The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Got my preload off steam completed early this morning. Looking forward to spending some time ingame tomorrow, bugs & all - it's part of the ES experience.
I,m going to wait for a week or so.

Another xbox review. Still no pc reviews out :(

And You wont see any for a day or so as they have only been sending out the 360 version to review as if it gets copied it and play it on there unmodded 360 they get Banned where the Pc version you can't realy ban people and steam can be hacked :?
My postie always comes between 8 and 8:30. He had a nice tiny package for me which turned out to be Skyrim, only ordered on the 7th as well. Thanks Tesco, just so people know Tesco can be pretty good with pre-orders just like any other site really. Oh well need to finish Bloodlines first anyway :)

That's great news. I ordered mine on the 7th too, so hopefully it'll be waiting for me when I get home today! :D:D:D
All the naysayers having a go at Tesco earlier in the week and they are the first to deliver! That said mine isn't here but postie never comes until 10.30 or so.
people talking about bugs need to get their heads out of the sand - bugs are expected, it should come as no surprise that they exist in a game like this given they were present in the last 3!

does it matter? No.
Hoping Tesco pull through for me today too. Sadly can't play today as I work nights and I'll be asleep. But I get home for the weekend tomorrow at 7am, so it'll be nice to know it sitting there waiting for me to get home :p
As stated above several times: not a single PC review. Something is seriously wrong here and I'm holding off my purchase until I know what it is. I have a very bad feeling about this.
Looks like a should have stuck with Tesco, ah well.

BTW, where are people buying the guide from?

My housemate and I are going full out for This weekend. 4 days of Skyrim, eating and boozing. We have 16 bottles of St Peter's Gold Ale on the way (we both have pewter tankards), along with 20 cans of larger. Then heading to the butchers tomorrow for lots of tasty meats, cheeses and freshly baked breads. FOR GONDOR, I mean, FOR SKYRIM!
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As stated above several times: not a single PC review. Something is seriously wrong here and I'm holding off my purchase until I know what it is. I have a very bad feeling about this.

Na, they're tight on the software they give out for review - look what happened with the xbox version, that was everywhere immediately. TES games sell well regardless of reviews, there's a hell of a following - therefore why bother risking the data hitting torrents everywhere before release? Then once the die-hards have got hold of it, reviews are done, then everyone else gets it. No story spoiled, no great drama.

The xbox version has had rave reviews, at the lowest possible end the PC version will be the same as that with modifyable graphics, resolution & modding options.

If I'm wrong I'll eat my pre-order card/burlap/paper mache map. If it ever arrives :P
the game will get pirated within an hour of release anyway... (name a steamworks game that didnt)

makes no sense to hold back review copies epsecially for a product that has a large hardcore following and the majority who would buy the game will do so regardless of wether they can download a pirate copy early or not.

its almost like a collectors item most people will want the boxed copy even for the standard version
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