*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

The full screen crash ensure on dx11 change the screen mode to full screen, save and exit the game. Restart the game and change to dx12 do not click the apply settings option but just save and exit and restart the game again- then you should be good to go - be aware but it could revert you back to windowed again when you exit after doing this next play the game.
Decided to take advantage of the free weekend, although I only managed to play it for four hours this afternoon. Got to level 8 and had a couple of upgrades for the Medical, Security and Tech rooms at the HQ. Can honestly say I enjoyed the game a hell of a lot more than I always imagined I would. I like the way it looks (even my 5 year old PC makes this game look quite good comfortably), I like the way it plays and I also don't mind all of the skills and upgrades. Got to say though that being bombarded by all of the different numbers and values on the inventory screens, etc. isn't something I'm fond of, but I think I can overlook it.

Still can't decide whether I want to spend £20 on it now, or wait and see if it comes up any cheaper over the next few weeks.
The full screen crash ensure on dx11 change the screen mode to full screen, save and exit the game. Restart the game and change to dx12 do not click the apply settings option but just save and exit and restart the game again- then you should be good to go - be aware but it could revert you back to windowed again when you exit after doing this next play the game.

No that's not it, the game launched in windowed (despite never ever running that way) and then crashed on alt+enter.

Anyway 5th attempt it went in okay.
Decided to take advantage of the free weekend, although I only managed to play it for four hours this afternoon. Got to level 8 and had a couple of upgrades for the Medical, Security and Tech rooms at the HQ. Can honestly say I enjoyed the game a hell of a lot more than I always imagined I would. I like the way it looks (even my 5 year old PC makes this game look quite good comfortably), I like the way it plays and I also don't mind all of the skills and upgrades. Got to say though that being bombarded by all of the different numbers and values on the inventory screens, etc. isn't something I'm fond of, but I think I can overlook it.

Still can't decide whether I want to spend £20 on it now, or wait and see if it comes up any cheaper over the next few weeks.

CDkeys have it for £15.89 or £15.10 with the 5% off code
I'm getting myself an ultrawide 3440x1440P monitor next week when some funds come in and was wondering if anyone with a similar setup to mine could let me know their general performance with everything maxed out including Nvidia settings i.e HFTS + HBAO+ in DX12 mode please.

Setup is -

Intel Core i7 5930K @ 4.50GHz
32GB 3000Mhz
GTX 1080 @ 2100/11,000
Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
Dice, with my X34 and o/c 1080 I found Medium settings with some tweaks helped me get 70--100ish fps. I turned on SMAA(low)/HBAO+/PCSS/Wind enabled snow. It's a good starting point and you can tweak from there :)
Didnt know there was a free weekend on for this, hopefully i can get it tonight and play tomorrow.. want to try it out

can this be played solo effectively or is there a point where you NEED a team?

Another solo player here, most activities are possible solo...depending on how much time you have to play each day, you will not want for content. At the end game, the following will be possible:

- Daily hard mode missions
- LZ boss farming (this is an activity where you move around the Light Zone (ie all of the map that's not the Dark Zone) and farm a number of bosses that appear every 4 hours at certain points. Some people fast travel to safe houses and kill the nearest boss, then fast travel to the next one. I stay on foot and also farm the trash mobs in between the bosses...they can also drop gold and teal rewards.
- most HVT (except possibly the High Risk missions - depends of course on the strength of your build)
- After a period and some min/maxing - Daily Challenge mode mission

I don't know that Incursions scale with group size, I haven't done an Incursion in months. I think they are scaled for teams of 4? You certainly don't need to do an Incursion to gear up...an LZ boss farm will get you around 50 items per run (most of it garbage to sell but there's the occasional good piece in there). I also haven't been in the DZ for months so can't comment on the solo player experience in the DZ.

I've solo'd just about every day since launch, except for a period in June/July when the 1.3 experience was soul destroying and I only logged in once or twice a week...certainly since 1.4 it's been most, if not every day. I enjoy trying new builds, testing gear and taking on the challenge of the most difficult missions (completing Hudson Refugee Camp on Challenging solo has been my favourite experience so far).

I did enjoy the experience of playing in a team, and have played with many on here as well as random match-making occasionally, but my circumstances don't really allow for being a part of a team, as I drop out/log off often during a session.

