The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Mine says within 7 days of the 4th. That would mean postage on the 11th as the latest, though I hope it wont be posted later than wednessday.

Sounds like there are now at least 2 batches with Teggies. Mine says 6 weeks from Sept 1st, but I did order it 2 months ago so I should be in the first group ;)
I was merely making the people awaiting status updates that they are now processing. I apologise for trying to be helpful and shall not do it again.
Im getting this error on steam -

There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.

Any idea why?

Ive tried 10 times now...
My Asda order says its " on back order". Not quite sure what that means! Anyone else oredered from Asda?

i think quantities are running quite low now, seems the preorders are at the max - gotta remember that the series has a massive following and even people in there 50+ will be picking it up, that together with the popularity of the genre after Game of Thrones im sure stocks are like zero now.

back order may mean that their awaiting new stock to come in before despatch - you might wanna look ordering elsewhere.
i think quantities are running quite low now, seems the preorders are at the max - gotta remember that the series has a massive following and even people in there 50+ will be picking it up, that together with the popularity of the genre after Game of Thrones im sure stocks are like zero now.

back order may mean that their awaiting new stock to come in before despatch - you might wanna look ordering elsewhere.

Meh, not all that fussed. Only ordered from Asda because it was £22. Don't really have to get it on release day.

To be honest it might have said back ordered since i ordered it and that might just be there thing for meaning pre-ordered.
the tescos that i work at have got a palate already in the back :P along with cod, cant buy it though as the store will get fined :P

Nice to know that Tesco have abundant stock :).

The second leading UK retailer (Asda) only has them on backorder.

Tesco seem to be making unbeatable progress in most areas of retail, and Im not being a fanboy, I used to work at Asda and they were fantastic, but only with groceries. Asdas electronics departments are greatly lacking, insted they were strongly prioritizing their George fashion and home business.
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