The Division. Are we interested?

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Do Sealed Caches need to be extracted? yes �� so thats made it harder as every ****** will cut the rope hoping for new gear set

Not necessarily. General loot (dailies and hopefully these new high level targets) is supposed to be getting better anyway so people may not rely on the dz for gear as much?
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What are Search and Destroy missions, and how do you get access to them?

PM: You can find the Search and Destroy missions in the safehouses of named zones once all side missions and encounters have been completed. The missions lead you to locations in the open world where groups of enemies are located.

Could be interesting, providing it isnt too easy.
Not necessarily. General loot (dailies and hopefully these new high level targets) is supposed to be getting better anyway so people may not rely on the dz for gear as much?

The Sealed Caches contain mystery items which include gear, division tech and Dark Zone funds. so they might have the good stuff :)
24th, dammit, away that following weekend (which is a bank holiday so would have been loads of game time)

At least with that extraction rope cut, we get to use the knife that we've been carrying around on our backs the last couple of months
I have heard it could be dropping on the 26th.

Just a note to people if u are well geared I wouldnt bother spending any of ur matts or DZ funds on current lvl gear recipies. As the new update is a week or so away there will be lots of new goodies to spend it on. Im gonan try run as many incursions as I canm to try get he best gear ready for the new Harder Dz bracket and save as much dz funds as I can
Do Sealed Caches need to be extracted? yes �� so thats made it harder as every ****er will cut the rope hoping for new gear set

Not necessarily. General loot (dailies and hopefully these new high level targets) is supposed to be getting better anyway so people may not rely on the dz for gear as much?

Please ensure all swear words are properly starred out as per the rules. Thank you.
That's Falcon Lost CM done again in 1 go tonight :D Thanks Mender, Labby and I'mTooTall! So sorry Gamble, we weren't sure you were coming and had already started by the time you got on. But no worries, going to do it again tomorrow.

I've got:

240 Tactician's gloves (with +2264 Marksman Rifle DMG & +36% Crit Hit Chance etc.)

214 Sentry's Holster (no stamina on it, rerolled skill towards stamina), lowers my skill from 14 to 9 but I'll use them until I've got one with all 3 on.

Now I need a decent 214 gloves set!

So both of my 240s are Tactician's... What's the game trying to tell me...
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The 1.2 changes look very interesting and positive. At least with the incursion it doesn't look like we will be stuck in one big room!

There's some discussion over on reddit about the rope extraction - the clip shows the rope cutter as being rogue before the rope is cut, and the scene before shows the player throwing a grenade at two rogues. Possibly you will have to be rogue before cutting the rope. This makes it a bit easier gameplay wise, as you know any rogues coming near the extraction will be there to cut the rope. It will also mean that as a team of rogues you will need to coordinate who is cutting the rope and who is defending from the players. It also means that solo extracting will be very very difficult.

I really like the idea of the High Value Targets, and that you need to build up Intel through search and destroy missions to be able to then go after the HVT. You can see the Intel score for each HVT in the clip. Best I get out there and complete all the side missions for each area before next Tuesday! It will be especially good if the HVT drop decent HE loot to provide another, non-DZ, pathway to good loot.

On thing I was wondering though - for the HVT that need to be taken down as a team, does the team also need to do the search & destroy missions to build up the Intel to unlock the HVT mission? Or can a team come together and the sum of the individual Intel is enough to then unlock the HVT? I guess we will find out next week.

I'd still like to run Falcon a few more times before next Tuesday as I can't see it being a popular choice after 1.2 hits. I'll ping anyone who I see is on. I was on between 11am and 1pm GMT and there was nobody else from here showing up, except Idleman who looked like he was levelling an alt?

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That's Falcon Lost CM done again in 1 go tonight :D Thanks Mender, Labby and I'mTooTall! So sorry Gamble, we weren't sure you were coming and had already started by the time you got on. But no worries, going to do it again tomorrow.

I've got:

240 Tactician's gloves (with almost +2264 Marksman Rifle DMG & +36% Crit Hit Chance etc.)

214 Sentry's Holster (no stamina on it, rerolled skill towards stamina), lowers my skill from 14 to 9 but I'll use them until I've got one with all 3 on.

Now I need a decent 214 gloves set!

So both of my 240s are Tactician's... What's the game trying to tell me...

tomorrow ftw :)

Lost a lot in the DZ tonight, but not as much as I gained which I good. Bored of these > 4 groups, spend so much time trying not to kill the other group that other players get us, then its the effort to get in the same server only to be transferred or something.

We were properly piling through the xp! I had my extra knee pads for xp on and credits. :) dz is still fun for this although it brought me very close to the pc cap ha.

Then ran hm fl for Jedi to get his weekly. Cm mode ftw for the rest of the week with some dz in between.

Thanks for tonight guys :)
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