*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

When you are the support guy and have the highest damage output on the team...
Had that a fair chunk. Had several frustrating runs on Clear Sky, with some people who had clearly never done it. Not that I mind but tried to talk them though it and just fell on deaf ears. Did a few runs in 5 mins though, so not all bad. Only managed to complete Stolen Signal once also but that was my fault at times.... No matter how much I thought I was in the right place to shield the hostages, bullets got through at times and when we did manage to make it to the boss, he killed us all arghhhhhhhh

Got 10000 GE ready for the next GE, so good to go for the next one.
Got 10000 GE ready for the next GE, so good to go for the next one.

Not quite sure how but I was just short of 100,000 GE credits total earned by the end of this one :s didn't think I'd played that much.

Probably should have left some for next as I'm more interested in having some tactician bits for some builds but I don't think I'll have much trouble collecting credits either heh.
Not quite sure how but I was just short of 100,000 GE credits total earned by the end of this one :s didn't think I'd played that much.

Probably should have left some for next as I'm more interested in having some tactician bits for some builds but I don't think I'll have much trouble collecting credits either heh.
Yer, Tac and Firecrest are the 2 I want next. Not too fussed about Alpha, although it should be fun to try out still.
Yer, Tac and Firecrest are the 2 I want next. Not too fussed about Alpha, although it should be fun to try out still.

For team stuff I'm mostly using a Tact/Final Measures hybrid build that works OK - got the Caduceus half working with the healing bonus but the 0.2second cap keeps it from being that amazing :(
I had good RNG. Played about 4 hours of the GE total before I got bored, opened 33 caches including my initial 10k. Completed PM and banshee, and 1 piece short on Nomad. CBA with D3 so left it. Got all the new exotics and two houses also.

PM needs nerfed in PVP for sure but there is a PVP bleed damage multiplier that is currently set to 163% on the 6 piece PM set. Its in the files and I am sure its wrong lol! :D
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I had good RNG. Played about 4 hours of the GE before I got bored, opened 33 caches including my initial 10k. Completed PM and banshee, and 1 piece short on Nomad. CBA with D3 so left it. Got all the new exotics and two houses also.

PM needs nerfed in PVP for sure but there is a PVP bleed damage multiplier that is currently set to 163% on the 6 piece PM set. Its in the files and I am sure its wrong lol! :D
I got 4 sets of everything. All my chars have a Nomad set as it is good for PVE and 2 of my chars have Banshee for the DZ. I still get owned but can hold my own better than I used to.
I had good RNG. Played about 4 hours of the GE total before I got bored, opened 33 caches including my initial 10k. Completed PM and banshee, and 1 piece short on Nomad. CBA with D3 so left it. Got all the new exotics and two houses also.

PM needs nerfed in PVP for sure but there is a PVP bleed damage multiplier that is currently set to 163% on the 6 piece PM set. Its in the files and I am sure its wrong lol! :D

Nah its ok,as its my main set to go atm :D
I did a mixture of incursions and legendary missions and until I got bored did Lexington a few times with a team that was just grinding it over and over - for a bit I jumped in with a team on clear skies who were doing it really fast - probably no more than 3 minute runs.

On another note does anyone know the rate of fire for the sentry turret? it is a bit of information that would be kind of good to know but doesn't seem to be documented anywhere - is it just firing at the server tick rate? :s
Nah its ok,as its my main set to go atm :D

Of course it is, as it is super OP. If people aren't running it in PVP then they are going to get folder, unless they have nomad, because you know - personal Jesus and all that. lol!

163% PVP bleed damage before >150% set bleed bonus per tick is beyond stupid. People have been causing bleed ticks for over 150k with basically a tickles worth of damage due to stamina stacking. Its mental haha!

Simply reduce the PVP modifier and it will be fine I think - but then they have the rest of the unbalanced **** to deal with. They will never learn. Its awesome in PVE though but then, PVE is boring for me now.

