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F34R - max dz players is 24.

Tomorrows plan. Try and get a strikers pack and holster do I can switch between 4 piece sentrys call and 4 piece strikers.

Then need to replace my 191 strikers knee pads and mask.

Lots of incursion farming :)
Finally enough creds for the vector bp and now I've got second thoughts.. :-/

Can't decide whether to:

1 - get the 214 vector bp and replace the 185 mp5 (vector 10-11k base, mp5 8.5k with mods giving 177kdps), keep the m44 (122kdps).

B - finding the range on the mp5 a bit short so wait for an AR bp and replace the 185 mp5 (177kdps), keep the m44 (122kdps).

iii - keep the mp5 (177kdps) and replace the m44 (122kdps) with an AR when a bp pops up.

Currently it's a toss up between getting better range on my main weapon and getting more power for my secondary.
If you're struggling for dz creds then don't get the vector, wait next week and hope the 204 aug or mp5 appears at the vendor refresh. Why not increase the optimal range with a mod?
Just completed CM FL with f34r, labby, bigmender!!! Was an amazing run, thankyou!

Learnt a lot doing that. :)

F34R - max dz players is 24.

Tomorrows plan. Try and get a strikers pack and holster do I can switch between 4 piece sentrys call and 4 piece strikers.

Then need to replace my 191 strikers knee pads and mask.

Lots of incursion farming :)

Yeah thanks guys!!! It was a smooth run! Dead happy here!

You're new build makes me jealous, looking very good ha ha! So you'll be able to do 3 setups including the one you just posted?

No matter what I do to my current gear I can't get to those stats. I lack the flexibility currently. Let's see what today brings.
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If you're struggling for dz creds then don't get the vector, wait next week and hope the 204 aug or mp5 appears at the vendor refresh. Why not increase the optimal range with a mod?

thats what im thinking, the eternal struggle of what if something good comes up next week :D

the range on the mp5 is pretty low anyway, mods only take it up a small amount % wise.
Well done guys and glad you completed it, as I know you put a lot of time into it :)

Cheers Greg! Yeah so many attempts ugh! One of the guys gave me a 214 Sentry's armor to replace my 191 - absolutely fantastic! Recalibrated one thing for ammo cap and it's great! Armor mitigation only 58.8%, need to get to the cap ASAP.

Gamble, you need DZ funds man!
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Well done guys and glad you completed it, as I know you put a lot of time into it :)

Thanks :) I was exhausted after it lol! But now I know the main thing abouit it is to stay calm.

Cheers Greg! Yeah so many attempts ugh! One of the guys gave me a 214 Sentry's armor to replace my 191 - absolutely fantastic! Recalibrated one thing for ammo cap and it's great! Armor mitigation only 58.8%, need to get to the cap ASAP.

Gamble, you need DZ funds man!

I know :/ crazy

Congratulations on FL CM guys, welcome to the club.

Woop :) Thanks

Coming online now, just organised my desk ready for the new addition which is coming around 2pm.
I've not been on much over the weekend, sorry I left you the other day gamble, I said I was going for a shower and never came back. Ended up watching cinema sins for hours.

I'll probably be on about 2ish today but not sure whether I'll just play GTA instead, either that or the DZ.
Thanks :) I was exhausted after it lol! But now I know the main thing abouit it is to stay calm.

I know :/ crazy

Woop :) Thanks

Coming online now, just organised my desk ready for the new addition which is coming around 2pm.

Out of all the things in the game, this is the most intense. Once you have got your team organised and kitted out appropriately, you need a good team leader and good comms. Someone to keep you on your toes and stay alert, Bigmender does it well. It's a massive relief at the end, when you have finally completed it.

Should be on about 3pm, need to get lots of DZ credz(180k), want to get that lvl32 Firearms mod.
Going in now to do the Dailies. If there is anybody about in 30 mins or so who wouldn't mind taking me through FL on Hard (and sharing some green loot if you don't want it, should we finish!) please drop me a line.

If I don't start to progress soon, I may as well give up!

Going in now to do the Dailies. If there is anybody about in 30 mins or so who wouldn't mind taking me through FL on Hard (and sharing some green loot if you don't want it, should we finish!) please drop me a line.

If I don't start to progress soon, I may as well give up!


i will be on tonight if you want to give FL on hard a try? wouldn't mind trying this with people other than randoms lol
Gamble, I thought you had the FW M1A 204 BP?

Did you use all lvl 32 stamina mods in your gear? I have to use 2 firearms lvl 32 mods or I'll lose significant DPS. When you've finished your build (260K DPS etc.) I wouldn't mind another break-down if it's not too much trouble? It helps me get the gist more of what I need to/can do with my gear to improve it.

If I can get a Sentry's holster with that amount of armour (1000+) and do away with my Strikers, change lower armor Sentry's kneepads for Strikers (=1000 armour) my mitigagtion goes up nicely. Said holster drops from FL only.

I'll be on shortly.

FOR SPLUFFZ (weapon mod suggestions):

First Wave M1A

Scope: CQBSS FDE (Headshot DMG & Critical Hit Chance)
Magazine: Extended mag (Mag size & Weapon DMG)
Underbarrel: Handstop OD Green (Accuracy & Horizontal Stability)
Muzzle: Muzzle Brake (Stability & Critical Hit DMG)

Tactical AUG A3P

Scope: T2 Micro Red Dot Sight (+ x% Headshot DMG & + x% Critical Hit Chance)
Magazine: Heavy Magazine Spring (Mag size & Rate of fire)
Underbarrel: Angled Grip (Stability & Horizontal Stability)
Muzzle: Compensator (Horizontal stability & Critical Hit DMG)

If you can obtain mod blueprints (base special vendor upstairs only; DZ vendors too expensive!) that's ideal.
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I'll be on for a couple of hours around then dude, wouldn't mind a wander around the DZ. It's so peaceful :eek:

Have a lunch at work,so tempting to go and collect my lappy so i can play this evening :)
I will be on whole day tomorrow and wed,so all activities in Div for me
Is anybody managing that 1st page list with Uplay tags?
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I've not been on much over the weekend, sorry I left you the other day gamble, I said I was going for a shower and never came back. Ended up watching cinema sins for hours.

I'll probably be on about 2ish today but not sure whether I'll just play GTA instead, either that or the DZ.

Don't worry about it :) I'm on now but will be on this afternoon and evening as well.

Going in now to do the Dailies. If there is anybody about in 30 mins or so who wouldn't mind taking me through FL on Hard (and sharing some green loot if you don't want it, should we finish!) please drop me a line.

If I don't start to progress soon, I may as well give up!


I am about and would gladly do it.
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