The Division. Are we interested?

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To explain exploiting as 'getting something quicker than you otherwise should be' is a little disingenuous. exploiting can remove hours/days of gameplay and give you a distinct advantage over the competition, so even if hacking wasnt a problem then exploiting still would be and people who exploited falcon, just as an example, would very likely have a good advantage over those who didnt and were previously rocking the same level of gear. Add that on top of the cheating (which is worse of course) and you end up with the odds stacked well against people with lower end gear / new players. I am dz40 ~gs190. I'm firmly stuck - cant get better weapons until i can buy the 204 bluprints, cant do that because i've got 35 levels to grind in the DZ and that's a **** take when i'm lumped in with the 200+'ers and the hackers (at least that's being addressed in 1.2 with the 200+ dz). It's pretty soul destroying trying to level in the DZ right now - im earning what, 250xp every kill and losing 1400 every time i get raped by a hacker or a group of 240s having 'fun'. yey.

You launch dayers and beta testers etc. are all right, you lot had it easy with all the exploits, relative lack of hackers (at the time) making dz easy and 'cheap' crafting that was available until 1.1. Even now you can create an alt and just move gear around, the rest of us cant do even do that.

so what am i saying, well, yes hacking is pants and we all hate it and it needs to die and ubisoft suck. But that doesnt mean exploiting shouldn't be address as it's helped cause a real imbalance, imo, for the rest of us.
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James - i lost count how many times i got killed myself by cheats in DZ when playing with OcUK boys,i rage quite more than few times ;)
Problem is core and core is (was) lacking any anti cheat since launch.Its not players who released game with such easy cheating capabilities - worse,devs knew how easy to cheat since first Beta.
Now its ok,they put anti cheat in game,it kinda works,but will this make players who lost trust in this company for good return to play again?
Imagine - player,who got constantly killed by cheats decided to give it one more chance,he returns after 1.2 patch to see new glitches,exploits,cheats (its not like now no any hackers in DZ) and got killed in first 10min in DZ - what his reaction will be? He will deffo leave for good.And this is not good for game.Neither for those who like game concept,like me.
Thekwango - if you cant read and understand what im saying,maybe dont post such drabble?

Im not defending any of this,im not happy with glitchers/cheaters as i got skinned by them more than once.Problem is devs and what they doing/not doing to prevent this.Cheaters/glitchers is just side affect.
Anyways,im done with this crap - if people cant understand what im saying (even tho my ENG is far from perfect-sorry) then i cant help.

Waiting for my crappy laptop to arrive :D
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Can't ****ing believe it, just got to DZ67 and killed a rogue, when this random I teamed up with decided to go rogue on the guy who helped kill the rogues and yes you guessed it, I got killed.
Anyone who has a number of 240 gear set items has a huge advantage over people with only 214's. If they have good rolls it might be in the order of 20-30k DPS 20-30K health and 10-20k skill extra.

Anyone that glitched the incursion and or used scripts (their not hackers) has a significant advantage in the DZ even if they didn't script in the DZ which is why there talking about roll backs or banning for glitching too.
Anyone who has a number of 240 gear set items has a huge advantage over people with only 214's. If they have good rolls it might be in the order of 20-30k DPS 20-30K health and 10-20k skill extra.

Anyone that glitched the incursion and or used scripts (their not hackers) has a significant advantage in the DZ even if they didn't script in the DZ which is why there talking about roll backs or banning for glitching too.

They talking about roll back for those who got 240GS? Now that would be something.Is this from yesterdays Twitch stream? I missed it.Just curious how they going to manage it - can you just simply put all 240 items in your alts stash? And how about hackers who obtained it before 2 week ban wave and got 2 weeks off - will they keep 240 items now,will they get banned for 2 weeks again or perma bans? ...
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I don't know how they can trace it considering I have a 240 item, but have also been pushed outside of the map in DZ and got a random timer appear in PVE area for being out of area when I only on the edge near the entrance to DZ06.

So if they looked at reports I have been off the map to the point the game forced me back to a normal area.

