The Division. Are we interested?

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Sorry wasn't on at all last night, I was busy watching movies. I won't be on tonight either but I should be on Friday and the weekend, no work on Monday either so I'll probably be on then too.

Snap! I am the same, off on Monday and will be on over the weekend.

Will be on tonight after food.
Finally managed to get it downloaded, first impressions: awesome! On my relatively modest rig (with a 21:9 3440x1440 34" screen admittedly) it looks incredible, thought I was watching a pre rendered cutscene and then I started moving.
Only done the first couple of side missions and the police station and already love the co-op. Matchmaking seems to work quite well which is more than I could ever say for Destiny.

Just need to find some time to play it extensively now!
Finally managed to get it downloaded, first impressions: awesome! On my relatively modest rig (with a 21:9 3440x1440 34" screen admittedly) it looks incredible, thought I was watching a pre rendered cutscene and then I started moving.
Only done the first couple of side missions and the police station and already love the co-op. Matchmaking seems to work quite well which is more than I could ever say for Destiny.

Just need to find some time to play it extensively now!

The graphics are really *really* done well. Still impresses me now tbh :)

4K does take it to another level altogether :cool:
I know but I don't have anyone else to play with otherwise I would so stuck with randoms lol

I have all the greens for BoO, I haven't tried the DZ05 and 06 safe houses yet

Stick me on you friends list and I will show you round the dz. Be warned you may die a lot.
Actually I'm done with this now :( The amount of mouth breathers who have no idea in the DZ just broke me! Also just got killed about 3 times in a row through getting shot through cover...just like playing BF4 again!
Feel free to add me as well, always happy to help level up. Will be back on in a few days (17th onwards) :)

Uplay name Radeon85OCUK

RPM hacks bro lol :P Looking forward to you getting back on.

I am destined never to get 214 or 240 Sentry/Striker gloves. Done another 3 Challenge mode runs on FL today and nothing. :mad:

wtf.... crazy, I think I got my strikers gloves via another means but cant remember what. :/

Sorry you didn't get what you want. I'd like to do a run with you sometime :D I'm sure I can learn a thing or two!


Had quite a fun evening tonight with randoms. Did lexi about 7/8 times in a row and all guys had fairly good gear types that complimented each other.

One high tacticians that was consistently healing the group, one with full sentrys, and me with full strikers for PVE. Melted wasn't the word!

Will be on tomorrow night, will hopefully get to group up for a few missions - CM and Incursion etc
So admit to hacking and want welcomed back ? Really

Only did it for three days in 400hrs+ and never for an advantage in the DZ against a single player as that would have been completely unfair. 99.9% of all the work that I put in was hack free.

It would have primarily been used against obvious one shot through walls teleporting hackers, that obviously backfired as the cheat engine was picked up on the list of known programs.

My own fault but all work I put in was done hack free including reaching DZ rank 99 (others I play with can vouch for that as I mostly ranked up in a team), excluding the odd exploit that the majority have probably done.

1300hrs of GTA Online that I have done, 100% hack free as goes for any MP games that I play. Got fed up of loosing XP and money due to obvious hackers one shooting through walls and teleporting, mass killing then leaving in the division. GTA hackers don't bother me as it costs nothing If I die.
Does not matter if you didn't like dying to hackers we all are subjected to this everyday and we feel no desire to stoop down to their level and modify the game for a unfair advantage in a way the developer didn't intend for you to have. 10/10 completely out of order even if you THINK you were doing right by only killing who you thought was hacking it does not justify it.
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