*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Well Heres my 4 AB 2 Striker

25% DTE
58% EAD
12% CHC
33% CHD
124% HSD

Running Brutal, Unforgiving, uncomplicated, Destructive, Responsive and Predatory as wep talents

I mainly roam DZ solo PVE and I enjoy this build. If DZ is quite or I am low on ammo for AR I carry gloves specced for sniper rifles and LMG so I swap to either of them for a change.
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Reached Level 30 last night so have started to unlock things now! Didn't realise there was this much content added!

I shall be on again tonight :D
I watched Marco talk about SkillUp's video regarding the DZ and whilst I feel they are both good players, SkillUp hits it on the nail for me. I did chuckle when Marco did a random rubbish build with 270K DPS, 520K Health and said how rubbish that build was lol

pre built classes sounds sucky.

have to agree with marco, pvp is still skill based.. id down more rogues if i didnt have cronic potato aim. even without AB. hence i tend to keep my distance from groups when soloing. people dont know how to pick their fights and then get salty about it.

the skill based tiers same as some other multiplayers does sound useful though.
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I was a big DZ fan and still like it but I really stand no chance as a solo player against a well organised group and even groups. I might sound like a whiner and probably am but I can take down a group of players who are not so skilled and hold my own but the balance against a decent group isn't fair. I play BF1 etc and I have my team and they have theirs and it is an equal divide, in fact, any game like that is made up of 'equal V equal' and fair game but 8 v 1 or 4 v 1 just isn't a fair fight.
I haven't set foot in the DZ for months and have no plans to. Last time I popped my head in perfectly illustrated my problem: insta-ganked by idiots hovering around a checkpoint.

Not for me.
I was a big DZ fan and still like it but I really stand no chance as a solo player against a well organised group and even groups. I might sound like a whiner and probably am but I can take down a group of players who are not so skilled and hold my own but the balance against a decent group isn't fair. I play BF1 etc and I have my team and they have theirs and it is an equal divide, in fact, any game like that is made up of 'equal V equal' and fair game but 8 v 1 or 4 v 1 just isn't a fair fight.

just spent a few hours solo in the dz without my banshee kit on for the first time in ages, 4pc striker, barret chest and random gloves. was perfectly fine, killed 2 rogues, got killed 3-4 times by other rogues. extracted a load of caches. swings and roundabouts.

thats the thing about playing solo, you have to have a bit of sense to avoid other players. 2 of the times i was killed i dropped my guard.

I haven't set foot in the DZ for months and have no plans to. Last time I popped my head in perfectly illustrated my problem: insta-ganked by idiots hovering around a checkpoint.

Not for me.

respawn at another checkpoint?
I spend 95% of my time in game soloing the DZ and activly try to avoid rogues where possible. What angers me most is when you get groups hitting extrations while not rogue as you cannot see them coming. I have got into a habit of not extrating till timer is on around 8 secs and then having a incendry grenade ready to lay down fire around rope.
I've not watched either of their videos but know what's going on.

This is a loot based game and if people want pre set and equal classes when entering the DZ then they should play BF.

If people choose to go solo in DZ and complain they die from "gankers" or betrayed by members in a group they match maked with then watch the release trailer for the game. That happened and that is what most people loved about the game - the betrayal, the risk, the challenge and always being on edge when extracting.

The problem with LZ is that it's repetitive, some missions and incursions are boring and doesn't have the dynamics and social interaction like the DZ.

So it's simple imo give those who want a zero risk high reward DZ a PVE only version and those who want to PVP give them what they already have and include raids so that it encourages team play, strategy, comms, making good builds for those who are new to the game and want to pvp whilst doing content other than the normal rogue life grind.

Those guys both have their opinions but whatever they are it shouldn't detract from what makes this game special to us all.
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