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Finally enough creds for the vector bp and now I've got second thoughts.. :-/

Can't decide whether to:

1 - get the 214 vector bp and replace the 185 mp5 (vector 10-11k base, mp5 8.5k with mods giving 177kdps), keep the m44 (122kdps).

B - finding the range on the mp5 a bit short so wait for an AR bp and replace the 185 mp5 (177kdps), keep the m44 (122kdps).

iii - keep the mp5 (177kdps) and replace the m44 (122kdps) with an AR when a bp pops up.

Currently it's a toss up between getting better range on my main weapon and getting more power for my secondary.

I have found that the 204 vector hits harder than the mp5 just remember that the dps values shown takes into account the size of the mag. so although the vector has less rounds in a mag the damage output can still be greater than the mp5 even if not shown. I wont go back to the mp5.

The smgs do have very limited range for pve incursions only really good for the shotgunners and those other fools who get a bit brave and jump down into the kill pit. A good M1a or AS is definatly recommended to compliment ur smg.
A bit late to the party but I'm joining the division world as well lol

UPlay: deFiniLoGy

Still Lv16 only though lol

Welcome I hope you enjoy ur time in the Divison. it is by no kmeans a perfect game so many things they are working on to fix/adjust and change but the good thing is that they are working on the game on a daily basis I think there is a lot of life left in the game. It is also a really fun game to play with friends
Bah!!! Just ran FL on hard mode to try and get 214 striker or sentry gloves as 2 of my characters were able to re-run after the timer counted down and ended up with a 214 backpack and 214 vest, both tacticians. They might come in handy but I really want those 214 gloves :(

Bad luck greg. chin up keep trying. dont forgetn Father christmas is coming early this yr in patch 1.2 201 bracket darkzone wil, be full of pressies
What's everyone using for their rifle? M1A? Any particular type or where to obtain the best one?

The best bet is to get an M1a if you cant get the 204 blueprint in DZ3 I have found quite a few M1a's dropping in the DZ tht may only be 163 but even a 163 m1a with average to good stats is still a nice weapon. I used a 163 M1a for along time before gettting the 204 blueprint
Just a Quick heads up about a change that is happening to sentrys 4 set that we think will be going live in 1.2
The 4 set bonus will now only proc from sniper rifles semi autop rifles and pistols. What does this mean? Well for PVE(incursions) sentrys 4 set will still be the strongest dps set but for Darkzone PVP you will want to drop sentrys :(

Im guessing this change will see a big buff to the amount of players using the tacticians skill builds and dps going back to strikers 4 set
So I'm about to hit lvl 90 DZ do I get the Valkeria bpc or some lvl 50 mod bpc ?? Currently running with Aug A3 Para XS and 1st wave M1A.

just looking at the valkeria bpc and the talents aren't rollable??? shows Determined, competent and Responsive
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The best bet is to get an M1a if you cant get the 204 blueprint in DZ3 I have found quite a few M1a's dropping in the DZ tht may only be 163 but even a 163 m1a with average to good stats is still a nice weapon. I used a 163 M1a for along time before gettting the 204 blueprint

Thanks man, I'll hopefully be able to find the 205 bp in DZ. Will try tonight.

Quick useful tip for Falcon:
In the pit towards the left end drop a double shield/barrier. Most of the time it's fairly redundant but as soon as shot gunners or whoever enter, it literally makes them useless. You duck behind it and they never come around, or you just switch sides. The amount of times it's saved my team it's been great.
So I'm about to hit lvl 90 DZ do I get the Valkeria bpc or some lvl 50 mod bpc ?? Currently running with Aug A3 Para XS and 1st wave M1A.

just looking at the valkeria bpc and the talents aren't rollable??? shows Determined, competent and Responsive

Only those not in the know will get anything Valkyria :p It's rubbish, even for an electronics build. Get the rank 50 stamina mod bp first, the firearms version bp later if that leaves you with 300K DZ still in your pocket.

Thanks man, I'll hopefully be able to find the 205 bp in DZ. Will try tonight.

Quick useful tip for Falcon:
In the pit towards the left end drop a double shield/barrier. Most of the time it's fairly redundant but as soon as shot gunners or whoever enter, it literally makes them useless. You duck behind it and they never come around, or you just switch sides. The amount of times it's saved my team it's been great.

You won't sadly, the 204 bp already rotated out last weekend (= rank 75).
Will be running FL on hard and challenging tonight if anyone else would like a hand. Hopefully I can finally get some damn gloves to drop!
Well I'm *finally* getting some half-decent scores!! Haven't spent much time re-calibrating kit so thought I'd spend a little time creating some gear mod slots for the awesome lvl32 Firearms blueprint ;) Running 4 Strikers so will get a DPS benefit from that too so am happy.

I'm getting desperate for some better kit now, it's a good job that this game doesn't have microtransactions :p :D


Just need to get my Health up another 10k+ and I'll be happy for the time being!
Just a Quick heads up about a change that is happening to sentrys 4 set that we think will be going live in 1.2
The 4 set bonus will now only proc from sniper rifles semi autop rifles and pistols. What does this mean? Well for PVE(incursions) sentrys 4 set will still be the strongest dps set but for Darkzone PVP you will want to drop sentrys :(

Im guessing this change will see a big buff to the amount of players using the tacticians skill builds and dps going back to strikers 4 set

Yeah, I am on a mission now to get a full strikers setup (all slots) so that I can swap and change sentrys and strikers.

I have a 4 piece strikers now, but I am missing the pack and holster to allow me to keep my two tacticians.

Hopefully will get some tonight on FL.

Jedi-Why didn't you take a screenshot? lol! :D
Yeah, I am on a mission now to get a full strikers setup (all slots) so that I can swap and change sentrys and strikers.

I have a 4 piece strikers now, but I am missing the pack and holster to allow me to keep my two tacticians.

Hopefully will get some tonight on FL.

Jedi-Why didn't you take a screenshot? lol! :D

Personally I'm leaning towards every possible Sentry's & Strikers combo, but am going to wait what the upcoming 2-4 gear sets are about... That said, collecting full sets of the aforementioned two is definitely on my agenda, plus Tactician's to be on the safe side. Having that 240 Tactician's harness certainly isn't a bad thing once I've rolled a mod slot on it ;)

Also watch the video on the previous page I linked, interesting thoughts. I reckon that in PvE having one guy with 4 Sentry's and an M1A still is a good thing to have to get those marks in; 52% extra DMG for the whole group is never a bad thing to have!
Well I'm *finally* getting some half-decent scores!! Haven't spent much time re-calibrating kit so thought I'd spend a little time creating some gear mod slots for the awesome lvl32 Firearms blueprint ;) Running 4 Strikers so will get a DPS benefit from that too so am happy.

I'm getting desperate for some better kit now, it's a good job that this game doesn't have microtransactions :p :D


Just need to get my Health up another 10k+ and I'll be happy for the time being!

Is that a "blonde" screen shot I see ?? :D;):p
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