*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Isn't a 6950 pushing the min specs?

Edit - min spec is a 7770. Okay the 6950 benches a tiny bit better but the 7770 has faster memory and clock. Either way the 20fps counter showing in the boo doesn't bode well.
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Would anyone be up for farming Falcons Lost? Apparently the Warlord is getting a rather amazing buff in 1.6, so it might be worth stocking up.
Had my second ever go at Survival tonight - couldn't find water anywhere and with the lack of medicine ended up getting "sepsis"(?) - got what I needed and got to the extraction zone - only to die of the virus seconds before reaching the helicopter!


ouch! worth killing enemies if you cant find medicine btw as they can drop it
Just when you think your finished farming decent sets to start enjoying the modes again, and another update brings more farming. it's never ending!
ouch! worth killing enemies if you cant find medicine btw as they can drop it

Truth be told I couldn't find many enemies either - is there a "path" to follow or at least well known areas where pickups and/or enemies congregate?

The only decent weapons I've ever picked up in Survival have been when they appear to have been dropped by other downed agents!?!?

I know you can craft weapons but the resources seem very limited for that!?!?
look for open doors. buildings are full of loot. also look at mission locations, some of them are accessible and have some goodies. underground is FULL of stuff too.
Would anyone be up for farming Falcons Lost? Apparently the Warlord is getting a rather amazing buff in 1.6, so it might be worth stocking up.

Yes man, we could get a couple from Discord or Randoms if need be. Get me via discord/uplay and we'll sort some sessions out
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Truth be told I couldn't find many enemies either - is there a "path" to follow or at least well known areas where pickups and/or enemies congregate?

The only decent weapons I've ever picked up in Survival have been when they appear to have been dropped by other downed agents!?!?

I know you can craft weapons but the resources seem very limited for that!?!?

im not sure of paths etc and i tried searching for some kind of loot map myself but no luck..

as for weapons, just use whatever drops until you get to the DZ then craft yourself one, doesnt take that much tbh
also dont forget to upgrade your old materials, e.g 3 blue tools = 1 yellow tool
im not sure of paths etc and i tried searching for some kind of loot map myself but no luck..

as for weapons, just use whatever drops until you get to the DZ then craft yourself one, doesnt take that much tbh
also dont forget to upgrade your old materials, e.g 3 blue tools = 1 yellow tool

I have a detailed map but it is impossible to follow whilst playing, I tried to follow my normal route and ended up losing my way on the map lol

Its all map knowledge tbh. Dragons nest, north chopper crash and places surrounding there are very good for loot if you spawn on the left.

Lexington and surrounding buildings will give weapons etc as well if you spawn on the right
I have a detailed map but it is impossible to follow whilst playing, I tried to follow my normal route and ended up losing my way on the map lol

Its all map knowledge tbh. Dragons nest, north chopper crash and places surrounding there are very good for loot if you spawn on the left.

Lexington and surrounding buildings will give weapons etc as well if you spawn on the right

yeah tbh i just make my way towards the DZ and grab what i find on the way.. its usually just enough - depends on spawn location though

Cheers, tested them out and it didn't solve the issue, sadly it's causing FPS problems in Space Hulk - Deathwing which makes that game unplayable with them beta drivers, so have to roll back to the stable version.

Doesn't seem to be a fix for this and Ubisoft doesn't care it seems even though I seen and read so many complaints about it.

I just put up with it and restart the game when it gets really bad till I can afford to upgrade my GPU.
If you have HBAO+ for ambient occlusion, switch to something else, I had some weird graphical issues with HBAO+ ages ago, although it was fixed... but I stopped using it anyway as IMO it is crap, it adds shadows to everything whenever it shouldn't be.
yeah tbh i just make my way towards the DZ and grab what i find on the way.. its usually just enough - depends on spawn location though

This is my google doc that is under !Survival command on the OCUK discord:


Go to page 2 and the map is there.

