The end of football as we know it?

salary cap would be the best thing to happen but i doubt it will happen anytime soon.

would make everything more even , plus clubs could spend the money saved on training youngsters etc instead
Every season we head towards a franchise based league such as the NFL, that old Budweiser advert is coming true.

At least we still have the lower leagues that we can go to and plenty of local teams to support and watch decent passionate football.
The other end is, we will always have football clubs that cease to exist, so? There are small and big companies in all sectors, some big companies run badly go belly up, some tiny companies are run brilliantly and make a great profit. Why are football clubs immune to going bust or being run badly.
This is something I've never understood about football fans, in the majority.

Start complaining that wages are too high, and they'll say they get pay packets for what they're worth, it's a business and they bring in revenue. Fair enough. But then a club goes into administration, it makes the news, there's an outcry from the league and so on so forth.

It is indeed a business, a very rich one. Companies come and go.
One thing.

Salary Cap

Look what its done for Rugby League , it superb watching it as anyone could win anything(well St Helens are pretty good, but bar that )
The salary cap was introduced to stop poor clubs spending more than they had, then getting into debt. This will never happen in Soccer because nearly all clubs have rich owners. I think there needs to be a quota on foreign players (without British passports), and maybe more benefits for clubs who use their home grown players from the academy.
i like the idea of a salary cap , i just dont understand why theres not one, what exactly is stoping this ?

players might actually play for the shirt instead of the temptation of more money elsewhere
The salary cap was introduced to stop poor clubs spending more than they had, then getting into debt. This will never happen in Soccer because nearly all clubs have rich owners. I think there needs to be a quota on foreign players (without British passports), and maybe more benefits for clubs who use their home grown players from the academy.

there can still be a salary cap even if the club does have rich owners
there can still be a salary cap even if the club does have rich owners
Indeed there can, but what would you put it at? What are most wage bills per annum in the Premier League? £40m? £50m? They're ridiculous figures and if you compare it with the £1.5m salary cap that there is in Rugby League, you can see where the problem lies. I don't think the governing bodies have to guts to do something as 'radical' as this though.
So where should the money go to if it doesn't go to the people that actually kick the ball?
Every season we head towards a franchise based league such as the NFL, that old Budweiser advert is coming true.

At least we still have the lower leagues that we can go to and plenty of local teams to support and watch decent passionate football.

Aye, all this investment in superstar players will only serve to further distance the "bigger" clubs from the fans. The premier league's loss is the Football Leagues' gain :)
I wish Parry wasn't such a ***, and just sold the club to DIC in the first place. The man really should just do the right thing now and get lost.

Hopefully if/when DIC takes over, they'll get rid of the clown who has long over-stayed his welcome.
I wish Parry wasn't such a ***, and just sold the club to DIC in the first place. The man really should just do the right thing now and get lost.

Im as anti-Parry as the next Liverpool fan but he can't be blamed for the American's buying the club. He was fully behind DIC's initial bid, it was Moores and the other shareholders that led to DIC withdrawing their offer.

If and when DIC buy the club then Parry has to go as he simply can't do his job but not before. At the moment he's the only reason that the entire £350m loan taken out in January isn't secured on the club. RBS required the full backing of the board to secure the entire loan against the club and he risked his job by refusing to back it (fortunately for him G&H fell out and Gillett stopped Hicks from firing him as he needed Parry). Parry is a **** but im sure he does have the clubs best interests at heart.

Anyway the next few months are going to get interesting again. The loan taken out in January is due for refinancing soon and it's going to be very difficult for them to get the money this time. There's also stories going around that Hicks faces bankruptcy and that we're his only asset that's in positive equity and that he may have to sell.
they might also realise it'll be their last chance to sell as well. i think if they get arsey then DIC will just sod them off and buy someone else. doubt they'll hang around now.
Possibly but they've not ****ed off yet, despite missing out twice already. One of the things going for us is that DIC's CEO is a big Liverpool fan and it's also being suggested that the Sheikh himself is a fan too and that he's now taking a personal interest.

They're also said to have turned down the chance to invest into other sides including Newcastle but maintained that they're only interested in us, but like you say they won't hang around forever.
Rugby Leagues salary cap is £1.6m which is minute comapred to the Premier League. That is not to say the principal is not a good one.

There are a few options the way I see it.

  • Set a total limit for for players wages as a percentage of profit.
  • Set a total limit for for players wages as a percentage of turnover.
  • A straight arbitrary salary cap per player.
Also what about the idea of not including the salary players that have come through the youth academy that starts x amount of games per season in the salary cap. This would free up a percentage of the salary cap budget still allowing players to be bought. This would have to be structured in a way that clubs are not allowed to inflate the salaries of these players in order to bend the rules if you understand what I mean.
If there is a salary cap then we wouldn't have all the superb players in the premier league that there are now, they will all go to Italy and Spain.
If there is a salary cap then we wouldn't have all the superb players in the premier league that there are now, they will all go to Italy and Spain.

Which is why I suggested that the cap should not be per player but as a percentage of x, whether that x is profit or turnover.
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