The Division. Are we interested?

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Momo and I am always in dz5-6 gamble lol

Will message when I am coming on then, more than happy to farm dz5-6 like we did the other night as that was an epic grind! By the time we finished our run, the first landmark was back up again. :)

Should be online by 6:30
Will message when I am coming on then, more than happy to farm dz5-6 like we did the other night as that was an epic grind! By the time we finished our run, the first landmark was back up again. :)

Should be online by 6:30

Yeah that was a great server, last night not so much for us.

We ended up in a server where a grp of ppl suddenly go rogue on us, but we wiped them three times outside tbe chp lol

No idea what we did to **** them off but they just kept coming to us lol
I should pop on but i have no Mic but guess i could still listen lol

The OCUK Discord channel for Division is a bit of a mess.

Having multiple people in one room whilst farming DZ is confusing when people are calling out landmarks/rogues when they are in a different instance from the main group who joined the channel.

Then you have players who are pretty decent and geared who don't use mics at all. Whilst this doesn't effect Incursions gameplay as when you know the strategy it goes like clockwork but when it comes to DZ communication is vital, especially for calling out positions of rogues, knowing who to focus on or if you are getting flanked by mobs etc.

With 1.3 PVP is going to increase too.
True Twirly, but feels harsh to exclude people just because they have no mic.

The multiple groups in one channel thing doesn't happen much, there's usually a spare room as the player base has declined a lot since launch.
The OCUK Discord channel for Division is a bit of a mess.

Having multiple people in one room whilst farming DZ is confusing when people are calling out landmarks/rogues when they are in a different instance from the main group who joined the channel.

Then you have players who are pretty decent and geared who don't use mics at all. Whilst this doesn't effect Incursions gameplay as when you know the strategy it goes like clockwork but when it comes to DZ communication is vital, especially for calling out positions of rogues, knowing who to focus on or if you are getting flanked by mobs etc.

With 1.3 PVP is going to increase too.

This is why more rooms were added. But the OCUK discord needs to appeal to other people aside from division players, so I cant justify asking for more rooms again at the moment.

In regards to the Mic situation, I play with Momo and Def a lot who are very well geared but have no Mics and we play fine against rogues as whoever in the group has a mic does the instructions and everyone follows.

I know I have been in a group with you before, had a mic, but didn't talk much when rogue hunting which I know is annoying.

Generally now though...I cant be shut up haha!

A possible solution I posted before was I could turn my discord channel in a second OCUK discord for the division only.

I already created as a test, 6 general rooms, 3 incursion rooms and could easily add more if needs be.

harry5522 - will PM you the details later on to add to the OP. I don't mind.
Usually on voice chat but sometimes cant or don't want to be.... its fine as long as people act like team and help each other :) someone leading on vc and can use txt to msg each other,,,
I'll be on tonight Gamble, if you'll have space.

Those rogues last night were weirdly funny! Kept coming but did no real dmg. In the middle I changed skills while one was shooting me and when I was done looked at my health and thought, hmm mosquito bite lol. And then I killed him. His friend came to help him while I was doing that, let him shoot me until I killed the first, then I killed him too. Weird group them.

Anyway, running 4 Striker's and 2 Sentry's now, reckon I'll take a massive hit (pun intended) come 1.3. Maybe I'll just run FM 24/7 so 2/2/2. In the stash I have a full back up set of Tactician and Predator's if need be - unmodified.

Caches, yeah will keep them regardless; whatever comes out today will be mats anyway.

So... Are people fervently rolling SMGs to keep that crit CHC or not? I think I won't roll a thing and benefit in the long run from keeping mats.
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I'll be on tonight Gamble, if you'll have space.

Those rogues last night were weirdly funny! Kept coming but did no real dmg. In the middle I changed skills while one was shooting me and when I was done looked at my health and thought, hmm mosquito bite lol. And then I killed him. His friend came to help him while I was doing that, let him shoot me until I killed the first, then I killed him too. Weird group them.

Anyway, running 4 Striker's and 2 Sentry's now, reckon I'll take a massive hit (pun intended) come 1.3. Maybe I'll just run FM 24/7 so 2/2/2. In the stash I have a full back up set of Tactician and Predator's if need be - unmodified.

Caches, yeah will keep them regardless; whatever comes out today will be mats anyway.

So... Are people fervently rolling SMGs to keep that crit CHC or not? I think I won't roll a thing and benefit in the long run from keeping mats.

Always bud. Will see you later

For the SMG rerolling aspect - I will be honest and say I haven't got a clue mate lol! I think I will hold off on deciding until Tuesday to see what comes out etc but more than likely, I will prevent rolling and crafting until I get a solid understanding of the new game mechanics.
Usually on voice chat but sometimes cant or don't want to be.... its fine as long as people act like team and help each other :) someone leading on vc and can use txt to msg each other,,,

yeah i wont always have my mic connected if originally playing solo.

as long as there is a clear leader then its pretty easy just to follow on.
Always bud. Will see you later

For the SMG rerolling aspect - I will be honest and say I haven't got a clue mate lol! I think I will hold off on deciding until Tuesday to see what comes out etc but more than likely, I will prevent rolling and crafting until I get a solid understanding of the new game mechanics.