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Another solo player here, most activities are possible solo...depending on how much time you have to play each day, you will not want for content. At the end game, the following will be possible:

- Daily hard mode missions
- LZ boss farming (this is an activity where you move around the Light Zone (ie all of the map that's not the Dark Zone) and farm a number of bosses that appear every 4 hours at certain points. Some people fast travel to safe houses and kill the nearest boss, then fast travel to the next one. I stay on foot and also farm the trash mobs in between the bosses...they can also drop gold and teal rewards.
- most HVT (except possibly the High Risk missions - depends of course on the strength of your build)
- After a period and some min/maxing - Daily Challenge mode mission

I don't know that Incursions scale with group size, I haven't done an Incursion in months. I think they are scaled for teams of 4? You certainly don't need to do an Incursion to gear up...an LZ boss farm will get you around 50 items per run (most of it garbage to sell but there's the occasional good piece in there). I also haven't been in the DZ for months so can't comment on the solo player experience in the DZ.

I've solo'd just about every day since launch, except for a period in June/July when the 1.3 experience was soul destroying and I only logged in once or twice a week...certainly since 1.4 it's been most, if not every day. I enjoy trying new builds, testing gear and taking on the challenge of the most difficult missions (completing Hudson Refugee Camp on Challenging solo has been my favourite experience so far).

I did enjoy the experience of playing in a team, and have played with many on here as well as random match-making occasionally, but my circumstances don't really allow for being a part of a team, as I drop out/log off often during a session.


Incursions are the only activity that scales for 4 people regardless of group size.

There are only a few known people who have solo'd the incursions in every patch - two guys I used to follow are below. Matte, and NoYoC (NoYoC is epic at it)


So, wine me, dine me, treat me to some knowledge.

I enjoyed this over the free weekend, a lot. I love the feeling the world gives off, I got to level 9 I think. Maybe 10? I crafted 1 item but got confused with raw damage and the stat it slaps on the main information for the weapon. So a M4 sniper would 1 shot enemies, but a marksman SCAR with double the damage stat (not raw damage) doesn't...? I'm assuming that main DPS figure is a calculation of RPM and DPS, range and damage fall off (if there is any?). If so, that's a bit cack handed. As single shots are always going to be more powerful than semi shots.

Anyway, other than that, I loved it, I will be handing over my hard earned cash to Ubi as the team who worked on the Division have done a good job in my eyes.

Is there any guild or group that regularly play on here that I can join and play with?

Missions, I see that completed main missions continue to exist on the map but with a grey icon. Does this mean I can replay them and just gain loot? Or do I gain resource points to spend on upgrading my home base as well?

Side missions and encounters, are these 100% never ending? And are they respawning throughout the game time I'm playing? I saw 2 side missions pop up 3 levels lower than me after I just did 2. So I assume they respawn and are locked to the areas level?

Should I bother spending my moola early game? I've got 4k saved up and a bunch of weapon parts/tools/fabric etc. Mostly green and some blues. I've no problem killing enemies with one shot using my sniper and my G36C is killing just fine.

What are the 'suggested' skills? At the moment, I'm just testing, I like the scanning function, the turret is awesome, not unlocked my 'T' skill slot yet though, which is annoying. The shield was cool but rarely used.

The Dark Zone... Dun Dun Dunnnnnn, now, when I get to it, will I simply be shot on site the moment I spawn by players? Is there any point even attempting it before level 30? Once I'm level 30, will I need a tonne of decent gear to even survive more than 5 seconds?

My fear is it's been out so long, there is simply no competing against other players.

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My fear is it's been out so long, there is simply no competing against other players.


I wouldn't be concerned with that. We are all reset to "zero" when/ if a new gear score is implemented. The requirement to gain better gear is on going. Also, there's plenty of people here, myself included, who can help you obtain high level items. Just a case of hitting level 30 and then grouping up in world tier 5.
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Oh, and I wouldn't bother with crafting. There's very little use to it at the moment, since it's easier and quicker to loot the items you need.
thanks for the replied about solo play.. i went ahead and bought the game
only played a few hours so far and just got to the main base but i am enjoying the game :D

one question though.. is the game always online? i have only seen people at the various safe houses but not actually seen anyone out in the streets
thanks for the replied about solo play.. i went ahead and bought the game
only played a few hours so far and just got to the main base but i am enjoying the game :D

one question though.. is the game always online? i have only seen people at the various safe houses but not actually seen anyone out in the streets

Unless you're in the DZ or a group, you won't see anyone else. The game works on your own map so you'll be on your own unless in a group.
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