*** The DIY Audio Thread ***

Some of the projects on this thread look really cool, think Ill have a bash at the cmoy at some point since im a noob at electronics.
Ok its a sad day but im thinking about getting rid of my modified cheap dac and shigaclone cd transport project. Just trying to find out if there is any interest or is it worth just sticking it on the bay, not sure if this is allowed but this is the thread with the only people in it that would really know anything about them and if i get any replys ill stick them in th MM.
The ebay cheap DAC,

It has a transformer that i purchased seperate. but it is still very much a project as in with no case etc and has the output removed.

to keep myself occupied over Xmas


This is still in progress, baseplate needs drilling, knobe needs installing. etc.

Its making music though.

weighs in at just over 14kg.......
yep, parts alone just over £260, time........ about 50 hrs maybe?

the first turn on didnt go smoothly, I had the wrong datasheet for a transistor in the constant current source for the cathodes, which meant they ran away on turn on, valves that are bright red are bad!

I didnt skimp on components though, kiwame resistors, obbligato caps, samwha electrolutics.

You could probably do it for £200 ish.
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Adam that's fantastic. Any internal shots?

Damian, what caps did you mod the cheapDAC with? I've got mine running Oscons and Wima bypass caps.
I'll post internal pics tomos, camera battery is out. Its not hooked up to my main speakers yet, i'll report back on listening results in a few days.
Looks good Adam - i presume its a speaker amp?

Im thinking of ordering the parts for the y1 DAC, but would ideally like a little more experience in surface mount stuff before attempting to solder the DAC. I have the 41hz SMT practice kit, and i dont think im too bad, but its just resistors, and not many to boot! Are there any good (and preferably cheap) SMT kits that are worth trying? I have some old pc parts to solder/desolder, and was looking at the Bantam USB DAC from headfi, although i cant seem to get on to the site to buy these from...
it is indeed a speaker amp, puts out about 12watts per channel.

apparantly the smd on the y1 dac isnt too bad, its pretty wide pitched.
Finally bought myself a DAC for the Starving Student, went with the Fubar II USB DAC.

Now running ALAC > Mark Grant interconnects > Fubar II > Starving Student > Ultrasone Pro 750.

Sounds fantastic.
WOW Adam that looks lush. Black case with silver knobs / feet rock.

O and i bet it sounds ok too :p

Moving back with the parents soon so will the space and equipment to do a few small projects. Might even try a DAC out and see how it compares to the modified output stage on my emu 0404 PCI. WOuld never try it on my CD-63 as I have already spent £200 on bits to make the analogue output circuitry sound stunning :p
Finally got mine finished, after days of work fixing, modifying and generally bodging. It's a 41Hz.com AMP10 Basic Class D, with an onboard Chinese DAC. There are 4 possible sources, selected by the rotary switch on the front. There's also an OPA2132 based headphone amp, and inserting the headphones cuts the signal to the speakers.

Some eye candy:

Top view:

"noodle DAC" from ebay. Modified with Wima bypass caps, Os-Con caps, and also modified to take up to a 96kHz signal. Output stage has been bypassed.

The Tripath 2022 based AMP10. 2*100W channels. Heatsinked to the case.

Headphone amp and input selection LED board.


Source selection:

Rear view:

Overall I'm finally pleased to have finished it. I've had so many problems, it's just nice to be able to now enjoy the sound. The sound, by the way, is fantastic. Great clarity, especially using the DAC.

I'm a bit disappointed with my front panel. I managed to get some greasy Araldite marks on there, which I can't remove.
There's a 3A fuse in the plug, that'll do for now. I've got a kettle lead socket with an integrated fuse, but I don't have access to the tools I need to widen the hole at the moment.
and, have you seen shaeffler (poor spelling) but it is the european version of front panel express. You could get a stunnign front panel done.

3a is surely too big. 3a * 240v = 720watts. thats a fire before the fuse blows, and just ask gurusan about the quality of the noddle dac transformer.
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