The Division. Are we interested?

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Yay!!! Got my shipping email from Oculus, so will be taking a break from the game for a few days when it arrives. Hopefully 1.2 is upon us by then.
Because he's a human being first maybe? And we've all ****ed up at some stage?

I'm sure glad I was given a second chance when I did :)

Indeed far too much knowingly exploiting a glitch isn't the same as exploiting a weakness.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander but i wouldn't expect some people to understand that. They just love having an opinion on everything moral......
BoO has sod all worth buying. En route to check out dz.

Military m9 handgun
Military rpk74m assault

First wave vector 45 acp bp(lvl75) - absolute crap

en route to dz6


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- 204 Firearms and Stamina Gloves. Need Div Tech now to try and get a decent roll with savage.

Power Level 32 stuff
- Stamina mod
- Extended mags << Don't know why I bought this tbh as it probably gives one extra bullet in the magazine, but we'll see.
- Small Optic sight

Was hoping for mp5 and HE vest. Maybe next week.
Imagine farming the DZ most of the evening on an empty server, getting 3 green drops (4 for Momo) and getting so much XP (we both did) that we both ranked from 93 to 97, and loads of materials extracted. Best run I've had so far! I need more of this :D

Very poor choices this week. 1.2 and new incursion NEED to arrive next week.

Yeah another horrible week :( I did buy the DZ04 Stamina rank 50 power level 32 mod and it's awesome! It's going to help me out very well when I redo my build completely.

I'm having difficulty deciding what to reroll the selected attribute to; what would you do? The health, Crit DMG and gear slot all look appealing. Also wondering if I reroll the selected talent, can I later reroll the Kill XP one as well? Rank 97 now so soon I won't need it anymore.

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You can only select one attribute, mores the pity.

Can you put the pic in spoilers or re-size it please.

Got to DZ71, so, big thanks to all the guys that helped out.
Hoping to get to DZ75 tomorrow, so I can get the Firearms and Stamina glove BPs. Then maybe some FL CM.
I'm having difficulty deciding what to reroll the selected attribute to; what would you do? The health, Crit DMG and gear slot all look appealing. Also wondering if I reroll the selected talent, can I later reroll the Kill XP one as well? Rank 97 now so soon I won't need it anymore.

Can you later reroll the kill xp one? Nope
I would go either gear mod slot, crit damage, or exotic resiliance.
Depends on how your built so far.

Check the rolls of disrupt resistance, 5% elite resistance is not that bad. especially if you have it on other gear too, I'm sure it will help in CM Inc and the next one.
Nice armor on that, im struggling to hit 65% and soon need 75% pffff I need to master CM Inc for better gear.

I'm loosing 20k health because I'm 1 mod slot short, or ~50 firearms, frustrating is not the word. 90k stamina and no weapon talents or 70k and all talents active :( All because I can't roll 1 more mod slot, Incursions all day for me, I need tactical holster, no more 1 foot in. I'm full support now.

Aiming for 115k 100K 35k

Ja I Don't need 35k skill with tactical set but I do to activate weapon talents :( It's possible with some better rolls from the incursion.

Hopefully we can hook up later Fear, get some Incursions going. I'm sure your bored of the DZ :p
The pic gas always been in spoiler tags :p

With re-roll another I meant if I can recalibrate more than one attribute?

Gamble, DZ06 vendor exclusively sells nomad, no reason to keep checking.
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