Unless they look at xyz co ordinates, plus what items dropped and then pull the names from that. They would have to log stuff like that to troubleshoot tickets people raise to them I suppose
They said that from when they made the statement RE cheating and glitching that they could roll back or ban people glitching. Not from before.

"This is why moving forward we will adopt a stronger stance against players abusing exploits."

"Second, sanctions will be implemented for players who repeatedly abuse exploits and will vary depending on the severity of the abuse, as well as the history of the player. Possible sanctions include character rollbacks, account suspensions and permanent bans. Those who encounter bugs during the normal course of play have absolutely nothing to worry about."
Gamble,McBain - thats why im curious about it as well..
Regarding cheating - i still think that those who got cought clearly cheating/hacking should lost they 240 and maybe 214 items.Because like one cheater said "i dont care,i have all 4 alts full of 240 items,i have 999mats for crafting,so 2 weeks will be like holidays for me" :(
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It will be a wall of text..But some people here need good look in the mirror..

Im not doubting - i know it,just like all others,there was no any anti cheat untill lots of people left right after 1.1 when cheating in DZ becomereal problem.

Cheating became a problem as soon as it was apparent during the BETA!

So you blaming players because company lied to its customers and not implemented any anti cheat,so anybody who knows how to turn on PC could cheat?

You really don't make sense here. How are players to blame for Ubisoft not implementing anti cheat? When did I say that? When have I ever said that?

Blame players because game itself not what it was advertised is just silly.Im very happy with my head,since i can see difference between SP and MP cheating,leave insults to yourself please.

Again you're just making up now or you've misunderstood what I wrote.

You aren't stealing anything from anybody because you are not depriving anybody of their property....and the analogy doesn't work because of that very reason.

When you exploit you use an easy method to get content which is meant for you. You are literally getting something which you are supposed to get. Except the way you get it is not the way that was envisioned. And regardless of how disappointing that no point is it an equivalent of stealing something. You do not actually deprive anybody of their property including Ubisoft.

It is literally the equivalent of sneaking down stairs and opening your Christmas present a day early and without brushing your teeth and combing your hair first.

You are not punished because you have the content. Because people got the content by playing how it was envisioned. You are getting punished because you found an alternative way which was only possible by oversight (shoddy programming) and, in this case, repeated failure to address the actual problem that allowed this to happen. Companies do not like this because it points out their design and coding flaws.

The punishment is a one sided reprimand which deflects the responsibility entirely on the players while the company can maintain an air of "quality". And while such punishment may very well be justified in games where companies actually made only a few mistakes and took every action to fix these mistakes as soon as possible. We are now dealing with a company who glorified such behavior in the past, who actively dismissed concerns about such behavior which did not take adequate action and consistently failed to take adequate action to this day to prevent this from even happening in the first place. We are also dealing with a company with a track record of this. And with a company that refuses to acknowledge their mistakes and offer compensation for the player base if they so desire.

erm ok

In short - i dont know how people are happy with Ubi lies about anti cheat when game was released WITHOUT IT.That is a FACT.

This I can agree with.

And there was no real action against cheaters until hamish got owned by one.Then devs saw at waht extent this problem is in DZ really.

Not true at all. People were complaining weeks before it and it was even brought up in SOTG many times. If you were in the Reddit Division channel where developers hang out cheating was bought to their attention time and time again. Then ME/Ubi were criticized by gaming journalists/publications who took note in circus act the game became and cheating did play a part in why the playerbase dropped.

Cheating in Falcon was a problem? Because people getting better gear? Since when GS matter (thats your words actually)? Its DZ where cheating matters - maybe you need to look at it how it is,and not just make stuff which suits your agenda?

Do you understand min/max? People had a higher chance to get optimized gear within 5 mins. If you think cheating is only a concern in the DZ then more the fool you.

Im done with this bs and blind people.


Welcome back Radeon,i will be enjoying Division time like before m8 ;)

Have fun playing with your hacker buddies in the DZ
Let's get back to playing the game :p

So I have crafted an M1A with Balanced and Brutal. Stick or twist? How likely am I to roll something better with 3-5 rolls?
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