How is that any better than before? Hell its even more punishing than it was originally. Athletics and Acrobatics you level up regardless. Restoration even non-mages level up, if slower. Same might apply to Alchemy. Blowing through enemies using Destruction is more effective at keeping your level down than using Alteration for Shield, Illusion to sneak up close, then Destruction for powerful touch spells.
I think I'm probably explaining myself poorly (I'm having a derpy day). Basically, all I was originally trying to say was that the way the new system works, from what I've read, is that if you level up one skill 99 times, you will be a higher level than someone who levels up 11 skills 9 times each. If they improve levelling in a similar way as we've been discussing especially, as in higher level practice gives more experience, this would mean that getting a character to level 20 or whatever would be quicker (ie. more 'efficient', as the article says) by specialising in a small group of skills than being a jack of all trades.
Indeed. I think there are mods that try and address it but they don't work that well. Same should apply to attacks and dealing more damage with them and blocking more powerful attacks.
Indeed. I do hope they improve this for Skyrim, because it's not like it should be that tricky, even by just having a 'experience gained = base number x damage dealt/items sold/mana cost etc.' type system.
Also, having just re-read the article, I am kind of peeved that acrobatics and athletics have been scrapped. I didn't particularly like the way they worked in Oblivion, especially acrobatics (oh wow, I've spent the last 10 hours bouncing around like a rabbit on E, now I can do a more awkward version of waterwalking

), but I'd rather they improved them than scrapped them entirely. Like making high level acrobats able to grab ledges and climb a la Brink. Imagine how fun it would be being able to play an agile archer who can scurry up trees, or a thief who can move along the rooftops to avoid detection. Ah well