The Division. Are we interested?

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Bah!!! Just ran FL on hard mode to try and get 214 striker or sentry gloves as 2 of my characters were able to re-run after the timer counted down and ended up with a 214 backpack and 214 vest, both tacticians. They might come in handy but I really want those 214 gloves :(
Bah!!! Just ran FL on hard mode to try and get 214 striker or sentry gloves as 2 of my characters were able to re-run after the timer counted down and ended up with a 214 backpack and 214 vest, both tacticians. They might come in handy but I really want those 214 gloves :(

Dont even mention word gloves Greg...
Anyone want to do falcon lost today at around 9pm uk time? i have 204 striker build add me on uplay = commando--47

Edit: ive clocked it on both hard and challenging modes
It's about a week behind. I was in the DZ3 safehouse the other day and there was no First Wave M1A, if there was I would have bought it.

doesnt seem to have the MP5 or custom M44 BP on that I have either.

e: wait, is it a live list or what has been list?
A big thanks to Fear, Gamble and Flash for taking me through my first FL hard mode. Didn't know exactly what to do but it seemed to go pretty quick and the pace is hectic!

Went from having no green set pieces to now having five.

I've also now fixed my mic problem on discord - the input device shown on the screen is not the one I have but it works. The one I have is the one I set,and it doesn't work.

Ready for the next time now!

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