@Rroff the turrets fire at 1000 RPM for the bullet turret, and 1200 RPM for the flame turret.

@digitalx when the GE event happens, they basically drop everywhere. Named bosses, missions, Survival caches, LS/Skirmish caches, incursions etc
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@Rroff the turrets fire at 1000 RPM for the bullet turret, and 1200 RPM for the flame turret.

With firecrest and performance mods with a high skill build that would put flame turrets around 400K dps.

On another note forgot they removed the DTE bonus from D3-FNC :( just had to rejig my main PVE build - hate it when developers make changes in that manner. Unless there is a huge change around in approach I won't be buying another game by Massive again despite they get a lot of things very right.
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I'm thinking about playing this again, probably a bad idea as I don't have that much time over xmas. I played for few weeks after launch and then hardly touched it since, think I had a bit of a go last Christmas (must be the winter setting that makes me want to play this :))

What's the best way to get back into it? According to uPlay my character is level 15. Should I continue or just start a new one?
Start fresh, it's been long enough that you could do 1-15 again without feeling like you are repeating yourself.

Rroff said:
Not quite sure how but I was just short of 100,000 GE credits total earned by the end of this one :s didn't think I'd played that much.
Rroff said:
On another note forgot they removed the DTE bonus from D3-FNC :( just had to rejig my main PVE build - hate it when developers make changes in that manner. Unless there is a huge change around in approach I won't be buying another game by Massive again despite they get a lot of things very right.

oh Rroff :D
So anyone still playing resistance? I've not gone back after the first 2-3 days or so and I notice no one in the 20 or so people I play the game regularly with are bothering with it any more - at least when I'm online.

Seems to me like ultimately it was a huge waste of development resources - I've not even set foot in WSP lately.
Resistance isn't for me. I have only done a couple of rounds and soon got bored. I much prefer free roaming and missions of all difficulties.
I really wish they'd put in more missions along the lines of Times Square legendary which just reuse interesting locations around the LZ for fairly linear but fun in coop missions.

It feels like the developers are just marching along to a pre-ordained script removed from the actual realworld reality of how the game is played, etc. and completely out of touch with what really is working and not working ingame.

Despite the developer getting some things very right about the game there are enough issues I absolutely won't be buying another game by Massive again or for that matter Ubisoft.
Despite the developer getting some things very right about the game there are enough issues I absolutely won't be buying another game by Massive again or for that matter Ubisoft.

I just dont understand people who do this! Rroff you've put hundreds of hours in to the game. For all it's faults , you've got your moneys worth ten times over. It was only a few days agao that you said you have over 10k GE credits? I mean WTF i bearly had to the time to manage a fifth of that. If the game was really that bad then you wouldn't be playing it at all yet you have been, a lot...and you say you'll never buy an other ubiosft game because of it?

Massive (ha) Overreaction.
I just dont understand people who do this! Rroff you've put hundreds of hours in to the game. For all it's faults , you've got your moneys worth ten times over. It was only a few days agao that you said you have over 10k GE credits? I mean WTF i bearly had to the time to manage a fifth of that. If the game was really that bad then you wouldn't be playing it at all yet you have been, a lot...and you say you'll never buy an other ubiosft game because of it?

Massive (ha) Overreaction.

Same with BF4 - if there was another game that had the core of what I find good about the game without all the bad bits I'd jump to it in a heart beat - despite being a lot I enjoy there are areas where it feels like the developers really don't care and I can't justify rewarding that by spending more money in their direction in future. Eventually I will walk away from a game despite investment i.e. Eve Online after about 6 years and many thousands of £ spent the change in direction by the developers eventually meant I quit playing despite not being bored by the game.

I'm kind of spoilt in many ways as games like Quake 1 and 2 formed a fundamental part of my formative gaming experience and have low tolerance for many of the practises that are becoming common in the gaming industry today.
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