Heal whilst ADS needs to be a benefit to people. They should make it - no healing whilst hipfire.
i keep seeing this at the top of the pc gaming forum, i stopped playing when survivor dlc came out and at the time i had top gear.
Is it worth coming back? At the moment im on elite dangerous and cs:go
For people who don't know, it's Aiming Down Scope (ADS). It looks like it's being treated as a bug though.
Yeah, I reckon they probably wanted to allow it for ADS but remove it from hipfire
Enjoying this PTS now. Super fun, great games tonight. Thanks @JediFragger @Radeon85 @TheF34RChannel
Difficult question to answer. Why did you move onto other things? What might bring you back? All of us here would definitely recommend coming back - we're here after all. You may want to give it a chance and see if it gets your blood pumping (it does mine). There's certainly enough to do!
Please let it be so, because it is quite annoying.
Thanks for the games everyone, good PTS fun! Thinking beforehand that HF would be meh I've come around and am now quite partial to it! It seems to provide nice buffs for the team as well (correct me if I'm wrong please).
I left the game because of the stupid bullet sponge, but i love the snipe rifle builds. hmmmm
I just finished testing HF and holy ****. 2 million headshot damage non crits. Just one shot my way through the start of Napalm legendary.
This will be my new sniper build when it comes out, just wow..
The Optimisation system is interesting, and I like the concept rather than introduce a whole new gear score. I don't think it will create too much of an imbalance between the casual and hardcore player and don't see it as an easy way out of farming - more like levelling the RNG curve a bit. The casual player is still going to be gated in two ways - first, the starting base of most of the causal players gear is likely to be between 256-270, unless they've done some optimising already. This will require around a dozen (or more) optimisation rolls per item to get to 286 per item. The credits probably won't be an issue, but the Div-Tech will be @50 per roll. The casual player won't have the necessary Div-Tech to get everything optimised unless they really go for it. This is one of my real concerns with this system - if I stay away from the DZ then I can only get Div-Tech from the Resistance activity...pretty limiting (I am glad however to be getting a use for credits - in the live game I've just hit a quarter of a billion so have plenty.)
Well I now have over 2300 Divtech so it's a good start!! Think if you've got about 3000 then it'll be good for optimising 5 or 6 of your best builds![]()
I should hit that np![]()
Afaik yes, DZ= Div Tech. in 1.8 then the LZ should house it.