It will be a wall of text..But some people here need good look in the mirror..
Im not doubting - i know it,just like all others,there was no any anti cheat untill lots of people left right after 1.1 when cheating in DZ becomereal problem.So you blaming players because company lied to its customers and not implemented any anti cheat,so anybody who knows how to turn on PC could cheat?
Blame players because game itself not what it was advertised is just silly.Im very happy with my head,since i can see difference between SP and MP cheating,leave insults to yourself please.
You aren't stealing anything from anybody because you are not depriving anybody of their property....and the analogy doesn't work because of that very reason.
When you exploit you use an easy method to get content which is meant for you. You are literally getting something which you are supposed to get. Except the way you get it is not the way that was envisioned. And regardless of how disappointing that no point is it an equivalent of stealing something. You do not actually deprive anybody of their property including Ubisoft.
It is literally the equivalent of sneaking down stairs and opening your Christmas present a day early and without brushing your teeth and combing your hair first.
You are not punished because you have the content. Because people got the content by playing how it was envisioned. You are getting punished because you found an alternative way which was only possible by oversight (shoddy programming) and, in this case, repeated failure to address the actual problem that allowed this to happen. Companies do not like this because it points out their design and coding flaws.
The punishment is a one sided reprimand which deflects the responsibility entirely on the players while the company can maintain an air of "quality". And while such punishment may very well be justified in games where companies actually made only a few mistakes and took every action to fix these mistakes as soon as possible. We are now dealing with a company who glorified such behavior in the past, who actively dismissed concerns about such behavior which did not take adequate action and consistently failed to take adequate action to this day to prevent this from even happening in the first place. We are also dealing with a company with a track record of this. And with a company that refuses to acknowledge their mistakes and offer compensation for the player base if they so desire.
In short - i dont know how people are happy with Ubi lies about anti cheat when game was released WITHOUT IT.That is a FACT.And there was no real action against cheaters until hamish got owned by one.Then devs saw at waht extent this problem is in DZ really.Cheating in Falcon was a problem? Because people getting better gear? Since when GS matter (thats your words actually)? Its DZ where cheating matters - maybe you need to look at it how it is,and not just make stuff which suits your agenda?
Im done with this bs and blind people.
Welcome back Radeon,i will be enjoying Division time like before m8