport - the wrst that could have happened was a few people got ****ed off and walked away from their PCs.

You'd think he ran over a granny in the street the way some people are reacting :p

So hacking in a non e-sports game is suddenly acceptable? lol pull the other one. Hackers nearly destroyed this game on PC and many people have been put of because of it. Just because he is your mate doesn't make it acceptable.
You're putting words in my mouth now. Did I say it was acceptable? No I did not.

I think Ubi's policy on this is pretty fair, he's served his ban so let him play.
Hacking is hacking I don't care if he didn't decide to use a particular one as he probably thought there would be less chance to get detected.

So hacking in a non e-sports game is suddenly acceptable? lol pull the other one. Hackers nearly destroyed this game on PC and many people have been put of because of it. Just because he is your mate doesn't make it acceptable.

Plz,dont this chit all over again.
I dont care if anybody glitched/hacked in Falcon,dailies etc - its DZ where it matters,as DZ is other games multiplayer,thats where cheat/hacks count.
Werent you glitching Falcon,posted numerous videos with how to do that and said yourself that it saves time? ;)
Not to mention devs lies how full game release will be with full anti cheat system.Yeah,right :D
And not to mention consoles didnt had this issue with hackers,its PC only.

Time to move on i think,its his game and he does what he wants in SP. Nobody should care what others doing in SP like nobody should care how im drinking my beer.
MP is other thing tho.
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Plz,dont this chit all over again.
I dont care if anybody glitched/hacked in Falcon,dailies etc - its DZ where it matters,as DZ is other games multiplayer,thats where cheat/hacks count.

Werent you glitching Falcon,posted numerous videos with how to do that and said yourself that it saves time? ;)
Not to mention devs lies how full game release will be with full anti cheat system.Yeah,right :D
And not to mention consoles didnt had this issue with hackers,its PC only.

Time to move on i think,its his game and he does what he wants in SP. Nobody should care what others doing in SP like nobody should care how im drinking my beer.
MP is other thing tho.

I think you are confused and should learn the difference between hacking, boosting and exploiting for a start.

If you don't think people who used cheats in pve especially FL is a problem then you need your head examining. Obtaining the best gear sets by running rpm hacks, teleporting and finishing the mission within 5 mins and accumulating min/max items which would otherwise take months to obtain is disastrous and has a knock on effect in multiplayer. How can you not see the correlation?

I posted exploit videos showing how dire the game became and how everyone at the time was taking advantage of bugs to make challenge mode easy to complete. Never once did I say do it and if the developers thought I gained a massive advantage then I would have been hit with a 14 day suspension which never happened.

Not to mention devs lies how full game release will be with full anti cheat system.Yeah,right :D
And not to mention consoles didnt had this issue with hackers,its PC only.

This doesn't even make sense. Are you doubting that the developers said that there will be adequate anti cheat following on from the beta?

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Come on guys, I don't condone what Radeon did and think he was silly and I told him that on Discord but he tells me he never used it against PVP and he has had a 2 week suspension for it. Not one of us is perfect in life and we have all messed up somewhere along the line but we get on with it and forgive and forget. If Radeon does it again though, I will be on him like a ton of bricks!

It will be a wall of text..But some people here need good look in the mirror..

Im not doubting - i know it,just like all others,there was no any anti cheat untill lots of people left right after 1.1 when cheating in DZ becomereal problem.So you blaming players because company lied to its customers and not implemented any anti cheat,so anybody who knows how to turn on PC could cheat?
Blame players because game itself not what it was advertised is just silly.Im very happy with my head,since i can see difference between SP and MP cheating,leave insults to yourself please.

You aren't stealing anything from anybody because you are not depriving anybody of their property....and the analogy doesn't work because of that very reason.

When you exploit you use an easy method to get content which is meant for you. You are literally getting something which you are supposed to get. Except the way you get it is not the way that was envisioned. And regardless of how disappointing that no point is it an equivalent of stealing something. You do not actually deprive anybody of their property including Ubisoft.

It is literally the equivalent of sneaking down stairs and opening your Christmas present a day early and without brushing your teeth and combing your hair first.

You are not punished because you have the content. Because people got the content by playing how it was envisioned. You are getting punished because you found an alternative way which was only possible by oversight (shoddy programming) and, in this case, repeated failure to address the actual problem that allowed this to happen. Companies do not like this because it points out their design and coding flaws.

The punishment is a one sided reprimand which deflects the responsibility entirely on the players while the company can maintain an air of "quality". And while such punishment may very well be justified in games where companies actually made only a few mistakes and took every action to fix these mistakes as soon as possible. We are now dealing with a company who glorified such behavior in the past, who actively dismissed concerns about such behavior which did not take adequate action and consistently failed to take adequate action to this day to prevent this from even happening in the first place. We are also dealing with a company with a track record of this. And with a company that refuses to acknowledge their mistakes and offer compensation for the player base if they so desire.

In short - i dont know how people are happy with Ubi lies about anti cheat when game was released WITHOUT IT.That is a FACT.And there was no real action against cheaters until hamish got owned by one.Then devs saw at waht extent this problem is in DZ really.Cheating in Falcon was a problem? Because people getting better gear? Since when GS matter (thats your words actually)? Its DZ where cheating matters - maybe you need to look at it how it is,and not just make stuff which suits your agenda?

Im done with this bs and blind people.

Welcome back Radeon,i will be enjoying Division time like before m8 ;)
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