Every SMG you'll roll after will have dmg so before is your only chance to roll, well chance :D
Every SMG you'll roll after will have dmg so before is your only chance to roll, well chance :D

That's part of my questioning, whether I will still use an SMG or if I will move over to AR.

I don't even have an SMG blueprint at 204 lol!

What would you recommend pre patch preparation? Try and get a good AR?
Interesting and positive take on the 1.3 patch. Also quite logical when it comes to DMG being done etc.

I especially like the bit about the higher GS gear items might bring about higher armour, which in turn will allow people to not need to roll attributes towards that, freeing up DPS increasing areas.

1.Weapon talent rolling - a lot of people are excited about this, it is something we've been asking about for a while, but I'm not sure if it has really sunk in how big this will be for DPS. That high dmg roll smg you found that has a trash tier talent is now a god roll SMG. Fair enough I don't know the cost and limits of rerolling, but this could be huge. I have an Mp5 sitting in my stash with a high (for mp5) damage roll and 25.5% CHC but it has determined (sigh), brutal, and fierce, I'm certainly going to reroll determined to deadly/responsive/etc. I also have an MP7 with dominant, deadly, predatory - another great potential re-roll. It will make the guns we have stronger, and make it WAY easier to craft or find a "god roll" because we will be more tolerant of an errant "adept" or other trashy talent.

2.Shotty damage buff - first off, I'm very glad that they haven't rushed to put in a pvp stagger as that would cause far too much frustration before we adapt. Instead they have further increased shotty damage by another 30% or so. This is huge since a well rolled shotgun, especially with sentries call and one-is-none, can absolutely shred already. This might be very helpful in countering tankiness.

3.Higher weapon damage rolls - this one is more speculative if I'm being fair, but I wanted to point out that we don't know the proportional increase in damage on 229 guns from 204, compared to the proportional stamina roll increases on 268 gear vs 240. It is entirely possible that damage will scale up more than tankiness, especially since mitigation isn't moving up. This could easily shift the balance.

4.Skill power caps - the baked in skill power caps, which I think are a sign of poor design, are such that many skills become less useful with every gear increase. Heals cap at 100k, stickies at 250k etc, and skill cooldown also caps. This means that even if health increases, the amount a SP build can heal per second will not change, meanwhile our damage will go up with new guns.

5.New sets - some people might think that reclaimer will be the next worst thing to happen to PvP, but I see it as another counter to the stuff we hate. Easier status effect removal and easier fire bullets on tankticians.

6.Unmoved armor cap - I don't know about you guys, but to get to max mitigation I often end up rolling armor on my chest, holster and knees and or a mod or two. With an unmoved armor cap, if the armor rolls on gear go up, as we would assume they will, it will free up some new DPS increasing options. Suddenly I'll be able to roll the 20% crit damage on my knees again (balancing out the nerfs to striker perhaps).

7.Increased rolls on sources of SP - with holsters likely rolling more electronics, mods rolling more +SP, and the rolls on backpack and mask going up, dps builds stand to gain more than skill builds. Skill builds are already maxed on their skills and aren't getting better, but just like the armor roll changes this will free up some new attributes for DPS. I never roll crit chance on my mask or crit damage on my backpack, or crit chance on my mods, because I like to get to a comfortable 25k or so on my DPS build. This will be easier in 1.3 so I might sacrifice a few of those SP sources to get more DPS. Alternatively, it will mean that I will be healing myself more, pulsing more, etc etc.

8.SMG crit nerf/buff - I recently posted a pretty indepth reply to someone posting about the crit nerf/buff on the math behind it all and how it generally is a nerf... But for those running with a team where someone has a maxed pulse - it is certainly a buff. Maxed pulse gives 40% CHC so you only need to bring 20% to the table to get maxed. That means that currently a lot of people are overshooting it a fair bit, even if none of your gear has CHC, you have over 20% on your SMG. After the patch you will get weapons with +CHD, sure this is far worse if you aren't capped, but if you can hit that 60% you will be hitting harder than ever before. If you thought deadly added a lot to your DPS, this will be like having a second deadly. Yes yes I realize we don't all have buddies with a support build... but isn't it about time we started developing team compositions...

9.Team compositions - with all the new gear sets, there are lots of new ways to mix and match, it isn't just 3/2/1, tanktician, and the occasional 4set pred or 4set sentry with shotty. This could give new variety that the DZ sorely needs. Which two set bonus will you add to your 4 set? maybe 100% pulse CHD? or will you keep 2 set FM? or maybe you want to try out that 3set bonus that gives 100% faster reload speed on your mp7 with ROF clip that drains in a second... there are more options.

10.If all else fails...and the dz implodes... at least we will have the underground, a new cleaner incursion, two new story missions added to the end game rotation with CM and Heroic mode to try out until the next patch.
I was just wondering; given that they are nerfing certain sets, can we assume that they won't be introducing higher level versions of the pre-exisiting 240 gear? On another note, I got a sweet taste of vengeance last night. Two rogues kept on killing people at the DZ1 East extraction point and stealing their items. I watched this for a moment before loading my Aug with explosive rounds and rushing them, killing them both. I felt like The Punisher.

lol, always nice to get revenge. Really missing this game now. No Wi-Fi where I'm staying so can't login remotely to play, stuck on 4g roaming :(
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