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Question on stats etc (please help :D).

So I see everyone posting high DPS etc with all Greens (Sentry or Striker at a guess?)
I now have most greens 204 or 214 (think that's the levels) that I mainly got from Falcon.
However, if I equip myself with greens, my overall score usually goes down? I can get up to 188dps (not using greens). I thought the higher the score the better the output should surely be?
I got the nomads kneepads (green) last night and they actually helped.

What gives? I thought yellows would be out by now as some are only score 160s but give me a better overall score?
Depends on your build.....
Bullets and protection? hehe

I guess this is where I get confused with everything.

Also, the way to increase stats is through gear? I haven't had a weapon mod in forever that actually increased anything.
Depends on your build.....
Bullets and protection? hehe

I guess this is where I get confused with everything.

Also, the way to increase stats is through gear? I haven't had a weapon mod in forever that actually increased anything.

Get yourself in the DZ and start leveling up. The higher you level the more gear+BPs you will have access to via the vendors and also the boss drops+crates.
There is a great bunch of lads on here, more than willing to help you. You need the PvP and PvE if you want to get better gear and stats.
I never played a game online until this, no other game appealed to me as this does. Loving every minute, 623 hours so far.:D
You want firearms and stamina mods that buff up both stats, forget the performance mods there trash.

+1 - they are useless.

Definitely try and balance your gear by rolling firearms/stamina or if it already has them in good amounts, look into major attributes like skill power additions/armour/gear mods slots etc.

Gear mod slots are good for bulking up stamina/firearms (depending on which way you have rolled the primary talents) and when you have the l32 blueprints for firearms/stamina mods - it also brings nice minor attributes like crit hit chance/damage/skill power/armour etc
Get yourself in the DZ and start leveling up. The higher you level the more gear+BPs you will have access to via the vendors and also the boss drops+crates.
There is a great bunch of lads on here, more than willing to help you. You need the PvP and PvE if you want to get better gear and stats.
I never played a game online until this, no other game appealed to me as this does. Loving every minute, 623 hours so far.:D

Just cracked level 50 in the DZ, but not much (that I can tell) from the vendors.
Picked up the nomads from DZ6 vendor.

Guess next target is level 75.....just takes so long :(

It's strange, feel like I'm really good at this game and know what to do.....besides the complexity of all the mods and where to focus on etc.
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Just cracked level 50 in the DZ, but not much (that I can tell) from the vendors.
Picked up the nomads from DZ6 vendor.

Guess next target is level 75.....just takes so long :(

If you are in a group and go rogue a few times, you will soon start leveling up. It's taken me about 2 weeks to get from 50 to 72, but I have 4 characters, do my dailies, challenges, etc, so has taken a bit of time. Hoping to get to 75 before the end of the week, provided I don't have to many nights like last night, lost a level due to hackers/cheats.
If you go rogue, what's the benefit besides the fun? Extra DZ points?
I know if you kill a rogue you get equivalent of 10-15 kills>
**** it, going rogue from now on then. I'm always far too nice helping others :D

My advice would be only get to level 1 then get rid of the rogue timer.

Going manhunt can give massive fains - 35k XP upwards but is very hard to get rid of the timer and also marks you on the map more obviously.

Level 1 only will give roughly 5k XP and the same in credits, but will expire in around 2 minutes without further killing/shooting.
So kill some lone little lamb, maybe before extracting....then leg it!
Assuming you can;t go in safe house or check points once rogue.
Drop the pulse turrets if being chased?
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