The Division. Are we interested?

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Sent, waiting at the BoO.

Edit: Might have got your name name wrong, i sent a request to Radeon85. Woops.

Got you now.

Also no mic, and my chat HUD is extremely see through..
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Is there a certain weapon and talents that is best for a high dps build? I'm still using the AUG that I bought from the BoO a few weeks ago. Since 1.2 though, I can't seem to get over 250k ish.

Jesus christ alive i am getting annoyed to be polite... my gear is trash compared.. 12k dps a sec on those what names.

Gonna need a cigarette break soon.

oh f...lipping hell.

Thank you gamester, help is appreciated.

We see you! :( But we can't let you in.

Good tactic ;) Thanks guys! ciggie time..
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So managed to troll a group of 4 last night with the help of CG733...

They took me down at the car park extraction (4 of them popping ultimates and using special ammo) but they left their extraction unprotected so, when I got back, I cut the rope and stole their gear. They came back but I managed to run far enough to deconstruct their gear including 23 x Green Sealed Caches :D

Thanks to CG733 for running interference to give me more time :D
That's... Mental!

Haha! I know. Alternative would have been to extract and drop them for someone but that was at the peak of the trolling I believe. I was in the checkpoint at the time.

Is there a rough ETA for 1.3? I think I read somewhere June for Console - then July for PC?
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