Finally enough creds for the vector bp and now I've got second thoughts.. :-/
Can't decide whether to:
1 - get the 214 vector bp and replace the 185 mp5 (vector 10-11k base, mp5 8.5k with mods giving 177kdps), keep the m44 (122kdps).
B - finding the range on the mp5 a bit short so wait for an AR bp and replace the 185 mp5 (177kdps), keep the m44 (122kdps).
iii - keep the mp5 (177kdps) and replace the m44 (122kdps) with an AR when a bp pops up.
Currently it's a toss up between getting better range on my main weapon and getting more power for my secondary.
I have found that the 204 vector hits harder than the mp5 just remember that the dps values shown takes into account the size of the mag. so although the vector has less rounds in a mag the damage output can still be greater than the mp5 even if not shown. I wont go back to the mp5.
The smgs do have very limited range for pve incursions only really good for the shotgunners and those other fools who get a bit brave and jump down into the kill pit. A good M1a or AS is definatly recommended to compliment ur smg.