*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

honestly i dont rate AB that high.. the setup i have now with no gear set works great for me and i dont need to worry about running out of ammo all the time

i have AB setup on my alt with the m4 + famas and i dont notice that much of a difference to my main setup
Out of all my builds, I really like my 3 piece FM and 3 piece Firecrest. Great fun and some decent damage to boot. My most boring setup is AlphaBridge and not sure if just me but I don't find it that wonderful. I miss my Sniper rifle as well but my go to bild is my Frontline.... Just crazy standing toe to toe with the big guys! I really hope the nerf to Frontline isn't that noticeable.
I preferred the build diversity pre alphabridge. now every man and his dog runs it and it's boring.

I agree 100%, we should have diversity. Everyone runs AB now because its pretty much the highest DPS build you can get + the EAD AR's, with no real drawbacks health or skill wise.

What I'm saying is that with all the 1.6 changes, AB would have probably become balanced in the grand scheme of things (i.e. you won't be able to use Uncomplicated and you need some SP). It just grates on me that things get nerfed and become unusable because they were popular, rather than actually fixing the core issues.

Maybe is just me, but instead of there always being one "highest DPS" build meta; imagine if we had the current AB AR setup, but also the option of Sentry 1.4 + Shotgun or crit chance SMGs. That would give 3 viable DPS/PvP orientated builds....
I agree 100%, we should have diversity. Everyone runs AB now

Eeerm I dont, I run firecrest as i find the disruption effects (other than the big guys of course) very useful. Should I be looking to change that? I get the bonus for it is pretty cool but doesn't this limit versatility? I tend to run around with G36 and some kinda MM rifle.

I only picked this up just after the free weekend as I wasn't too sure I would enjoy it at release and wasn't willing to pay for it. Well I do now, its awesome fun, but I do have some questions

What is there to do once you get to 256 and find a build you enjoy? I mean ok I see the incursions but the matchmaking system seems to hit or miss. In this I mean the quality of the players. Ive only done 4 of them so far but 3 of those groups just had 2/3 players that just wanted too leeroy off and do their own thing and get slaughtered for it.

While I agree this is the same in many games (jebus wow is bad for it at times) I've never seen someone be so individualistic and so "anti team" for lack of a better term

I do play survival a lot, I find it really fun and in places challenging.Underground just seems a bit too dull and repetitive.... am I missing something there?
Eeerm I dont, I run firecrest as i find the disruption effects (other than the big guys of course) very useful. Should I be looking to change that? I get the bonus for it is pretty cool but doesn't this limit versatility? I tend to run around with G36 and some kinda MM rifle.

I only picked this up just after the free weekend as I wasn't too sure I would enjoy it at release and wasn't willing to pay for it. Well I do now, its awesome fun, but I do have some questions

What is there to do once you get to 256 and find a build you enjoy? I mean ok I see the incursions but the matchmaking system seems to hit or miss. In this I mean the quality of the players. Ive only done 4 of them so far but 3 of those groups just had 2/3 players that just wanted too leeroy off and do their own thing and get slaughtered for it.

While I agree this is the same in many games (jebus wow is bad for it at times) I've never seen someone be so individualistic and so "anti team" for lack of a better term

I do play survival a lot, I find it really fun and in places challenging.Underground just seems a bit too dull and repetitive.... am I missing something there?

dont forget the HVTs too, but mostly i just work through the daily objectives so your pretty much doing everything then
I'm now glad that I was unable to find a decent set of AB gear in 1.5, not only for the fact that it is now being nerfed, but also for the fact that I would never have discovered the awesomeness of my full HE build (367/500/116/55%mit/57%ead). Roll on 1.6.
Based on youtube videos, dev blog as well as asking ETF2 members opinions on their twitch here is a list of what to consider keeping with the run up to 1.6:

Gear Mods
  • We all have gear mods with + armour = this will be changed to "health" in 1.6 retroactively
  • Gear mods with "health" currently will be changed into "All Resist" bonus
  • If you get low armour rolled gear mods, health or skill power - keep them!

  • Buy all the named weapons available for sale and try and farm for the remander named weapons. They will turn into exotics and the rumour is they wont be available for purchase in 1.6.
  • FAMAS - It is rumoured that ucomplicated will be changed to an exotic talent as it is unique to that weapon - which means it wont work with AB. However it is only a rumour - FAMAS isn't named currently
  • AB runners - farm for suitable secondaries if you want to ensure to keep AB
  • If you plan to run reclaimer - try and get the caddy - unique talent will heal your group on crits/kills apparently.

Weapon Mods
  • If you want to run SEEKR, keep weapon mods that have CHD spec'd onto them. Muzzle, scope, handstop, extended mag. You will crit with seekr talents so no need for CHC.
  • Everything else is as now - HSD, mag size etc

  • High native armour rolls! (list posted below)
  • Same gear pieces with matching resists as 100% bleed for example - will make you completely immune ;)
  • Due to EAD byproxy getting nerfed with the reduction on armour, OOC will be a good focus for PVP so lonestar/banshee would be good to keep
  • Status effect giving gear might be better then EAD penetrating gear so predators, firecrest - is currently being collected by etf streamers which people are questioning(as they didn't have these builds before)

Reading through the lines of the dev blog, they are seemingly trying to push our mindset away from armour being OP and into the trinity of team synergy. DPS-er needs a healer, healer needs someone to protect him whilst he heals, then a pure tank.


Will update this as and when I think of more.
Tried my first survival.. Got bent over by the hunter :D

Had my second ever go at Survival tonight - couldn't find water anywhere and with the lack of medicine ended up getting "sepsis"(?) - got what I needed and got to the extraction zone - only to die of the virus seconds before reaching the helicopter!

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