Question on stats etc (please help).
So I see everyone posting high DPS etc with all Greens (Sentry or Striker at a guess?)
I now have most greens 204 or 214 (think that's the levels) that I mainly got from Falcon.
However, if I equip myself with greens, my overall score usually goes down? I can get up to 188dps (not using greens). I thought the higher the score the better the output should surely be?
I got the nomads kneepads (green) last night and they actually helped.
What gives? I thought yellows would be out by now as some are only score 160s but give me a better overall score?
The best thing to do is get the set gear recipe for sentry and strikers and craft urself some nice 214 gear with descent stats. at the moment the best dps gear set up u can get is 4 set sentry with a 204 yellow chest with the reckless talent( as it is bugged it gives u 15% damage increase and 10% damage protection instead the other way around. you also want the 204 yellow gloves with the savage talent obviously u want descent rolls on the 2 yellow items. the 182 crafted chest and gloves will do also. just those 2 items gives u a big dps boost and even more so if you have the 4 set sentry.
on ur gear the stats u want to be looking at are things like crit hit chance. crit hit damage. armour Health on kill, smg damage, for pve damage to elites, enemy armour damage protection from elites are all good stats.