The Division. Are we interested?

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"In order to do so [weapon re-calibrations] you have to collect a new currency called Weapon Kit that can be obtained through crafting, enemy drops, and crates in the Underground"

Oh **** off.
When is the 1.3 patch out?
Just like last month, I go on vacation for a week just before it drops :( (:D)

Guess I need to purchase this one.
"In order to do so [weapon re-calibrations] you have to collect a new currency called Weapon Kit that can be obtained through crafting, enemy drops, and crates in the Underground"

Oh **** off.

FFS, not another form or currency, just let us use the unused phoenix credits.

Regular credits, DZ credits, phoenix credits and now weapon kit credits, come on enough is enough.

At least we can recalibrate them that's the main thing. Plenty of times where I have created the perfect weapon for me when one talents was absolute crap that usually required huge amounts of electronics.
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I'm just grateful you can't purchase (dz, phoenix, regular) credits with real money! I would have easily dropped some change on them :D
Surely a big profit center they are missing out on?
FFS, not another form or currency, just let us use the unused phoenix credits.

Regular credits, DZ credits, phoenix credits and now weapon kit credits, come on enough is enough.

At least we can recalibrate them that's the main thing. Plenty of times where I have created the perfect weapon for me when one talents was absolute crap that usually required huge amounts of electronics.

you probably dont wanna see weapon recalibration prices ;)
something tells me,it wont be cheap,so add another thing to grind for in your list
FFS, not another form or currency, just let us use the unused phoenix credits.

Technically it does that too, if you quote the actual section entirely...

"Weapon Kit that can be obtained through crafting, enemy drops, and crates in the Underground. Spend them in combination some Phoenix Credits at the Recalibration bench to be able to recalibrate a talent on your weapon. "
Technically it does that too, if you quote the actual section entirely...

"Weapon Kit that can be obtained through crafting, enemy drops, and crates in the Underground. Spend them in combination some Phoenix Credits at the Recalibration bench to be able to recalibrate a talent on your weapon. "

That's good tbh nice mix of PC and the new weapon bit to make PC useful again outwith vendor resets

Why strongly lol :)

How about the stamina blueprint?


How much dz funds do you have? I would say if you have a good few hunder k more then buy it as its epic!
wonders if we can recalibrate a talent on a current 204 weapon (dropped in 1.2), or if it will only work for weapons dropped after 1.3 launches. ;)
still saving my green sealed caches ;)
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wonders if we can recalibrate a talent on a current 204 weapon (dropped in 1.2), or if it will only work for weapons dropped after 1.3 launches. ;)
still saving my green sealed caches ;)

Was thinking that myself, might be possible but I don't think they will make it that easy. Could be only for weapons gained/crafted after the patch.

Wouldn't mind changing the boo Aug meticulous talent I think it is to something else.
Why strongly lol :)

How about the stamina blueprint?


With level 229 weapons coming and talent recalibration one would have to be quite mad to buy a 204 weapon blueprint. I was quite mad, bought it and immediately regretted it ha ha! Save your money for something useful :)

Stamina, Firearms and Electronics mods (all rank 50, correct) are a must have - however, wait for 1.3 and see if they have updated versions of the aforementioned mods ;)

"In order to do so [weapon re-calibrations] you have to collect a new currency called Weapon Kit that can be obtained through crafting, enemy drops, and crates in the Underground"

Oh **** off.

So we have 6 types of currency now...legendary... :p *shakes head*

What, you think you'll be able to re-roll all 3 talents ad infinitum until you get the perfect version of each gun? :)

Nah, wishful thinking bordering on the ridiculous ha ha, hence the 'makes sense' I wrote in the post. Still, I'm very pleased with this, even if it takes ten things in order to so (see above) :)
That's good tbh nice mix of PC and the new weapon bit to make PC useful again outwith vendor resets

How much dz funds do you have? I would say if you have a good few hunder k more then buy it as its epic!

And out of 7 rolls, none were what you would call useful.

#*%* you Ubisoft...why make things so difficult.
urning off !
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With level 229 weapons coming and talent recalibration one would have to be quite mad to buy a 204 weapon blueprint. I was quite mad, bought it and immediately regretted it ha ha! Save your money for something useful :)

Stamina, Firearms and Electronics mods (all rank 50, correct) are a must have - however, wait for 1.3 and see if they have updated versions of the aforementioned mods ;)

So we have 6 types of currency now...legendary... :p *shakes head*

Nah, wishful thinking bordering on the ridiculous ha ha, hence the 'makes sense' I wrote in the post. Still, I'm very pleased with this, even if it takes ten things in order to so (see above) :)

If they release a new stamina mod/firearms l33, I think I will cry with happiness

And out of 7 rolls, none were what you would call useful.

F*%K you Ubisoft...why make things so difficult.
Turning off !

Oh no :(

I have created, at least 30 of the things, and have kept 12 for my 2 loadouts so I can swap and change without changing mods. Then I have an electronics one for my tanktician build, and a firearms for the DPS build. Only rolled 2/3 of each of those though

These were all a few weeks ago. Havent crafted anything since 1.3 got announced

Will be running DZ again tomorrow, felt a bit burnt out tonight after grinding so much this week.
I'm going to hold of doing HVTs tomorrow and Monday's Incursion CM until after 1.3. Never know that the new Gear Sets "may" drop doing those.

Same, except hvt's. Going to save my Intel at the cap in case its needed for underground.

Hamish has hinted that the green caches and yellow caches will have a "chance" of dropping new gear sets, and weapons with the new talents if opened after the patch.

However, they will be 240/204 maximum.

So Sunday and Monday I am going to try and fill my stash with yellows and greens and see what happens lol
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