My road to named weapons is getting closer to being complete! Only need the tommy gun, Thompson, showstopper and Caddy. Got the warlord yesterday, and gave a midas away to someone as I already have one (I think, I actually forgot to check)
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Gamble, did you get your account back?

For 1.6, I think I'm going to try to build a Reclaimer set as I have a Caddy ready to go, should be really helpful for the new difficulty. Also looking forward to 8 of us teaming up for some PvP too :)

Another note: Do you think that Barretts will be better or worse with 1.6? I guess it depends if they change the scaling right? But potentially having it as a source of armour when armour will be largely disappearing would still make it powerful
Got my guy up to 22 yesterday. Really not looking forward to grinding for Barretts etc again if I end up playing on PC primarily but damn I've forgotten how good it is to play without bloody thumbsticks. Would save me having to buy last stand for ps4 too as I have the season pass for PC already.

Another note: Do you think that Barretts will be better or worse with 1.6? I guess it depends if they change the scaling right? But potentially having it as a source of armour when armour will be largely disappearing would still make it powerful

Good question. I was talking about the armour numbers with someone the other day and basically yeah, we're going to have a lot less armour, which means that whilst Barretts + 10% armour will be one of the only other sources of armour, it's going to be less than we get now. How much difference that makes in terms of your survivability is going to depend on how damage is changed regarding EAD. It could be that EAD is still very important in PVE but less so in PVP.
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Got my guy up to 22 yesterday. Really not looking forward to grinding for Barretts etc again if I end up playing on PC primarily but damn I've forgotten how good it is to play without bloody thumbsticks. Would save me having to buy last stand for ps4 too as I have the season pass for PC already.

For me it wasn't necessarily the thumbsticks, but the weird input lag / acceleration on PS4, never felt right...
Gamble, did you get your account back?

For 1.6, I think I'm going to try to build a Reclaimer set as I have a Caddy ready to go, should be really helpful for the new difficulty. Also looking forward to 8 of us teaming up for some PvP too :)

Another note: Do you think that Barretts will be better or worse with 1.6? I guess it depends if they change the scaling right? But potentially having it as a source of armour when armour will be largely disappearing would still make it powerful

Not yet and no updates on the appeal. They are keeping in contact regarding the complaint funnily enough...as I keep saying, im going to keep pushing but my new account is god roll tastic and RNG is feeling sorry for me so its stronger already.

Level 61 DZ already also, 2 chars on wt5 and 2 on lvl 4 as mules... ridiculous how much i have been playing and how much gear i have.

Some additional 1.6 information I found(not formatted, random qoutes)

haste is a "cheaper" stat, so you can pick it to get your low-power skills on shorter CD.
that is what the DPS players will probably need in 1.6 as we wont be able to reach a good enough level of SP without crippling another area

yes. Working on fixing talents to stop applying when weapon is switched
RIP 182 sidearm

Additionally, if I use the exotic as a main weapon, can I use AB to get a 4th talent on there?

yes that's the intent. We will see if the UI works for the PTS though
OK thats nice

so they are really forcing everyone away from the AB meta, I like it. lol will still be useful i think

legendary has mostly red bar enemies. It's their mechanics, tactics and AI that's challenging
hungry hog talent was a bit misquoted: additional kills in the same firing sequence stacks additional 20% bonuses on top Each kill gives 20% and they stack
Valkyria is being split into two weapons. This change is retroactive. This means, we should buy at least two of them? Or...?
No. one f them is new and has to be gone and gotten somewhere
We are also getting PTS information this week but I forgot to qoute the statement and now cant find it :D
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My first experience of 1v1 in the DZ...

:D gg! Btw sorry for rudely falling off the face of the earth after you very kindly offered to boost my pc char. I'll be on a bit more now and playing the PTS so we should hook up for a game.

Had one particularly funny moment in the DZ whilst rogue hunting solo. Guy went from shooting me in the back to being on the floor in no more than 5 seconds. Flashbang sticky + having no skills + my alpha build = gone.
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