*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Gregster would you be able to link the video?

Been running AB with Strikersx2/Nomadx2 for a while now and fancy a change. :D

edit ** never mind, found it!

I had picked up a few decent D3-FNC pieces so decided to give this a go about a week ago.

The differences between my build and S.U is I use a nimble holster because it is so much better than the D3-FNC one I have, and some accomplished knees as I don't have D3-FNC knees. If I can get the D3-FNC knees I will replace the HE knees for a pair of savage gloves.

I also run tech support - active skill duration is extended by 10% for each kill...basically means it is almost impossible for the shield to go down during a fight. This is in place of One is None as I have meticulous on my SMG (along with Destructive and the obligatory Predatory). As usual, I don't use a heal skill, the second skill is the pulse for the extra damage.

As I had never used the shield before at any level, took a while to get used to it but once you get the hang of it (and the visuals of the sparks flying off the shield!) it is quite OP and makes a nice change to my usual play style.

Get in before it is nerfed...now that S.U has a done a video of it, the set is on the nerf radar!

Think luck was on my side today:

Before work:
Alphabridge backwith with additional armour - now being used :)
New reclaimer holster and FM kneepads - both now slotted into their respective builds

This evening:
2 replacement striker pieces - both equipped and better right off the bat
Vigarous chest for PVP when we have a healer
New vx12 scope which is an upgrade, even if its only 0.5%

And! Barretts chest! It is the lowest end of the armour scale for native but I rolled almost max armour onto it for additional and its not bad in PVP. I just need to be careful and make sure I am either proccing the two skill cooldown, or critical save - around 54.5% armour overall on it with 60% armour when procced.

Also got a good ninjabike messenger bag - not that I will ever use it, but is one more step towards making an all named character including weapons :D
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Thanks for the link, will check the shield build later, been saving the bits & a bit bored of firecrest on my 4th alt, thought I was going to need some electronics rolled pieces, but after a quick look at the vid it seems not.
After much messing around and dropping AB set this morning and a whole load of rerolls and crafting mods. I'm left with this.


10% bonus in cover for damage added on in the pic, secondary is the G36C which does 289k and rolled pretty well with crit, I dropped my savage gloves because the AB ones have a decent bonus for AR/DMR so makes sense. Just need a nicer holster now. Armour is at 53.6%, can't remember what crit chance is.

Plays nicely though.
Nice - I had a similar play around yesterday and got the following:


Robust, Sturdy, Booster shot
EAD is at 55.5%
Armour Mit is 55.9%
I also have my G36 with Capable, Destructive and Focused

The only items I dislike are the MC Skull Gloves & the Holster. I need another holster with ARM and 1250+ on at least 2 stats and gloves need ASR Dmg with Stam
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Looks good.

If you get a sturdy holster Josh, that will increase your armour by 15% when in cover for 4 seconds so your toughness should increase close to 650k toughness.
Tanky McTank Face


Looks good.

If you get a sturdy holster Josh, that will increase your armour by 15% when in cover for 4 seconds so your toughness should increase close to 650k toughness.

Yeah I had a sturdy holster, but I think I may have either sold it or thought "meh gash yellow" and decon'd it. Ahh well a little bit more grind and I'm sure I'll have something good.

Yeah I had a sturdy holster, but I think I may have either sold it or thought "meh gash yellow" and decon'd it. Ahh well a little bit more grind and I'm sure I'll have something good.

haha - ******* :D

...but yes, that's how I play. It could be better once I've got decent gloves/holster but that'll do for now. Boss runs take me about 35 mins now :D
If you can get it for <£15, probably. Like all DLC for every game, it gets boring after a week or 2, at least for me anyway...

£14.99 from uplay store :D

will get it on payday if the sale is still on, though im sure i read somewhere its on until beginning of jan
510k DPS :D dam! Must melt people.

Had a great game last night (I only ever play in the DZ at the moment), teamed up with some randoms, did some grinding then went rogue several times, then manhunt. Easily the most fun on this game :D
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